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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. 10 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    We will have to respectfully disagree. Because at the end of the day, I think the school vouchers will do more harm than good. If you really want to go point by point, I can do that. But it's a lot. I'm not saying school vouchers don't have some merit. Just not enough in my opinion.

    We will have to respectfully disagree, I can't see taking any option off the table that could place a kid in a better learning environment when the option to move is not possible.

  2. 12 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    You're right. And it's unfortunate. If moving isn't an option, then go to another district possibly that has an open campus? There are plenty of open school districts. There's not usually a school bus to service private schools at this point, so the child already has to get picked up / dropped off.

    Regardless, there are plenty of reasons against it. A voucher program that allows any Texas student to use public money (I like to think of it as "my money") to offset the cost of private-school tuition would divert dollars from public schools, tightening already tight public school budgets, without a proportionate reduction in public school costs - possibly to the point of raising taxes to keep them afloat. I also think it will incentivize the private schools to raise price of tuition (to put in their own back pockets) because they are getting subsidized by, that's right, my money.


    I realize there are issues, both ways, but it is also "their" money if they are a taxpayer.  I think the only thing that would improve a poorly managed school district is competition.

    I think it's an option to consider if someone needs one, at the end of the day, it's about the kids, not an ISD.

  3. 3 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    lol.  not at all, I can just look at things from outside of the Trump worship zone.  Never tagged you for a Trump apologist, but here it's showing.  Me having an opinion about Trump means I don't care about the border?  You're better than that.  Flynn tried to put Trump in jail, so it's okay that Trump has gone after every Republican who didn't back him after January 6th?  That's laughable.  And you'll never convince me Trump is about anything more than himself.  He'll do what's best for America as long as it suits his needs.  He's on par with the clowns in office right now in that regard, but his stances currently align much more than mine, so I'll vote for him, as I said.

    Characteristics of a dictator: suspension or interference of elections and civil liberties; repression of political opponents; not abiding by the procedures of the rule of law; and the existence of a cult of personality centered on the leader.

    check, check, check, check.  

    Not a Trump apologist and certainly not in the worship zone, he simply doesn't live in my head like others.  Already said I don't care for him, but not to the point of hurting the country by not voting for him.

    My point on the border is that you seemed more concerned about the fake insurrection than the dumpster fire we have right now, one is made up and one is happening, I feel you're better than that.

    Can you make me a list of folks that he has ruined their career or put in jail?  Don't give me folks that are in jail put there by others simply because they were Trump associates.

    Would never convince you he's not about himself, he's a narcissist, no doubt.  So was Clinton, Obama, on and on, folks need to get over it, although I doubt they will.

    Oh well, tired of beating this very dead horse, it's Trump VS Biden, we'll see.

  4. 23 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    I am a pretty conservative guy, but I am against school vouchers. Who pays for the public schools (several of which were just built in my town of Lumberton)?

    I have yet to hear a comprehensive argument that pushes me to the school voucher system, and I've read quite a few.

    And I really have issues with taxpayer money being given to private "for profit" schools.

    What do you tell someone that lives a poorly managed school district and moving wasn't an option?  

  5. 17 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    He started a lot of crap, and pushed a lot of lies that led to a lot of outrage, that without a doubt led to the insurrection or whatever you want to call it.  I'm not saying he told people to do it, but he fueled the flames.  The way that he tries to ruin the careers of anyone who doesn't support his rhetoric is particularly alarming.  He has all of the common characteristics of a dictator, and I truly believe he would enjoy being one.  Even worse he has a large enough cult-like following that he might could just about pull it off.  There's plenty to be concerned about, beyond him just being a jerk.  That said, I'm still voting for him and hoping for the best.  But I wouldn't at all be surprised if his next presidency (if he wins) is a lot different from his first.  Trump is about power, not America.  Being a good president almost kept him in office longer.  He wont be able to run again after this one, so he very well may just do whatever the heck he wants, like he always has gotten away with.  

    Good grief, just another one of your ridiculous overdramatic posts that is nonsense.

    I'm sure you'll get a like from CB and Big girl on this one.

    The insurrection is complete garbage, funny that this concerns you more than the flame fanning going on at the border by this administration, welcoming folks.

