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Here Are the First 12 Actions the GOP Should Take Once Taking Control of the US House!


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9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

She's right... The deficit an annual number that shows how much we've spent OVER what we collected, and Obama's deficits WERE lower in his later years vs the first ones.

The debt is the running total of debt that we've racked up as a nation over time.  But, the deficits generated in '09 was substantial as a result of the financial meltdown at the end of Bush's terms.  Kinda like Biden will show smaller deficits by the time he leaves office unless we have another event like the mortgage meltdown or pandemic. 


Fun fact...the last time we ran a surplus (we collected more than we spent in a single year, hence no deficit) Bill Clinton was in office and the Rs held congress.

Another fun fact, your hero Clinton also gutted the military before Gingrich came in, look it up.

That sure helps to lessen the deficit.

Also, welfare reform was put in place, which Clinton always claimed as his, even though he was dragged kicking and screaming into the "compromise" by the Republicans.

This was in his spare time when not spending time with Monica.

Funny how some folks still put this pathetic pedophile on a pedestal.

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9 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

First off, the Republicans can't even get a speaker seated... What makes you think they're going to accomplish a single meaningful thing when the entire party is held captive by wingnuts on the far right?  Kinda like NOT repealing and replacing Obamacare (which you all seem to hate so much) even though they had both houses and the Presidency?  That's a fail.

Those same type of knuckleheads with 12 step programs to persecute, prosecute, and other badger Dems instead of doing the work of the country is exactly why I cant stand the Republican Party, even though I'm a conservative.  At least the Dems can all get on the same page when it matters.  Republicans can't or won't.  

Gridlock due to differing ideology, I love it.

I guess the Republicans need to work on their mindless lockstep mentality like the democrats practice so well, lol.

Great point!!!


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Somebody needs to give some of that infrastructure money to the bridge people on Hwy 365. A little boost in money could hire more people and get that 3 year job done already. How much was spent again on infrastructure? It’s just a little old bridge. Probably getting internet service for people in the Idaho mountains or more charging stations for the EVs.  

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47 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

She's right... The deficit an annual number that shows how much we've spent OVER what we collected, and Obama's deficits WERE lower in his later years vs the first ones.

The debt is the running total of debt that we've racked up as a nation over time.  But, the deficits generated in '09 was substantial as a result of the financial meltdown at the end of Bush's terms.  Kinda like Biden will show smaller deficits by the time he leaves office unless we have another event like the mortgage meltdown or pandemic. 


Fun fact...the last time we ran a surplus (we collected more than we spent in a single year, hence no deficit) Bill Clinton was in office and the Rs held congress.

That was some Awesome Word Salad, fact is he added 8.6 Trillion to the deficit. I am not a Republican Worshipper but it’s what I am stuck with unfortunately till a real alternative comes along which may be never.  As for as the Unaffordable Crap Care Act, at least the Republicans got rid of the mandate that made you buy that Turd Obama Care. 

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1 minute ago, Unwoke said:

That was some Awesome Word Salad, fact is he added 8.6 Trillion to the deficit. I am not a Republican Worshipper but it’s what I am stuck with unfortunately till a real alternative comes along which may be never. 

Gotta love the critics that try to demean voters that obviously made the best choice of those presented.


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11 minutes ago, baddog said:

Somebody needs to give some of that infrastructure money to the bridge people on Hwy 365. A little boost in money could hire more people and get that 3 year job done already. How much was spent again on infrastructure? It’s just a little old bridge. Probably getting internet service for people in the Idaho mountains or more charging stations for the EVs.  

Shovel ready jobs, lol.

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7 hours ago, baddog said:

For every person you listed, you have an opposite who could be brought up on the same charges but won’t be touched due to corruption. Funny how those don’t bother you. Tells me all I need to know.

Could be shmould be. I’m talking about court proceedings that actually happened for real, not coulda mighta woulda. You sound like little tucker carlson.  

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41 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

That was some Awesome Word Salad, fact is he added 8.6 Trillion to the deficit. I am not a Republican Worshipper but it’s what I am stuck with unfortunately till a real alternative comes along which may be never.  As for as the Unaffordable Crap Care Act, at least the Republicans got rid of the mandate that made you buy that Turd Obama Care. 

He added about 9 Trillion to our accumulated DEBT, but the yearly deficits shrank while he was in office.  Don't get me wrong, we were still spending Trillions during his presidency, just not spending at as fast of a rate as when he started.  It's also honest to point out that the deficit (and debt) grew every year that Trump was in office... even before the pandemic. 


  • FY 2010: Obama's first budget created a deficit of just under $1.3 trillion.4
  • FY 2011: This budget deficit was $1.3 trillion.5
  • FY 2012: The deficit was $1.1 trillion.6
  • FY 2013: This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $680 billion, was less than $1 trillion.7
  • FY 2014: The deficit was $483 billion.8 Tax revenue rose to $3.02 trillion.9
  • FY 2015: The deficit fell further to $439 billion.10
  • FY 2016: The deficit rose to $587 billion.11
  • FY 2017: The deficit was $665 billion.12 It was $162 billion more than the $503 billion deficit estimated in Obama's budget request
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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

That's what amazes me... these people claim to be conservative when it comes time to cut taxes but get all liberal when it's time to spend money.  It's been going on for years.  I guess these "conservatives" are okay with deficit spending as long as it's on things that THEY want.  

