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    LumRaiderFan reacted to Englebert in NCAA Baseball Regionals   
    I have a feeling California's travel ban will be treated just like they treat immigration law...ignore it. 
    I'm to the point of advocating for the wall to be built along the California border with Arizona and Utah instead of the Mexican border. Can we build both?
  2. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Reagan in US gains 223K jobs; unemployment at 18-year low of 3.8 pct.   

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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Englebert in Will TBS Fire Samantha Bee ?   
    Anyone that doesn’t know who the woman is that Roseanne tweeted about and voted for Obama, is a certified low information voter.
    Conservatives are very aware of who she is...surprise, surprise.
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Will TBS Fire Samantha Bee ?   
    I was reading this earlier and had the same thoughts.
    You could fill an entire forum with stories just like this one.
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    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in Ronald Reagan on Memorial Day 1982!   

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to BS Wildcats in So the Dems thought tax cuts were bad?   
    With a strong emphasis on the latter.
  7. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Kountzer in Dallas Hillcrest Player Was 25 Years Old   
    True. But then I've never once claimed to know.  As has been stated ad nauseam only God the father knows, as per matt 24:36 and a few other places.   Jesus Christ himself gives the season of the 2nd coming in the rest of matt 24 and in other places.
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Don't Say...   
    ....."Happy" Memorial Day. I agree....
    SEAL who shot bin Laden: Don't wish me a happy Memorial Day

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to stevenash in So the Dems thought tax cuts were bad?   
    From the May 26 edition of the Wall Street Journal:
    Democratic governors have lambasted the GOP tax reform as “evil in the extreme,” to quote the moral stylings of California Governor Jerry Brown. But that isn’t stopping them from cashing in on the tax law.
    Many liberal states have reported unexpected revenue surges. Tax revenues in California this year are $3.8 billion higher than the governor’s forecasts. New York’s Comptroller reported last month that tax collections have surpassed the state’s February forecast by $315 million. Even Connecticut raked in $1.3 billion more than its pie-in-the-sky projections.
    Corporate tax revenues are booming thanks to growing profits and, though it’s still early, businesses repatriating billions in foreign income. The GOP tax bill imposes a one-time tax on overseas cash and allows future profits to be repatriated tax free. According to California’s Legislative Analyst Office, eliminating the incentive to stash cash abroad will increase revenues “on a one-time basis by a few hundred million dollars over the next two to three years” and permanently boost state coffers by tens of millions of dollars annually. Note also that the dividends corporations are paying to shareholders will be taxed by states, as will capital gains that result from stock buybacks.
    Some high-earners appear to have shifted income forward to dodge the $10,000 state-and-local tax deduction limit that takes effect this year. California’s Legislative Analyst notes that “tax payments appear to have been shifted from January 2018 to December 2017,” but adds that this year’s “ongoing growth in tax payments appears to be healthy.” So the revenue boom isn’t merely a product of tax timing.
    The Trump Administration’s deregulation and tax reform have unleashed animal spirits, which has increased stock values and capital gains. These revenues are volatile, but the serendipitous surge was a godsend for Connecticut. Without the revenue spike, the state would have hit its debt limit and may have had to cancel school construction projects.
    Some states are also double-dipping on tax reform’s base-broadening measures. Nearly all states incorporate provisions of federal tax law to varying degrees. Six use federal taxable income—which excludes personal exemptions and itemized deductions—as their baseline when calculating an individual’s liability. Most link some of their deductions and credits to the federal code.
    Because the GOP tax reform reduced many deductions, more income may be taxed at the state level. According to the California Franchise Tax Board, the state-and-local tax deduction limit will produce an additional $550 million in state revenue this year. New York estimated a $400 million revenue increase from the state-and-local tax deduction limit. After high-earners howled, New York decoupled its deductions from the federal code to prevent a tax hike.
    But Colorado is expecting a $197 million windfall from changes in federal tax law, which it plans to pump into schools. Minnesota has projected a $416 million dividend. Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton this week vetoed a bill passed by the GOP legislature to prevent a tax hike on state residents.
    Remember how Democratic governors wailed that the limit on the state-and-local tax deduction would slam their taxpayers? Yet many are now happy to pocket an incidental increase in state tax revenues. They can soak their rich without actually raising taxes.
    Democratic governors are worried that the deduction cap could drive out high-earners by raising their federal tax burden. But then why not cut their tax rates? Idaho’s Tax Commission estimated that conforming with the new tax law would increase state revenue by $97 million. Idaho lawmakers responded by reducing the corporate and individual income tax rates by 0.475 percentage points across the board. Republicans in Georgia cut their top individual and corporate tax rates to 5.5% from 6% by 2020.
    Rather than invent convoluted schemes to reduce their taxpayers’ federal tax burden, Democrats ought to cut their own.
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Dallas Hillcrest Player Was 25 Years Old   
    Please don’t encourage him, Grad...we’re doomsdayed out over there.
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in And you thought you had a bad day at work....   
    This will be just another day at Starbucks with their new policy in place.
  12. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in Do you think this email is accurate?   
    D. All of the above
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in NFL adopts policy to fine teams if players and personnel don't stand for national anthem   
    You know it...very doubtful that the nfl was suddenly overcome with Patriotism.
  14. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Ty Cobb in Do you think this email is accurate?   
    IF all of this is true and you support pelosi you are either, 
    A. an idiot
    B. a liberal (which is the political correct way to say idiot)
    C. anti-American
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in And you thought you had a bad day at work....   
    If this was posted on the political thread, I’d say she’s a liberal.  
    But since it’s the Locker Room, I’m speechless.  
  16. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Hagar in And you thought you had a bad day at work....   
    This one obviously leaves folks speechless.
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 77 in The Curtain Pulled Back!   
    This is the REAL swamp.
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from 77 in NAACP leader's racial profiling claim challenged after bodycam footage released   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up A NAACP leader and a "Reverend".
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in School Shooting   
    Reading comprehension and the ability to reason are essential in this case. 
    The OP talks about a lack of discipline, tolerance for perversion, etc., as being a driving force in today’s school. 
    When I was 8 years old my father would have me walk to a convenience store about two blocks  from my house. When I got there I would buy a  box of .22 short bullets for 25 cents.  Then my father and I would go to the canal near my house and shoot at turtles and snakes and things floating in the water etc. Sometimes I would do the same thing but he was not with me. So here is a young child allowed to buy bullets and walk on a public roadway with a rifle. No one bothered, no one called the police, no one challenge anything and just excepted that as life.  The point is that anyone could have a firearm and anyone could buy bullets yet we had no mass murders and probably nowhere near the violence of today. There were no gang shootings, people did not have fear to live in a city for being shot randomly, etc. We drove around town with shotguns and rifles exposed in the back of our trucks window racks.  We sometimes brought them to school. People did not call the police and we were in no fear of people breaking into our pickup trucks in a parking lot just to get their hands on any gun that was seen.  In fact there was almost no need because you can simply buy one. 
     So what has changed? Why could a small child get his hands on a firearm and buy his own ammunition and yet there was no fear in society? 
     It isn’t the number of guns that is the problem. It is not the access to guns that is the problem because they are much more restricted now than when I was growing up. 
     Not all but much of the problem is exposed in the OP.   Everybody gets a trophy, no one gets their feelings hurt, you get to walk across the stage and get a diploma even though there is no way you will ever earn one, and other such nonsense of tolerance and no punishment for bad behavior is much of the issue  
    It isn’t access to guns that is remotely the issue in American society today  
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to bullets13 in Espn piece on Sante Fe Baseball   