    Ruining careers is the democrats specialty, remember Flynn?  Doesn't seem to concern you that they have tried to put Trump in jail and fine him millions on completely bogus charges, but I guess it's ok if you don't like the guy.

    The dictator crap isn't even worth addressing.

    Trump is much more about America than the clowns in there now and there is no disputing that.

    Never tagged you for a TDS guy, but it's sadly showing.

  6. 25 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    I agree with this entire paragraph.  It still doesn't change the fact that there are people who would rather more of the same than more of trump.  It's fine to blame them, but if you know they're going to vote against him and put him there anyway don't whine if he loses the election.  

    This is the literal definition of Donald Trump, and there's a fairly reasonable fear from some about what he'll try to do if he gets his power back.  I think that's something that a lot of righties like to brush over or ignore, whereas the moderates will settle for Biden over risking what they perceive (based on the things coming directly from his own mouth) Trump will do if elected. 

      This last one i disagree with wholly.  Any republican that isn't one of the main Trump disciples would win easily against Biden, Harris, or Newsome this election.

    The reality is it will be Trump and Biden, what folks do after that is 100% on them, don't place blame on others.

  7. 17 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    every person who's firmly on either side is going to vote for a cake-walk candidate.  If you thought trump wasn't going to do a very good job you'd still vote for him because he's a republican.  Almost all Rs would.  I can't stand Trump, but I'M DOING IT.   It's a funny double standard that the right really gets hung up on.  

    No double standard, both sides are guilty of what you are saying.

    Lots of folks, including myself, are willing to vote for Trump because he was a good President, like him or not.

    You seem to think rude and crude alone makes a President a turd, it does not.

    Now biden, there's a real turd President for you.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Separation Scientist said:

    The stupid Dems I work with want to vote for green new deal Democrats. but they work with me in the Energy industry. Go figure. And they blame Abbott, of all people for the flood of illeagles in to Houston. This is beyond stupid to the point of full on brainwashing. 

    These are the folks that we're told will vote for the "cake-walk" candidate, if presented.

    It's a voter problem, not a candidate problem.

  9. 16 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    Same story, different day.  The right blaming those "stupid voters" for not voting for the far-right conspiracy theorist TV reporter.  The responsibility is on the party to put out decent candidates.  Just like mush mouth won in Pennsylvania because he was running against Dr. Oz, of all people.  Trump endorses people who will parrot everything he says, and there are enough worshippers of him to get them the nom, but not enough people willing to push just anyone through and get them elected.  The right would put out a dog turd as a candidate in an election and then blame the voters for not electing them.

    But somehow you find no fault in the left putting up an ever worse turd, and then electing them.

  10. 24 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    No, it's always the people who don't vote for bad candidates' faults.  It's amazing how the right blames the left for voting for anyone who runs as a democrat, no matter how terrible they are, but then can't stand it when people won't do the same and elect their bad candidates on the right.

    I'm comparing Trump to Biden, no brainer, you've said so yourself.

    Don't try to make it any more complicated than it is.

  11. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Actually, what I said was something along the lines of “I still like coming on here and checking scores, so I’m not trying to get banned. But rest assured, I’ll be back to take victory lap in November when trump is not elected.” Or something to that effect. 

    Lucky for y’all, I got bored. 

    A victory lap if biden is elected.

    Spoken like a true conservative, lol.

  12. 7 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    So no responsibility goes to the voters.

    so it takes something like this to get people to change their vote……knowing that they are electing a liberal and knowing her stance on issues.  It s not a surprise.

    if citizens had voted for the other person they wouldn’t be dealing with this.  Had they used some common sense instead of TDS to dictate their vote they wouldn’t be dealing with this.

    But somehow it's always the Republicans fault because they didn't put the "right" candidate up so we (clueless snowflakes that had no idea our poor choice has consequences) had no option but to vote for the other guy.

    This is the real problem we face, why would I want to choose a candidate that will make these loons happy.

  13. 13 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    It's no surprise.  I'm assuming it'll also be the end to her reelection chances.  Then again if Trump had endorsed a decent candidate in the last election there'd be a republican in office and this wouldn't have happened.

    He did endorse a decent candidate that would have been a much better choice than this clown, you're still blaming the candidate and not the real problem, voters.  Anyone with any sense could see problems coming.

