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  2. He comes from a long line of achievers a great family with great moral compass. If anything jealousy from peers is him back. They understand there is a right and wrong way to do everything. If you can’t get the proper instructions locally, you go to the professionals and by pass whatever is holding you back. The more successful you become the more people try to tear you down or minimize your success. Ever thing is taught. If you aren’t taught right from wrong you will fail.
  3. Ever hear of documentary evidence and corroborating testimony? He is a liar, but not in this case. Had Trump kept his word (😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂) and pardoned him, probably would have been a better ending.
  4. Even if true, that’s all the more reason to keep your trap shut. Trump is incapable of that. Major trait of a narcissist.
  5. I’m concerned that the dims could pick Newsom because he is a full fledged communist. Seems they would have made that move by now, but who knows.
  6. Yes, you can. It was. I could not get the Forbes link to post, but look it up. The video is manipulated. Weasel Trump wouldn’t even show up for the 75th anniversary. He had his excuses, as he always has, and his minions accepted his word like it was scripture. Biden went. He spoke. He honored those heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy and turned the tide of the war. Just like any competent, responsible national leader would.
  7. Anyone can be a Democratic president. All you have to do is read a teleprompter…… and Biden can’t even do that. How pitiful is that?
  8. I’d rather have him than a narcissistic sociopath.
  9. Today
  10. Anahuac is the favorite hands down in 2024.
  11. Barrier also played well on "Varsity".
  12. Definitely was not his performance on JV. But there have been many players get much better into their soph-sr years. At this moment he is holding similar offers to Jett Suratt. I am anxious to see how he looks on Varsity this year.
  13. Signing day. That is when it becomes reality. Barrier’s dad exposed his son through workshops. I am a firm believer in these workshops.
  14. His family has played a part in being able to pay for quality training and pay for him to attend major camps so he can get exposure. Luke's talent and work ethic got him those offers though. They're not giving offers to kids that can't play
  15. Well, since nobody has been arrested for that, I’d say “what’s the point?”
  16. He is going to get several offers based his FAMILY........ [Hidden Content]
  17. @CardinalBacker Good point don't you think?!
  18. In some sports like football. Coaches are allowed to an early offer but remember verbal offers aren’t final until you sign the paper work later. That’s just a way for coaches to show interest, and things can change later.
  19. They (Anahuac) will be good but remember they finished 5th in there district last year.
  20. Not your bad, they play a non district game the second game of the 2024 season at Woodville.
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