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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. They weren't beating on the door and they weren't pointing weapons at the guy, they were absolutely no threat until he came out of the house pointing a gun at them and gave them no choice.
  2. [Hidden Content] And another one. This guys comes out shooting and kills a woman in the car simply turning around. If she would have returned fire and killed the guy, it would have been justified, he would have given her no choice. I don't see the case with the police officers any differently, he gave them no other option.
  3. Enough about Soros, let’s get back on track with making sure Trump isn’t elected in 2024. Certainly don’t want to risk becoming energy independent again, or electing more SCJs that value life and know what a woman is or take a chance on picking back up on the wall and risk slowing the flood of illegals coming across the border. Don’t lose site of the goal….”NO MEAN TWEETS!”.
  4. Nobody believes the pandemic never happened, see you can't even grasp the argument that is was heavily politicized, stop making crap up. Everyone knows Jan 6 happened but it was no insurrection called on by Trump, just another lie just like a policeman had his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher (actually claimed by you) and the footage shows it completely different. You haven't been listening to me if you think I said Trump will win, I want him to back out and let it go, but once again, you can't seem to grasp what was actually said so you make it up to suit you viewpoint. If this makes you sad, you need to get a hobby, lol.
  5. That's rich, lol. Trump is the villain in your snowflake mind but Soros is simply misunderstood. Do you hear yourself? 🤣
  6. You starving for a little attention, lol.
  7. It's apparently a problem the good folks in Chicago choose not to fix with their vote.
  8. Looks like the cops agree, even as some city leadership condemns them, they still do their job. Sad! [Hidden Content]
  9. One more reason democrats should never be in charge of anything. They have no clue that they're the problem.
  10. I'll guess they are legal unless signs indicate otherwise.
  11. Doesn’t look like he gave them any other option.
  12. Exactly, the very thing we don’t need more of.
  13. Crime blowing up there and this is the #1 priority, smh.
  14. C+ from a guy still sponging off mom and dad, lol.
  15. Tell me how to unite a country where half want free college, healthcare and whatever else the government will give them with those that feel nothing is owed to them and choose to earn their way? This divide is reinforced every day by your party by throwing crumbs for a miserable existence in exchange for votes.
  16. Then vote biden 2024
  17. Before covid lowest unemployment of minorities ever, energy independence for the first time ever, appointing SCJ that stopped putting a stamp of approval on infanticide at the federal level, I could go on and on. You really aren’t worth debating because you ignore facts. It’s like Trump personally gave you a wedgie and you can’t get over it, lol. Poor guy.
  18. But there are those that say we should come together and compromise with the loony left, no, they need to be defeated.
  19. You’re agreeing with my point, candidate is not the problem, it’s that folks that can’t recognize a successful President when they just witnessed it. Your last paragraph simply points out that your TDS is flaring, and it is hilarious. You never seem to come to grips that the folks that voted for the idiot we have now that had a 50 year history of absolute failure are the true idiots in this story. The disaster we have now is 100% on them, no matter how you spin it. Quit making excuses for them, they’re grown ups, this is on them. What’s sad is you’re willing to excuse them for doing it AGAIN.
  20. It’s not about hate, a good percentage of the country feel like the government should provide their needs, and many are already there. It is unsustainable.
  21. I have not been to an actual meeting but I have a good feel of how many of the Republicans feel around here. None (and I mean none) wear a red hat, none get irate when you talk negative about Trump, and none will stay at home if Trump doesn't get the nomination, all that I know would not stay at home and take a chance on the idiot we have in office now being re-elected because of them. And your good Christian remark is simply ignorant, what is the alternative, vote for the party that approves men in women's bathrooms, put a stamp on the wholesale killing of the unborn, I could go on and on. It's a shame how many folks think our problem is a candidate when the same folks couldn't recite a single line from the Constitution, but the problem surely can't be with the ignorant masses. Wake up and place blame where it lies.
  22. Wrong again, I am a conservative and I am not a Trump loyalist, don't like the guy and hope he drops out. You, however, are definitely a fence straddler. And I know plenty of folks that lean left that don't agree with the issues you put forth. You seem to have a tough time distinguishing between groups and want to lump them all together, most likely due to lack of research.
  23. No MAGA experts on here, I'll let you know if a TDS expert is required since you have to inject Trump into every thread. Keep striving for that CB like.
  24. But we're told by some thin-skinned clueless snowflakes that our problem is a candidate. They are just as clueless as these idiots.
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