    The cake walk theory is a fallacy.

  14. This is the hidden content, please

    Kari Lake is saying "Miss me yet?".

    From the article:

    Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs has vetoed a Republican-sponsored bill that would have authorized police to arrest illegal immigrants, saying the legislation was anti-immigrant and likely unconstitutional. 

    The veto was criticized by Republicans who say the bill would have helped curb a plethora of crimes linked to illegal immigration in the Grand Canyon State.

    The bill, called the Arizona Border Invasion Act, would have made it a misdemeanor state crime for anyone to illegally cross the border at any location other than a lawful port of entry.

    It would also have made it a felony for illegal migrants who cross the border after being deported, as well as those who have been ordered to leave the state but refused to comply. Local, county and state law enforcement officers would have been granted authority to arrest such individuals.

  15. 6 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

    It's a toss-up IMO, which is crazy considering how poorly Biden has done, and his cognitive state.  Republicans insisting on running the only candidate that has a chance of losing against him is also crazy, but here we are.  

    Agree, that's what is crazy to me as well.  I know you aren't a fan of the guy and I'm not either, don't like his crude tactics that unnecessarily push folks away but I think he was a good President, policy wise.  When it comes down to him or Biden, it's a no-brainer IMO who would be better for the country, but there are a lot of folks who won't see it that way.

    So like you say, here we are.

  16. 18 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

     Is the failure (as noted by BS Wildcats) the person who has the constitutional right to complain or the legal body that issues a ruling that clearly is unconstitutional?

    In this case we have a 91 year old former Republican lawmaker who was butt hurt over January 6 and made the sole determination that it was unconstitutional for Trump to be on the ballot. Like you, she was likely blinded by her anyone but Trump hatred but that is a protected right.

    This supposedly famed Colorado (first woman state leader) Republican in the article that you posted said that the Founding Fathers contemplated a candidate like Trump. She knew he was ineligible to run again. (quoted from the article)  “She knew!!!”

    The Founding Fathers?? 

    This doddering old fool has apparently lost enough of her marbles that she forgot that the Fourteenth Amendment came out after the Civil War as a response to civil rights for Blacks almost 100 years after independence was declared and the Founding Fathers have long since left the Earth. With this brilliant insight into the Constitution and history, she solely made the determination that Trump was ineligible. Utterly brilliant!!

    Of course she still has enough beans rattling around in her brain to know that her absolute knowledge of the Constitution had to be upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court.

    So who is the on the Colorado Supreme Court and how are they selected? 

    A Colorado Supreme Court justice is selected by the governor of Colorado. So the only way to be appointed as a Colorado Supreme Court justice, the sitting governor has to make the appointment. They each later face a 10 year term for reelection by the public in a general election. 

    All current Colorado Supreme Court justices were appointed by Democrats. Some? A majority perhaps? Nope, the entire Colorado Supreme Court was appointed by a Democrat governor. 

    So again, who owns the failure? A person who complains like this old biddy that deemed herself as a constitutional scholar and out to (again from the article) save the Democracy or the duly constituted body who by law is supposed to make decision based on the US Constitution?

    Sorry but this falls squarely on the constitutional body who was selected by the Democratic governors. A body who a unanimous US Supreme Court slapped down because they collectively couldn’t understand this section from the Fourteenth Amendment:

    Section 5.

    The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    Again, it doesn’t say a state legislature, a state Supreme Court, a state attorney general, an old woman who thinks that the Founding Fathers were still around after the Civil War or anyone else other than Congress.

    BS Wildcats was 100% correct. It wasn’t an old Republican lawmaker who has the First Amendment constitutional right to free speech and also the First Amendment right to redress the government for grievances. It was the 100% Democratic Supreme Court of Colorado who could not understand a single sentence and in particular a single word, “Congress”. 

    Wow, TVC, it appears you haven't lost your edge after all. 🙂


  17. This is the hidden content, please

    From the article:

    Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold expressed "disappointment" Monday at the Supreme Court's 9-0 decision that her state cannot bar former President Trump from appearing on the ballot in 2024, saying it was now up to voters to "save our democracy."


    It was always up to the voters, which is also terrifying.

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