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  1. Sad
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in Space Force Lt. Colonel Removed From Command   
    And what did this young patriot do?  He spoke out against Marxism and critical race theory in the Military.  What are you going to do Biden?  Destroy our Military?

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Constitutional Carry of handguns in Texas   
    We live in a society that has to have warning labels on fish hooks so that individuals do not put them in their mouths. I don’t think asking these same individuals to take a gun safety course is too much. 
  3. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Reagan in Constitutional Carry of handguns in Texas   
    I do not...I think the strain will be placed on bad guys trying to do their thing.  
  4. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from baddog in Constitutional Carry of handguns in Texas   
    I do not...I think the strain will be placed on bad guys trying to do their thing.  
  5. Haha
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    And shame on you for denigrating the National Enquirer.  😂🤣😂
  6. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Realville in An update on the Fraudulent Election.   
    The National Enquirer of TV. 😂🤣
  7. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in Why can’t people just obey Police Officers orders?   
    Yes it is. Almost 4 decades of almost unimaginable sights that the public can only guess at and a frequency most most people did not know exists. In a department that averages 8-9 officers per shift, I have been to over 1,000 death scenes from all causes (several children), in the hospital maybe 6 times in the line of duty, 5 shooting incidents where I shot at someone, was shot at up close enough to actually see the gun pointing at me or my partner killing a guy about 10 feet from me, talked to people as they were dying, a few high speed chases including drive by shooting suspects, undercover operations, probably over 50, 000 contacts with the public, participated in more than 10,000 arrests, 10 years on swat, 30 years of teaching at the police academy.............
     I could go on but yes it becomes ingrained.
    A couple of weeks before I retired I ran into this post on Facebook. It was completely accidental but almost appropriate. Another officer in a police only forum was asking what it was like to retire because he had a couple of days to go or something like that. I was only a few days behind him and there were plenty of usual responses such as congratulations, you will love it, it will take a while but you will “eventually” wonder why you didn’t do it earlier, welcome to the club and so on. One said this however and I saved it.....
    >>>>>Author unknown;
    When Cops Retire
    When a good cop leaves the 'job' and retires to a better life, many are jealous, some are pleased and yet others, who may have already retired, wonder. We wonder if he knows what he is leaving behind, because we already know. We know, for example, that after a lifetime of camaraderie that few experience, it will remain as a longing for those past times. We know in the law enforcement life there is a fellowship which lasts long after the uniforms are hung up in the back of the closet . We know even if he throws them away, they will be on him with every step and breath that remains in his life. We also know how the very bearing of the man speaks of what he was and in his heart still is.
    These are the burdens of the job. You will still look at people suspiciously, still see what others do not see or choose to ignore and always will look at the rest of the law enforcement world with a respect for what they do; only grown in a lifetime of knowing. Never think for one moment you are escaping from that life. You are only escaping the 'job' and merely being allowed to leave 'active' duty.
    So what I wish for you is that whenever you ease into retirement, in your heart you never forget for one moment that 'Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called children of God,' and you are still a member of the greatest fraternity the world has ever known.
    There are those that think they understand. And then . . . There are cops.<<<<<
  8. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from tvc184 in Why can’t people just obey Police Officers orders?   
    No sir, thank you!
    Enjoy your retirement.
  9. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to tvc184 in Why can’t people just obey Police Officers orders?   
    The toughest part was waiting so long to shoot. I think legally the officer could have simply opened fire while the guy was holding her at knife point. There is no legal requirement to wait until he starts the motion forward with the blade, a requirement to negotiate or anything else.
    The threat was made, the weapon was displayed and he was standing in position to carry out the threat. The officer used good tactics in trying to de-escalate the situation but is my opinion it put the woman in more danger by allowing the man to possibly carry out the threat under the mantra of political correctness . Now officers have to risk their own lives and of victims by trying to talk a guy down who is in position to carry out a deadly threat.
    Here is a question I would like to ask for people that think the police such as this situation, handled it wrong. At what point should the police hold back from using force at the risk of an innocent person being killed?
    it is a sad position that some groups and some politicians have put the police in the position to not protect innocent victims.
    Overall it was an awesome job by the police officers on scene and particularly the one leading in front. They followed all of the current wishful thinking protocol to try to talk to person into surrendering, which is great, but in my opinion should not be done when it risks an innocent person‘s life. Is one thing for the officer to be in danger but their job is to protect the innocent first. This woman was obviously the victim.
    Way to go, Thin Blue Line. 
  10. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog in Ilhan Omar   
    I read something the other day where a woman asked, “Why flee Somalia to come to the safety and freedoms of America and do everything in her power to turn this into Somalia?”
  11. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from tvc184 in Ilhan Omar   
    Only in Minnesotastan.
  12. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in Facebook Shuts Down Pro-Israel Page Targeted By ‘Cyber Terrorism’ Campaign!   
    Now that most of the greatest generations have/are dying off.
    Tech plus the lack of self discipline will bring us; IMO, the worst generations.
    to me tech has way more cons than pros.
  13. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to DP#1FAN in Israel Under Attack   
    Yes they do! The Democrats say they don't like violence, but they sure do fund it! 
  14. Haha
  15. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in Israel Under Attack   
    I didn't snap.  But Sen. Cotton did:  From the article:  "Why was the Associated Press Sharing a Building with Hamas?"  Good question, Senator!!

