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  1. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in So peaceful!   
    Doesn't fit the media narrative...if he had been a Christian and had recently tried to convert his co-workers, it would have been BIG news.
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to robanadana in Thank you Bulldog Fans!   
    I can't speak for the rest of the Pirate faithful, but I really appreciated the applause after the young lady who led the invocation ended it with "in Jesus name." I try not to be political on the board but I do believe the vast majorityof Texas high school football fans are made to bow to the wishes of the very few.
  3. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to MoFo in HARDIN JEFFERSON   
    These clowns do not realize by pushing their "agenda" they strengthen ours. Kountze has sent them away with their tails tucked once now they are pushing to go 0-2 in our district.
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 77 in Journalist on terror watch list!   
    I'm sure it has nothing to do with being critical of Obama's policies...I wonder how many at MSNBC are on the watch list?
  5. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to shovel in The President's Response to ISIS   
    Maybe our government should arm American rebels in Texas and Arizona to fight ISIS! Oh wait... they want to arm Muslims in Syria and DISARM AMERICANS!
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in Republicans Vote To Continue Legal Bribery In Politics   
    You want a legitimate answer?
    The Supreme Court said that limiting how much you can donate to a political campaign is an unconstitutional violation of the right to freedom of speech. The Democrats don't like that ruling and want to not create a new law (which would also violate our constitutional rights) but to change the Constitution and limit free speech when it comes to politics. The Democrats say yes to changing the Constitution and limiting free speech when it comes to elections and the Republicans say no. 
    Ohhhh.... but let's not talk about free speech, let's call it what it has been called in this thread, bribery.
    If you call it legal bribery as the title of the thread suggests, is less money just "a little bribery"? If you offer a cop $500 to drop a citation it would be a bribe but if you only offer him $250, it isn't? That is what the campaign finance laws say. You can donate to someone (bribe by the claim of this thread) and it is perfectly okay but you can only bribe to a certain extent. Tell me where that makes sense. The Dems don't mind donations and sure aren't turning down any money.... they only mind if you get more than they do. So it is okay to bribe people, just keep the bribing "under control".
    There have been several such First Amendment cases that have thrown out campaign finance laws and in the most recent case (2014), the law (BCRA) allowed the "bribery"..... but you had to stop it 60 days before the election. Again, tell me where that makes any sense. Yes, you can put your money in electronic (television, radio, etc.) campaigning but you can't do it right at the end. Apparently the Dems think that bribery is perfectly okay to bribe 61 days out from an election but don't do it inside of 60 days.   And for that, they want to change the Constitution. 
  7. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Republicans Vote To Continue Legal Bribery In Politics   
    I would rather see big business influence votes and legislation than the do nothing ( you owe me a living ) crowd.
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to thetragichippy in Republicans Vote To Continue Legal Bribery In Politics   
    You were not here during the Bush administration........Same was done to him.....
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Big girl in Average Wage Drops 23% Under obama!   
    If you can't see the difference in Smitty's posts and those from ECO and most recently TXHoops (by design) I won't bother to explain it.

    As far as others agreeing with you, no doubt... the moderators seemed to take the path of no moderation and then a knee-jerk reaction to solve the problem.

    The forum is getting boring...national policy seems to be a nuisance and a bore to many.
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Average Wage Drops 23% Under obama!   
    Be careful, Smitty...you may be accused of flooding the forum with "right wing" threads, whether true or not.

    Feel free to use profanity and even call others idiots, pricks and stupid...that seems to be acceptable.

    It's a shame the moderators wouldn't actually take care or the real problem(s).
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Big girl in President Bush Had Iraq Under Control!   

    And won't stand behind his decision.
  12. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Should Fat People Be Taxed For Being Fat?   
    Some of these threads have gotten ridiculous and it hasn't been that way very long.

