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  2. Good luck Chester! Pulling for y’all
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  4. The clown voters are those that can't tell the difference between the two.
  5. Can't recall seeing anyone claim they don't care about minimum wage workers, that discussion comes up when some want to increase the minimum wage to $15 / hr so someone could possibly support a family. That has proved to be a business / job killer, the minimum wage was never intended to support a family, it was for kids, students and part time employees. Hippy is correct, this economy hurts the folks making lower salaries that have 3 kids at home and their grocery bill has skyrocketed, not to mention trying to buy a home.
  6. Is that the same as “ talk to the hand”? How can you say blah blah blah, when Cohen was CONVICTED OF LYING TO CONGRESS, but you believe him. You, and people like you, are what is wrong with the world……ignorance with a voice.
  7. America is doing bad with a 80 year old man at fault! So what do we do? We give the country (2) 80 year Olds to pick from in the upcoming election! Lol clown voters @LumRaiderFan
  8. Since when do we care about minimum wage or low paying job folks? When that discussion is brought up its always that's not a career or whatever! Now we're worried about them lol... can't have it both ways
  9. I quoted 5Gallon's list he gave of symptoms Biden has - Trump also has.
  10. Yeah. And this is someone with a college degree im gonna start vetting nurses to make sure
  11. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I don’t know what to say.
  12. No, what he is saying about the democrats are verifiable facts, pretty sure you didn't read the article or you wouldn't have posted that.
  13. I thought that you guys don't trust USA Today.
  14. I lost a good friend due to Covid-19. It wasn't a scam.
  15. The war on terror happened because of 9-11. Clinton was not the President
  16. Honestly the last 20 years I have not struggled. I have noticed $150 at Wal-Mart does look like less stuff in the shopping cart. You are probably like me and a10% increase in overall cost may not be a big deal to you. It's the people making minimum wage or lower end of the pay scales that are feeling it a lot harder. Credit card debt is increasing as well as interest rates in general. Mortgage rates are 7ish and a new construction 1000 sq ft house in Hardin county is 200K plus(that is shocking to me) to many people, time are very tough
  17. You know this doesn't pertain to Biden. What type of dementia do you think he has?
  18. I’m doing ok. 71 and still working. I still have concerns for everyone else and keep up with our positioning in the world. We are a laughing stock when we should be showing, by example, how to act human and to show what being an American is all about. Biden cares about no one but himself and his family.
  19. i have not seen Anahuac football schedule posted anywhere? does anyone have it on this site?
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