New term, kinda like RINOs.

Conservative Until (I) Need Things.... you know. 

As Baddog (Traitordog who supports Jan 6th) said.. stop being negative! His precious feelings were hurt with hard facts..

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23 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

He added about 9 Trillion to our accumulated DEBT, but the yearly deficits shrank while he was in office.  Don't get me wrong, we were still spending Trillions during his presidency, just not spending at as fast of a rate as when he started.  It's also honest to point out that the deficit (and debt) grew every year that Trump was in office... even before the pandemic. 


  • FY 2010: Obama's first budget created a deficit of just under $1.3 trillion.4
  • FY 2011: This budget deficit was $1.3 trillion.5
  • FY 2012: The deficit was $1.1 trillion.6
  • FY 2013: This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $680 billion, was less than $1 trillion.7
  • FY 2014: The deficit was $483 billion.8 Tax revenue rose to $3.02 trillion.9
  • FY 2015: The deficit fell further to $439 billion.10
  • FY 2016: The deficit rose to $587 billion.11
  • FY 2017: The deficit was $665 billion.12 It was $162 billion more than the $503 billion deficit estimated in Obama's budget request

Again, revenue bills can be only originated in the House, spending bills can come from either house of the legislative branch. If history serves me, Republicans controlled the tax/spend levers for six of Obama’s eight year presidency. They had it for half of he who I shall not mention’s term. If you were to start blaming politicians and not parties, things might start happening.

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5 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Again, revenue bills can be only originated in the House, spending bills can come from either house of the legislative branch. If history serves me, Republicans controlled the tax/spend levers for six of Obama’s eight year presidency. They had it for half of he who I shall not mention’s term. If you were to start blaming politicians and not parties, things might start happening.

So should it be Congresscare instead of Obamacare?

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18 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Again, revenue bills can be only originated in the House, spending bills can come from either house of the legislative branch. If history serves me, Republicans controlled the tax/spend levers for six of Obama’s eight year presidency. They had it for half of he who I shall not mention’s term. If you were to start blaming politicians and not parties, things might start happening.

There’s not a lot of difference in the spending habits of the two parties since the late 90s… there are no fiscal conservatives in Washington.  

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4 hours ago, Unwoke said:

Basic Civics, the President can veto the Bill if he’s not happy with it. If he signs it, then he approves of the spending which means he’s spending. That’s a Fact! I am aware that the house controls the purse strings but the President can still veto it. So your statement is Fake News.😂

Signature does not always mean approval. Spending bills are compromises, and have to be enacted to continue government operations. The veto can also be overridden, so it is not an absolute power.

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17 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

So should it be Congresscare instead of Obamacare?

It is the Affordable Care Act. All the little political names given it are talking head gibberish. Sure would be nice if we could call those things which are by their official names. 

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17 minutes ago, UT alum said:

Signature does not always mean approval. Spending bills are compromises, and have to be enacted to continue government operations. The veto can also be overridden, so it is not an absolute power.

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but he still added 8.6 trillion dollars to the deficit. That’s trillion with a T. I think you’re eating that Trump Toilet Paper.

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33 minutes ago, UT alum said:

It is the Affordable Care Act. All the little political names given it are talking head gibberish. Sure would be nice if we could call those things which are by their official names. 

And this was all Congress, you're telling me that Obama had nothing to do with it right?

I love how you point out parties and not politicians should be blamed but can't stop talking about Trump.


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44 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

There’s not a lot of difference in the spending habits of the two parties since the late 90s… there are no fiscal conservatives in Washington.  

There are, but they get hammered every time they want to cut (actually, just not increase) a program or cut taxes all we here is that we're taking food out of kid's mouths and wanting to throw Grandma over the cliff.

You cannot be a fiscal conservative and still believe that federal entitlements should exist,  They cannot be managed from the federal level.

And, I agree, there is not much difference in how much the parties spend but there is a big difference in how they spend it.

I get tired of hearing about the deficit being called out like that's the ultimate indicator on how well an administration is doing,  I could cut all entitlements, gut the military, and increase the tax rate to 75% and the deficit would look great.


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32 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but he still added 8.6 trillion dollars to the deficit. That’s trillion with a T. I think you’re eating that Trump Toilet Paper.

I get it…. Most of this is going over your head. It’s obvious that you don’t even understand the terms that apply to the issues at hand. 

That’s the problem with most of trumps diehards… they don’t even know what they’re talking about, they’re just sure that Trump was the best!

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3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

Another fun fact, your hero Clinton also gutted the military before Gingrich came in, look it up.

That sure helps to lessen the deficit.

Also, welfare reform was put in place, which Clinton always claimed as his, even though he was dragged kicking and screaming into the "compromise" by the Republicans.

This was in his spare time when not spending time with Monica.

Funny how some folks still put this pathetic pedophile on a pedestal.

Monica was 21. That doesn't make him a pedophile

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1 hour ago, UT alum said:

It is the Affordable Care Act. All the little political names given it are talking head gibberish. Sure would be nice if we could call those things which are by their official names. 

So, if it was so good and affordable -- then why did Congress "exempt" themselves from it?!

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