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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Would expect nothing less from you to paint all cops for what a few do, that definitely is not what I’m saying.
  2. There’s plenty of “there” there. You simply refuse to acknowledge it. Why don’t you try to come up with a lucid response to hippy and unwokes’s posts. The response you gave about Benghazi says it all, they allowed our finest to be killed and then tried to cover it up, but you don’t care because it was done by democrats.
  3. Not on twitter, never have been. But you obviously need to do a little more research because most any moron can see the difference in content and conservative banning practices since Musk took over. I did say most any, apparently not all.
  4. Yeah, this definitely needs to stop, confiscating money for no reason, no charges, and make it the responsibility of the person who the money legally belongs to have to spend their time and money in court for years to try and get THEIR money back.
  5. No doubt both sides are useless and never hold the other accountable, but as you pointed out, the depths that the democrats will go to advance their agenda, even sending folks they know are innocent to jail is in no way comparable to how the Republicans operate. The Republicans are for the most part useless, but the democrats are dangerous. I welcome any of our friends on the left to dispute this, and if you do, tell me how I'm wrong.
  6. Nope, nothing will happen to anyone but there are plenty of us in this country that see what’s going on and have enough sense to vote the right way, but the problem is we are outnumbered by fools, lazy takers and snowflakes that have us outnumbered, and it will only get worse. I don’t see anything really changing until it comes to a head and a real deal January 6 takes place.
  7. I saw that earlier, actually laughed out loud.
  8. Another no brainer is there will be no one held accountable and the DOJ and FBI will continue to be used to undermine Republican administrations, that is if we ever get another one elected. I'm sure we can if we can just pick the right candidate for approval from the American Idol masses.
  9. [Hidden Content] Seems law enforcement can seize your money but don't have to prove you committed a crime. I've read similar cases where folks had to go to court to try and get their money back, some successful, some not. Civil forfeiture does look like legal theft in some of these cases. Even if this guy gets his money back, they have likely ruined his business, they took it four years ago.
  10. [Hidden Content] What a disaster this administration has created...testimony from the "boots on the ground" folks. The numbers are unbelievable.
  11. Man, hate to hear that...glad that no on was hurt, at least.
  12. CNN should realize Trump is the best gift they could ever hope to receive. As long as Trump is in the news, they can spew out their nonsense about him and their dozens of viewers will tune in and cheer them on. While biden and hunter have been in office, they can't / won't report anything of any interest to their loyal followers since there doesn't seem to be any newsworthy stories surrounding the bidens. 🙄 Russia collusion, tax fraud and Stormy Daniels all good things for CNN and their learned viewers. Hunter's laptop and Ukraine, not so much.
  13. Don’t get me wrong, this thread is great, and very informative. Maybe I should just read and educate myself on the actual law rather than interject my opinion on it. 🙂
  14. I’m not arguing that it’s the law, but that this happens to me is ridiculous. Maybe put more effort into going after the REAL bad guys. At some point you would think someone would snap that this was simply a mistake where nobody got hurt. Laws, to me, are designed to catch bad guys. When it’s realized that a good guy got caught up in it by accident, seems like that could be considered.
  15. A donthecon kindergarten post, nice work.
  16. I would gift it to my brother and then collect that money he owed me, lol.
  17. I would say yes, the transfer to the brother would basically be a private sale.
  18. What a dirtbag, he should have run as a democrat, this is all acceptable behavior.
  19. Won’t stop until all the democrats and their ignorant supporters are gone, which is never.
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