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Posts posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. This is the hidden content, please

    From the article:

    Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold expressed "disappointment" Monday at the Supreme Court's 9-0 decision that her state cannot bar former President Trump from appearing on the ballot in 2024, saying it was now up to voters to "save our democracy."


    It was always up to the voters, which is also terrifying.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Yep, and most of the money went to interest. 

    You say Trump committed a crime when the money was paid back and there were no victims, all while you fail to pay back money you borrowed and promised to pay back, and there was an actual victim, the American taxpayer that had to pay your debt off.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Big girl said:

    Exactly. The same goes for Trump and the banks that he borrowed from. You all said that they were OK with him lying on his application, yet it is still a crime. If the girl told the DA not to press charges because she enjoyed the sex, the DA is going to press charges, anyway. This happened to my ex pastor's daughter. The guy was 23, and she was 16. He impregnated her and went to jail. She felt bad, because she said she was fully aware of what she was doing.

    Not a crime.

  4. This is the hidden content, please

    From the article:

    Former USBP Chief Rodney Scott observed live coverage of President Biden meeting with current USBP Chief Jason Owens and Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Chief Gloria Chavez near Brownsville, Texas, and described it as a "photo-op" for the president to appear engaged against the migrant crisis.

    "[I]t's for the cameras... I hate to get political, but I believe the reason that the Biden administration is down there is if he got that briefing in the White House, there'd be no cameras. There'd be no show," Scott said on "The Story."

    "But they know what it takes to secure the border.  We handed them the most secure border in the history of the United States and and a roadmap to keep it that way and make it even better, [yet] through 94 executive actions, President Biden completely destroyed border security."

  5. 2 hours ago, Big girl said:


    This is an idiotic comment. How do you all feel about this? A 26 year old man sleeps with a 15 year old girl. She said she enjoyed it. Should he still be prosecuted or should the DA not press charges because the girl said it was okay? It is illegal

    It is illegal and there was an actual victim, the 15 year old, regardless of whether she said it was ok.

    There was no crime or victims in Trump’s case, only happy customers that would welcome more business.

    You can’t base the punishment on whether or not you like someone, there’s enough of that already going on with liberal DAs and judges.

  6. 13 minutes ago, baddog said:

    My post should have read one who is “not” programmed, but most of you can read between the lines and know what was meant. 

    i appreciate your four paragraph response, but what I said is how I feel. 
    Look at one of the first communist policies….. it’s socialized medicine. Once they have you under that umbrella, you’re toast. Call me crazy, stupid, an idiot…. Doesn’t matter. There is not one Democratic policy that I agree with. It’s totally the reason their campaigns don’t run on them. All it is is smear, or in this case arrest, your opponent because you can’t even sell yourself or your beliefs/policies to the people. 

    Don't forget, you're talking to a "conservative" that considers Republicans "radical" and now thinks the democrat party has good ideas, all while telling us to find some principles and stick to them.

    lol lol lol

  7. 9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    You're not wrong... but some of their ideas aren't as dumb as I used to believe that they were.  Single payer insurance, for instance.  For years I worked jobs I didn't like and made the choices to NOT start a business, partly because I needed health insurance for my family.  Now they tell me that everybody has right to the healthcare for which I've sacrificed?  I disagree.  Or disagreed.  When my company bills me a thousand dollars per month for health insurance, then the providers ask for tests to be run, then my insurance says "well, those will count towards your $5000 deductible" and at the end of the day I'm getting stuck paying for premiums, just so that I can over pay for services out of pocket... the system is broken and maybe we SHOULD be looking for a system that will put the health insurance companies and providers that over-bill them out of business.  Obamacare brought us a provision that said that you could no longer deny health insurance coverage for a pre-existing condition.  The insurance companies HATE that, but it's been a pretty good deal for anybody from any party that is trying to get health insurance coverage.  Every person that I know who buys insurance privately is doing so through the exchange, too... People in private practice like therapists, lawyers, etc...  My guess is that you are on Medicare and your beliefs are more like mine used to be.