    Most posters have been on here for a while but the posts have gotten child like only recently....hmmmm...wonder why?
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to PN-G bamatex in Gone To Texas   
    The link is posted for laughs, but it touches on a real issue.
    I can remember learning about the people who picked up and left Texas and Oklahoma during the dust bowl for greener pastures in California in seventh grade Texas History. Now it seems the tables have turned in the Lone Star State's favor.
    When Occidental announced its decision to move from California to Texas earlier this year, Texas was officially slated to become the home state for more Fortune 500 companies than any other state in the country, fittingly eclipsing California in that ranking. When that transition is complete, 53 of those 500 companies will be headquartered within our borders. Despite the 2008 recession and the decline of US manufacturing, the total manufacturing output in Texas is up more than 150% since 1997, and Texas has the second highest number of manufacturing jobs of any state in the country (another metric where I believe we will soon outpace California). Energy production in Texas is projected to exceed its mid-70s record high within two years, and Texas will be out-pumping every oil producing nation in the world except Saudi Arabia by the end of this year. Accordingly, we've become a magnet for new residents. Texas led the country in domestic migration between 2002 and 2012, with more than a million people moving into this state from elsewhere in the country - roughly a sixth of our total growth during that time period. I think it's safe to say "Gone To Texas," a phrase also discussed in Texas History classes, is making a comeback.
    What's different about this mass migration, though, is that it hasn't been caused by some unforeseeable weather event that's devastated one regional economy and made another that much more enticing. This is caused as much by a difference in leadership as much as anything else. California easily could have taken steps to keep the companies and workers they've lost. The bottom line is, they didn't. Meanwhile, Texas has maintained a low-tax, low-regulation atmosphere that's drawn in everyone from Google, to Mossberg , to Charles Schwab, to Toyota. And for every company that picks up and moves completely, there's a half a dozen more that move significant portions of their operations into Texas.
    I don't think it can be made any more plain than that. When it comes to economics, the Texas model works. If we want the American economy to have a real recovery, and not this excuse for one we've gotten, then we're going to have to turn it from the Texas model into the American model.
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Eagle11 in Ben Carson's Major Announcement...   
    Hmmmmmm.......Big Girl..........what I have read about his early years his mom was left to raise the boys alone. She worked 2 and 3 jobs a day to have money for them. Now if she had food stamps and medical assistance that is wonderful. I know of no one that is against helping someone that is doing all they can but needs a little assistance. What myself and most conservatives I know do not like are the mom/dad laying around the house doing nothing for themselves or their kids demanding the government pay them.
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to TxHoops in Teabaggers Hate The "Mainstream" Media - Except When It Fits Their Narrative   
    Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East, period.  I cannot have empathy for countries whose identities are based on their hatred for our country and what we believe in.  Their very existence seems to be rooted in hatred - whether it be for America or Jews (and almost always both).  Not to mention their abhorrent treatment of women. 
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to bullets13 in George bush and the border   
    If one president doesn't act on a major problem, that does not excuse the next president to also not act on that problem. That being said, most of the "identical" situations that are posed in these threads of Big Girl's have obvious and fundamental differences which are pointed out, and then blindly ignored.
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Teabaggers Hate The "Mainstream" Media - Except When It Fits Their Narrative   
    Why do the moderators allow a thread that starts out with someone addressing teabaggers?

    It's not the first one...someone please do their job.
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in George bush and the border   
    Big Girl was critical of Perry for trying to do something about the illegals and critical of Bush for doing nothing (so she thinks).
    One might get the impression that no matter what a Republican does, to her, it will be wrong. 
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to thetragichippy in George bush and the border   
    He was not perfect.....but he was a leader!
    and still to this day did not blame ANYTHING on past Presidents
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America   
    The Bible (Hebrew) does not say Thou shall not kill...the proper interpretation is Thou shall not murder or more specifically according to Hebrew interpretation, Thou shall not shed INNOCENT blood.
    To condemn someone to death for a heinous crime is not shedding innocent blood....killing the unborn is.
  21. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Englebert in Thomas Sowell -- Dismantling America   
    I find if curious (not disputing the fact) that crime rates have gone down, but I now have to lock my house, car and every other thing. I have a lock on my trailer hitch. Twenty years ago I would never lock my house. I left my keys in the car ignition most of the time. House alarm systems were for paranoid rich people.
    But to answer the question, the sanctity of marriage has been dismantled. Instilling discipline in a child/juvenile is considered abusive. The idea of self-reliance is a thing of the past. Taking responsibility for one's own actions is out the window. Modesty and courtesy in public has evaporated. For way way too many people, taking care of your family is considered the job of the government. Reliance on government assistance is now considered normal. These are few things off the top of my head.
    Many things have changed for the better, and many things have changed for the worse. I would love to be able to keep all of the electronic gadgets, appliances, medical advancements, etc. that we have today, but live in Mayberry (I still watch old episodes of Andy Griffith). Does a town like that exist anywhere today?
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to stevenash in Year Up   
    Just watched a segment on Sixty Minutes about this program called Year Up.  It is a highly successful program intended solely for the disadvantaged that gives them an opportunity they might otherwise not get.  All of you lefties who believe that the right consists of greedy, uncaring, rich people need to take notice and understand what this program is achieving WITHOUT GOVERNMENT assistance and WITHOUT TAXPAYER DOLLARS.  And the majority of the participants are the Wall Streeters that you have been taught to hate ( even though you really don't know why, you have just accepted that they are evil)  THis program has high standards and demands accountability.  I heard one instructor say that if you are late to class because the bus was late, that simply isn't acceptable.  Young people who come out of this program are producing at a very high rate and have become productive citizens without throwing endless taxpayer dollars at it.  Donations are coming in from all over the country and you need to know that those evil Republicans are heavily involved in the donations and even more heavily involved in the education process.  This is PROOF POSITIVE that there are often times better ways to solve problems that having a bloated, inefficient, and unaccountable government handling the process and it is damn sure more productive than Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.  Big Girl, what would you do if someone you knew took advantage of this program and became a Wall Street success story?  Would you cheer them for what they have accomplished or would you demonize them for becoming a productive member of  the "establishment"?
  23. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from smitty in Perry Deploys National Guard...   
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to thetragichippy in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    My Dad used a belt (and not very often because I was a pretty smart kid and it only took one time to realize that sucked!)......
    My Grandmother would use a metal fly swatter.......holy crap that stung!! I remember my cousin being chased up a tree with my grandma following her.....She wouldn't come down, so my Gandma went and got a lawn chair and waited for her :D
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from thetragichippy in Spanking of 8-year-old boy for cursing was not excessive, court rules   
    I got spanked with whatever was handy.
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