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    LumRaiderFan reacted to Realville in How Safe is the Vaccine ?   
    I get it. I am glad your doing well. But its a experimental vaccine with very little liability on Big Pharma & the Government. Hey I hope they got it right. I have in laws that received it. Giving out burgers,fries, and a chance to win a million dollars if you get the vaccine seems like a twisted kinda of weird to me. 
  17. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to 5GallonBucket in How Safe is the Vaccine ?   
    Long term affects are what NOBODY KNOWS.....and that’s enough for me.
  18. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to CardinalBacker in White Privilege ?   
    If you believe in success and achievement, you'd want the best person to win regardless of skin color.  If you think a person's skin color matters more than results... you're a racist, regardless of which color you prefer.
  19. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in How The Global Warming Scam Works!   
    Government funded science:
    60's:  Oil reserves will be depleted in 10 years
    70's:   Another ice age in 10 years
    80's:   Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years
    90's:   The ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years
    2000's:  The ice caps will be gone in 10 years
    None of these catastrophes happened:  But -- all resulted in more taxes and regulation!
    PS -- If you are not old enough to remember these environmental scams of the past -- you are not old enough to understand how the game is played!
  20. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Chester86 in Longhorns Leaving Field for Eyes of Texas   
    Dad, a Baptist preacher, always called Baylor - “Sodom on the Brazos.”  He’s gone now, but that always cracked me up.  The Christian principles that used to dominate the university are hard to find now days.
  21. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to BS Wildcats in Longhorns Leaving Field for Eyes of Texas   
    How about Baylor?  I believe, according to one of our posters, they had a snowflake cry-in there after Trump won.
  22. Thanks
    LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan in Israel Under Attack   
    Netanyahu slaps down CBS terrorist sympathizer John Dickerson.  From the article:   "Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu — “We, unlike Hamas, take special precaution to tell people to leave the premise, and we make sure everyone is gone before we take down those buildings. What would you do if it happened to Washington and to New York? You know damn well what you’d do. You do, at the very least, what we’re doing.”  “One of the AP journalists said we were lucky to get out. No, you weren’t lucky to get out. It wasn’t luck. It’s because we took special pains to call people in those buildings, to make sure that the premises were vacated”"
    Netanyahu showing the difference between good and evil.  Even the evil press still doesn't get it!  EVEN when THEIR lives were saved!!

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    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from Ty Cobb in What good has biden done?   
    Bad things happen when democrats are in charge.
  24. Like
    LumRaiderFan got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Harris County Prepares To Sue Over State Election Bills Criticized As Voter Suppression!   
    There's my thoughts on it.
  25. Like
    LumRaiderFan reacted to BS Wildcats in The police and Democrats   
    Has anyone heard the outrage from biden or any Democrat on the recent murders of police officers?  Guess it doesn’t fit their narrative.  I believe this is National Cop Week, started by JFK.  Trump acknowledged this every year of his presidency.  There hasn’t been one peep from braindead.  Says a lot about this party!
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