    The point that I'm trying to make is that if you, a conservative, disagree with any single part of the party line... you're out.  Don't think Trump is the best choice for President? Be gone.  Maybe you have a gay kid and don't understand why he can't marry the guy of his dreams?  Be gone.  Maybe you agree with every single thing in the platform, except maybe people shouldn't be able to buy a 30 round mag for their AR out of a bin at Academy for less than ten bucks, considering how they're usually the weapon of choice whenever somebody shoots up a school?  RINO!  Be gone!


    They want Dade Phelan gone.... he committed two cardinal sins.  First, the didn't sideline anyone with a "D" next to their name.  You know, who cares about their ideas, skills, experience, expertise, or whatever.  They should be silenced in the legislative process.  The second thing that Dade did wrong was that he refused to overlook "Our General's" criminal activities... not because he didn't do anything criminal, but because he's our guy and agrees with us, so he should get a pass.  


    The Republican party is under the control of radicals.  And people who call themselves conservatives don't understand what that word means, or they wouldn't vote for a guy who cut taxes without the corresponding spending cuts thereby exploding our debt, and handed out trillions in PPP loans with little to no supervision.  People complain about being forced to take a vaccine while simultaneously re-nominating the guy who shoved it down out throats via "Operation Warp Speed."  The problem is that the voting public is enamored with big personalities who tell good jokes or insult people like we wish we could do in real life.  There's no difference between somebody saying "Obama was the best president we've ever had" and somebody else saying "Trump is the best president we've ever had."  None.  Neither were the best, they were just your favorite.  Find some principles and stick to them. 

    At least be honest in your posts, Operation Warp Speed was to make the vaccine available because that was what the "experts" at the time said needed to happen.

    Your democrats are the ones that shoved it down our throats, kicking folks out of the military and firing health care workers.

    You seriously cannot look at things clearly because of you hatred for Trump.


  8. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    They’re not knocking him out, they’re using the courts to galvanize the trump voters around him. They WANT him to be the Republican nominee. Trump is in a dead heat vs Biden, but Haley is up 13 points on Biden. The Dems need Trump as the Republican nominee, and attacking him motivates trumps followers to stay the course. The media keeps cackling, “every time trump gets indicted, his ratings AMONG Republicans go up! Let’s do it again!”

    You are absolutely, without a doubt, the most pathetic political analyst I have ever seen.

    Please don’t quit whatever important job you are currently doing.


  9. 8 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    What about this part?
    Plus, I don't think the Dems agree with your pessimism that Trump can't get elected.  Look at the "lawfare" they waging against a private citizen.  And none of it is true.  All will eventually be thrown out.  Just trying to tie him up.  If he wasn't a threat, they'd leave him alone.  Even should help him with his campaign if he has no chance of getting elected like you say.  

    Very true, the democrats (and squishy moderates) are telling us how Trump has no chance of winning but are doing everything they can to knock him out so they can face…the cake-walk candidate?

  10. On 2/23/2024 at 1:42 PM, 5GallonBucket said:

    who says they would’ve cake walked to victory…some poll🙄, some media pundits🙄 come on now
    Trump has already proven himself 16-20(and against everyone, media, gop, dems )   This is why he wins the conservative vote.  Pretty simple. And most believe that there was cheating taking place in 2020. So that plays in their decision as well.

    Not that there isn’t any uniformed gop voters  cause there is.

    What have the dems proved

    open borders

    boys can be girls and girls can be boys


    defunding the police

    sanctuary cities

    homeless take over

    free drugs and needles

    baby murders

    porno books for kids

    could keep going but what’s the use 

    fence riders are upset oh well   What moderates and fringe dems wantf is for conservatives to sacrifice principles and most I know have dug in.

    if dems win again then maybe we have a bigger deeper issue then trump



    You’re right, there’s no cake walks for Republicans, it’s a silly argument that folks know they’ll never have to back up.

    John McCain was the moderate darling, until he ran for President.

    Mitt Romney was the moderate darling, until he ran for President.

    The dopes that would consider voting biden after the last three years aren’t going to wise up just because there’s a “cake-walk” option available.

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