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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Absolutely, I don't agree with the plan either but I would grab any opportunity to get MY money back from the government.
  2. Neither do I, I have been very critical of Republicans and my posts show that. But to not recognize that the democrats have been on a witch hunt for Trump even before the 2020 election, to the point of creating false evidence against him when they had none is blindly ignoring reality imo. It isn't just Trump either, look how they savaged the Republican nominated SCJs with lies that they knew were lies. To support the democrats is the epitome of blindly following.
  3. Those were actually righting wrongs, this is not…nothing wrong with the Indian mascot. Amazes me that folks are so nonchalant about an overreaching federal government.
  4. Federal funding for school districts is 6-8%. No small amount but not enough to strong arm a school district to bend to their will if they choose not to.
  5. Saw that earlier, doesn't look good. Of course we aren't seeing everything, sounds like he assaulted an officer and he's obviously no sweetheart based on the charges. Still, doesn't look good.
  6. If you're going to play 20 questions over this, you should also be as inquisitive when democrats do the same, or even worse. Remember, hillary was actually shown to be guilty (by Comey himself) and I don't recall hearing a peep from you.
  7. [Hidden Content] The democrats with yet another plan to accommodate freeloaders. From the article: President Joe Biden is today expected to announce a student loan handout plan that would essentially use taxpayer money to pay off up to $10,000 of student debt per borrower making under $125,000 per year. That means Americans may be footing a nearly $300 billion bill if Biden goes through with the reported plan — plus extends a repayment pause to next year. The nation's federal student debt now tops $1.6 trillion after ballooning for years. More than 43 million Americans have federal student debt, with almost a third owing less than $10,000 and more than half owing less than $20,000, according to the latest federal data. Many hardworking, play-by-the-rules Americans have diligently paid off their student loans as a matter of personal responsibility. They believe in taking care of their obligations; for them, it was and is the right thing to do.
  8. CNN is making some major changes, I would assume from a major drop off of viewership.
  9. The democrats have the advantage of a low information base that is either clueless about this of just don't care. Living proof of this lives on this very forum.
  11. They love your attitude, nothing to see here, move along citizen. It absolutely amazes me that folks like yourself have no concern over a move like this.
  12. 87,000 new IRS agents gearing up for “enforcement” and still more concerns for Trump. 🤦‍♂️
  13. [Hidden Content] More tragic results from the democrats...from the article: David didn’t agree with or support Black Lives Matter. He never understood Black Lives Matter, because it never actually did anything to help Black lives. The same year David was killed, over a dozen children were shot in St. Louis, and never once did Black Lives Matter show up. Their lives mattered. Fifty-five businesses were looted or destroyed the night David was murdered, many of them Black-owned. Their livelihoods mattered. My husband was a Black man who selflessly served his community for over 40 years. His life mattered. Ultimately, David was murdered because the people who are supposed to protect our streets — active-duty police officers — were ordered not to do their jobs. It is clear that the anti-law enforcement sentiment that has been fueled in this country by Democrat and left-wing activist rhetoric has gone too far. Yes, there are bad cops out there, but addressing bad policing by ordering no policing at all is not a solution. It is extremist, it is dangerous, and it cost my husband his life.
  14. Strength and prayers for the Phillips family.
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming called "large portions" of the Republican Party "very sick" in an interview recapping her failed bid to stay in office. 😭
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