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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The simple answer is YES, we would be better off with all those departments eliminated. Another great move would be to eliminate all BLM land, back to the states.
  2. You gotta be kidding me, no cheating before? The reason the IDs began being required was because there was cheating. You're simply repeating lefty talking points. And the picture IS the point because your party has no honor, trust or patriotic belief in the democratic system.
  3. But you don’t seem to think these biden voters are low information mouth breathers. You have never criticized them for voting for biden, called them blue hatters, pea brains or anything derogatory. No one here takes you seriously at all, you’re a clown. I just thought I would take the time to point out your absolute hypocrisy when you acknowledge biden is corrupt but have nothing to say about his voters as opposed to Trump’s. No need to explain yourself, everyone knows what’s going on.
  4. [Hidden Content] What's sad is I could do this all day, every day. From the article: President Biden faced criticism on social media Wednesday over an apparent gaffe when he claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently "losing the war in Iraq." "It’s hard to tell, but he’s clearly losing the war in Iraq," Biden told a reporter outside the White House on Wednesday when asked "to what extent" Putin has been weakened by recent events in Russia, including a reported attempt at a mercenary coup.
  5. They understand, it simply helps get their guy in if you cheat…and just look at the fantastic results.
  6. What a sad old fool. I almost feel sorry for him and then I remember how corrupt he is and how he’s chosen his financial gain over this country and has been doing it for decades.
  7. I think that's his boy Hunter's, favorite pastime...and he sells them for $500,000.
  8. Presenting an ID does not make it harder to vote, it simply makes it harder for your party to cheat.
  9. Has nothing to do with them, it's ACTUAL evidence that they are presenting. Same sad argument, blast the source so you don't have to deal with realty. I bet when you started this thread you didn't realize the hammer was dropping on your boys.
  10. [Hidden Content] I guess "we" = The House Oversight Committee. At some point you're going to have to face reality, lol From the article: Hunter Biden demanded $10 million from a Chinese business associate to "further the interest" of his joint-venture with a Chinese energy, saying that the "Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly" what the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party-linked firm wanted, according to a newly-released WhatsApp message. The House Oversight Committee released the message, dated Aug. 3, 2017. The exchange is between Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong.
  11. [Hidden Content] From the article: The retailer’s crackdown on membership card-sharing involves having people provide their Costco membership card to a staff member when asked to do so while using self-checkout registers, according to a company statement provided to FOX Business. Costco said its workers "ask for a photo ID" in the event the membership card does not have a person’s picture on it. So, is Costco racist? Serious question. I know the answer to the question and so does everyone else. I'm simply point out the ridiculous stance democrats take on voter ID. And we all know why they take that stance, it's to make voter fraud much easier.
  12. When they parade around naked in front of children, most decent folks think about it. But I wouldn't want Victoria's Secret models parading around naked in from of my young kids either. It's a simple matter of decency that obviously you can't understand.
  13. But a man's life was turned upside down over teaching true science. Win or lose his lawsuit, the loony left will have succeeded. The school should have told the 4 snowflake democrats that walked out of the class to hit the road.
  14. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: St. Philip's College in San Antonio, Texas reportedly fired one of its biology professors for teaching his students that sex was determined by X and Y chromosomes.
  15. [Hidden Content] Some fools never learn. From the article: Bud Light is serving as an official sponsor of the Toronto Pride parade, where video footage shows naked men standing around and riding bicycles in clear view of children attending the event
  16. We were definitely deceived by our government on this one, on purpose.
  17. Everyone should read RFK jr’s book, the real Anthony Fauchi. Covid was bad, no doubt, but we were lied to about the efficacy and side effects of the vaccine, all for financial gain for the pharmaceutical companies. He also caused unmeasurable damage by insisting that the country stay locked down. He has been giving horrible advice as early as the AIDS crisis. The vaccine industry is a racket that rewards shady methods and he has been in the middle of it. Hopefully, the folks in this country won’t put up with this tyrannical behavior in the future, but we have a lot of sheep that have shown their complete trust in government and want to be led. I still see folks with masks on, smh.
  18. Says the guy who has praised Bill Clinton as one of the best Presidents of all time. Funny guy.
  19. You’re a sick dude, you’ve managed to place Trump in a position like he’s a good friend that wronged you, he doesn’t care about you, neither does biden, don’t take the actions of these folks personally.
  20. Everyone should read RFK jr’s book about the real Dr. Fauchi.
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