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to PhatMack19 in Kingwood Park 7 Santa Fe 0/GM2-FINAL/Kingwood Park wins series 2-0!   
    KP advances 7-0
    Prayers to the entire Santa Fe community.  Tip of the cap to KP coaches and players for the way they treated the Santa Fe players & staff before the game and during this ordeal.  True class
  22. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to jv_coach in School Shooting   
    So with these schools shootings, people are calling for more armed officers at school, more metal detectors, more mental health awareness. Does anybody else not see that if you need armed police officers, metal detectors, mental health professionals at school the problem is within the schools and  not the guns. The problem is there is no discipline in schools. How dare a a teacher use corporal punishment on your kid, because your kid never does wrong. Its the other kids fault, it's the teachers fault, we discourage personal responsibility and we act dumbfounded when a kid just continues to make decisions based on the sad fact that they have never faced real  consequences for their actions. The problem is we think kids are innocent of evil desires but they are not. We act like the music they listen to, the books they read, or the media they use has no influence over their actions. Then we got teachers and administrators who find their worth as people based on if the kids like them, instead of making them learn, we got teachers and administrators with no backbone and just do what they are told without worrying about the implications of their spineless decision making.  We got teachers who agree with the absurdity of boys and girls should use the same bathrooms and locker rooms. We have boys winning girls sporting events in the name of tolerance for the LGBT perversion.
    Well people we tolerate a lot of bogus political correctness ideology in schools up to this point, so we might just have to tolerate school shootings now. Sadly nothing happens overnight and neither was this travesty we built, called modern public education.
    So the finger needs to be pointed at the people who said " Corporal punishment is wrong"  the people who say "kids with mental health issues should be allowed in schools", those who think its ok for kids with gang affiliation to be in a school to start with, blame people who say "we should think based on our feelings not on what is true", blame those who say " George Washington is bad ,but Che Guevara is good"  and we should blame those who hate God so much that the mere reference to God in schools or to pray in Jesus name is ,in these progressive minded people, the downfall of a western society. Blame the guns if you want, but whatever you do, never blame the evil that lies in each of our own hearts, and never demand from yourself and your children any type of moral excellence.
    High schools are just a microcosm of the problem in society and the real problem is that our society is immoral, hedonistic, narcissistic  and godless. Our culture believes nothing is wrong so don't you dare judge me, and that God will never judge us for our sins, but our conscience tells us that  there is moral truths that
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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Supreme Court legalizes sports gambling   
    So would you agree that states should be allowed to decide how they choose to handle abortion?
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from jv_coach in Supreme Court legalizes sports gambling   
    Not a gambler but anytime something is taken from the feds and given back to the states, it's a good thing.
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in Crossfire Huricane!   

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