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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Bogus evidence and charges. You do acknowledge that that was manufactured evidence by the democrats, right?
  2. Same thing that stopped the Russian collusion.
  3. It’s the question liberals ask themselves when they reach the bathroom door.
  4. Weren’t you the guy that said biden brought integrity back to the White House? Nothing will come of this, sorry.
  5. Apparently the democrats think Trump has a very good chance or they wouldn’t be putting in so much effort, post-President, to smear him.
  6. So folks breaking in through a window equates to an attempt to overthrow the government? This was no doubt wrong, but to call this an insurrection simply points out bias towards Trump. We'll most likely see the real deal if we continue down this path (I may be one of them), but this wasn't an insurrection...or if it was, it was the lamest one in history, lol.
  7. The biggest false pretense going on in this case is the compassion the blue state liberals claim to have for these folks. Abbott and DeSantis put a glaring spotlight on their hypocrisy.
  8. When you have no confidence in your own message I guess it makes sense to make politically savvy moves. This seems to point at desperation.
  9. Sure looks that way, no matter, he knows his constituents will fall in line and vote for him no matter what. #thankgoodnessforlowinformationvoters
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom is accusing Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott of possible kidnapping and has called their transporting of illegal immigrants to progressive states "morally reprehensible," despite launching a program as San Francisco mayor that bussed thousands of homeless people out of San Francisco and the state. 🤣
  11. Bongino pulls no punches, love the guy. Low or no information voters either won’t care or won’t bother to know, sad. No doubt it pains him to see the FBI in the state it’s in.
  12. [Hidden Content] More biden whining...from the article: "We have a process in place to manage migrants at the border," the president added. "We're working to make sure it's safe and orderly and humane. Republican officials should not interfere with that process by waging a politically political stance." Right out of the democrat handbook, create a mess, blame it on the Republicans, and claim democrats are the only ones that can fix THEIR mess. I would call this stupid, but as long as there are enough low information fools to buy in, it's genius to carry on.
  13. 🤦‍♂️So burning and looting cities deserves no condemnation?
  14. [Hidden Content] From the article: Lawmakers in Massachusetts were tasked with caring for dozens of migrants Wednesday after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, a ritzy island located in Dukes County. On Wednesday, Democratic lawmakers voiced their criticism online after they were forced to act swiftly to provide them shelter, food, blankets and other necessities to the 50 migrants who now reside in their state. Rep. Dylan Fernandes, a local lawmaker who represents Martha's Vineyard as well as Falmouth, Nantucket and Gosnold, said on social media that he was part of the logistical effort to welcome the migrants, which he claimed DeSantis sent "to gain cheap political points." Wow...they had to take care of DOZENS of illegals...lol. I would have to disagree with representative Fernandes, the political points gained here are priceless.
  15. Absolutely 100% true, the behavior towards those that chose to not be vaccinated (and were right) was truly pathetic.
  16. Well, there’s one. No doubt he’ll be prosecuted.
  17. Read that earlier, made me sick. She should be rewarded, not penalized.
  18. Interesting concept, the only problem is the the money confiscated by the government would be wasted on more nonsense. It would be better left to be used by the private sector and possibly even turned into those evil profits.
  19. That’s what the democrats count on every election, low information voters that believe the nonsense they spew out.
  20. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: Vice President Kamala Harris twice declared the U.S. southern border is "secure" during an interview Sunday, despite the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who routinely cross into the country every month. During an interview on "Meet the Press" aired during the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Harris was asked by NBC News anchor Chuck Todd whether the border is secure. The vice president responded that the immigration system was "broken" under the Trump administration and still "needs to be fixed." "I think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and I asked Congress to do, the first request we made: pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship," Harris said. "The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed."
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