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  2. Lufkin still looking for a Week #3 game, had some offers from 3A teams in LA, don't want those guys. 6A Eagle Pass and El Paso Coronado offered IF we would travel half way to San Angelo to play, too far and neither are contenders. Both ended up scheduling each other for non-district. Have been looking around in OK and ARK. The things is, schools are still hiring new coaches, and actually you can sign up for a game as little a weeks before the season begins. Hopefully the coach is able to find a game worth playing to help the team become better. Lufkin fans always travel well, except now they need to learn to travel in a new district. Seems every 2 to 4 years the UIL plays their pawn game, moving Lufkin football around so much we can't form any real district rivalries. One alignment we go North, the next go South, just a pawn to fill out a 7 or 8 team district for the UIL. Whatever UIL nut placed us the first time around in 7-5A with Cleburne, Joshua, Burleson and Waxahachie has no concept of time and space in Texas. To us it's like playing one big non district schedule every year, then we are moved again. The only constant with Lufkin is we do play Longview practically every year, whether in non district or district for the first time in many years these past two seasons. Longview has pretty much owned our tails the past 5 or 6 years. We don't know much about you guys, we have just left a two year stint in a highly talented district up North 8-5A DI with Longview, Forney, Lancaster, McKinney North, Tyler, North Mesquite and West Mesquite. It's going to be interesting to see how things play out this year. I'm not making any predictions for Lufkin because the program has missed the playoffs the past three seasons. There are not good vibes here between the fans and the coaching staff because of this lack of winning. After all we missed those playoffs with a P5 RB who went to Notre Dame. Read into that what you want. Will find out in about 3 months. Anyway, if you know someone looking for a Week #3 game, have them give Coach Todd Quick a call in Lufkin.
  3. Why does agreement cause pain? And, how was Trump different concerning facts, or lack thereof?
  4. White dues with beards wearing MAGA hats is who the 2A for. Way to be close minded. It’s for everyone. I know this makes your skin crawl, talking about back in the day, but high school kids with trucks and gun racks in the back window, carried their rifles and/or shotguns to school…ON CAMPUS! No one was afraid. The police weren’t called. Why???! Because we didn’t have a warped left leaning society who screwed with everyone’s mind. There were no mass shootings because there was much more sanity in the world
  5. I don’t think race was the issue. The other coaches and players loved him. Now the community idk 🤷🏽‍♂️. But people have to understand buna doesn’t pay well at all compared to most schools so good coaches get better opportunities. Same thing that happened with the volleyball coach
  6. Today
  7. Fair enough. I like the distinction. What about full auto weapons? Current statues aside, do you think a 14 year old has/should have the constitutional right to purchase and carry a fully automatic weapon? My point is this.... we can all post memes saying "what point of shall not be infringed confuses you," but at the end of the day, at some point, your ideology is going to conflict with what you're spouting. You can be all for white dudes with beards and MAGA owning full autos and having the right to carry anywhere, but you really, really don't want 14 year old kids from the other side of town toting them to the mall. So you're not so much in favor of "no restrictions," just restrictions on others. And I'm not talking about you, specifically, but rather people who blindly support the 2A all of the way to some really dumb lengths.
  8. I didn't vote for neither last election, so u can miss with that nonsense...
  9. It absolutely pains me to the core to agree with you, but on this I do. Except, that is, for the last sentence - facts haven’t mattered for quite a long time. That is evidenced by the Democratic sitting president and majority in the house.
  10. Must be nice to sit high on a pedestal and just cast dispersions at others while never seeing the blatant errors and misgivings going on directly under your lofty throne.
  11. 2021-2022 went 4 Rounds both years being the 3rd smallest school in 4a classification. Winning District both of those years.
  12. You know exactly what he is talking about but choose to ignore it, apparently because you 100% endorse the "choice" to terminate a life at will.
  13. I bet this young man ears are burning with as much as talked about him this year lol. Can we just congratulate the guy on the opportunity to take over a great program at Liberty. Once again he went highly recommended from a lot of people. However it is kind of alarming how fast and easy Buna is losing coaches. It’s probably a race issue with him being a black man in Buna 😬 Have we ever thought about that?
  14. I agree … with what they had and being in that district. Put together a few solid wins.
  15. Watching their games, I disagree. 😬with no size and having the ability to run 5-out and dribble drive offenses is high level. You just don’t win 23 games without offense. Anyways, like I mentioned before if you don’t like the young man just say that. His resume speaks for itself. Yall (assuming you’re from Buna since you know names and the supt) lost a good one.
  16. Incorrect, his first season he won 14 games. Same amount of wins Buna had the season prior to KJ getting there. Like I said, I know KJ personally and we talk almost daily. He thinks the whole 6-51 thing is comical.
  17. How are the local teams doing? Haven’t heard much about it
  18. Some are smart enough to vote what’s best for them and the country. Free thinkers! Not voting the way they were led to believe they should vote.
  19. Blasphemy in a church makes not one bit of difference, no matter if it was HIS pulpit. No difference!
  20. Mission accomplished!!! Champs!!!!!! @TxHoops Going back to back next season too!
  21. Non-violent, yes. Scenario 1: Man assaulted his neighbor and gave him a black eye. He got probation. A year later he assaulted neighbor again and this time busted his nose. He got a month in the county jail for another misdemeanor assault. Two years later, he busted the neighbor’s lip. He got the maximum sentence of a year in jail for another misdemeanor assault. Scenario 2: A 17 year old sneaks out his mama’s credit card and runs up $150 on the card. Mama is struggling and can’t pay restitution and the store filled charges for Credit Card Abuse. The 17 year old can never legally own or possess a firearm. The guy who terrorizes his neighborhood and on occasion beats up a neighbor, causing painful and visible injuries, has no such restrictions on ownership or possession of a firearm. With nothing else to go on, who is the threat to the neighborhood? Is it a 17-year-old kid living at home who basically stole his mother's money by way of a credit card or is the guy who terrorizes his neighborhood and occasionally assaults someone? The kid who used his mama’s credit card without permission is a felon and the guy who repeatedly assaults his neighbors is not.
  22. We are set at the QB position but welcome to come on over we can find him a spot 😂
  23. Biden kills babies? You got a picture of him killing one? Trump’s gaffe is on film.
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