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  2. Clinton was a wussy!! He had bin Laden and let him go. And years later, he orchestrated 9/11. Big girl really has no clue about 9/11.
  3. But, Papa joe said no one is above the law!! I guess he meant unless you are a DEMONcrat.
  4. It appears to likely be an uphill battle for y’all,but it’s baseball and anything can happen…good luck Jackets!
  5. It is officially game day!!!! Let’s go ‘Jackets!!! I’ll be starting a game thread when I get to the field and provide updates. It helps keep my mind focused. This is a big day for our small community. I was gone for about 30 years (military, career - working in Bmt) and fought hard to get back. Still reconnecting and getting plugged back in to the community. Let’s go ‘Jackets!!
  6. Today
  7. I disagree on him being found guilty. There’s just no way the crooked DEMONcrats allow it. They will, at least, get to 1 juror for a hung jury. The 25 years of probation made me laugh and I agree that if he is found guilty it will be no more than a slap on the wrist.
  8. Clinton chose not to participate in the war on terror.
  9. Here’s what your buddy Clinton did before 9/11. What a putz. [Hidden Content]
  10. Yea, we didn't play in a district because we were so small..it was just fun to play even though we averaged 2-3 wins a season. Our 5 biggest guys were on the line, everyone else averaged 140-150lbs. We played could only play burkeville jv...but we did win, lol. I remember yalls mascot and ours got into a fist fight..pretty funny to see. Bring one home for us small town boys
  11. Who declared war? The global war on terrorism happened when you said, but we were combatting terrorism before that. The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), also known as the war on terror, began after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on American soil. However, some events that occurred before 9/11 can be considered part of the war on terror, including: Operation Desert Storm Also known as the Gulf War, this conflict began on January 17, 1991 after Iraq invaded Kuwait. June 2006 U.S. and Iraqi forces killed al-Qaida's operational chief in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and captured or killed several of his top lieutenants.
  12. All that you have said is true, but I’m enjoying this St Louis game. We could get Garcia back in the 2nd half. I’ve given up on McCullers……been injured since 2018.
  13. [Hidden Content] The War on Terror occurred as a result of 9/11, according to an article from the George Bush Library.
  14. You heard it here first, folks. Big Girl has proclaimed that the war on terror began 9/11/2001. I guess she forgot the 1993 bombing of the WTC and the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in OK City in 1995…..both under Clinton’s watch. Pretty dense really.
  15. I’m the eternal optimist in situations like this. I think he will be found guilty and get 25 years probation.😂 Actually, on the federal level, this gun charge is serious.
  16. Pretty cool article on Ira: [Hidden Content]
  17. and Arighetti just took a line drive off his knee. smh
  18. Legget has always been tough!!!
  19. Man - we were horrible my HS years. Had 2 guys I worked with that played at Burkeville. They said they loved playing us to pad their stats. We had fun, but competing was not there. It’s funny - you look in the stands and there are some hosses, but only happens after we graduate. I never broke 135 pounds until I was like 22 and in the military. Thanks for the encouragement for the boys - we are proud of them.
  20. Yep whupped us in baseball and we took care of them in basketball. Go Jackets. Bring it home.
  21. Yesterday
  22. Good Luck Chester..I remember yall used to woop up on us in football, but we got them back come basketball, lol
  23. The Kountze game date does not look correct
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