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Trump Running in 2024


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8 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

A fun fact if you want to talk about the popular vote - California and New York make up 7,096,710 of the popular vote difference of the overall difference of 7,059,547. 

This is a perfect example of why our founding Fathers came up with the electoral college. They didn't want two states deciding Presidential elections.

Numbers don't lie......

24/7 doesn’t understand that fact. There were multiple ways the election was stolen. Starting with 3 years of a BS investigation knowing the investigation was a lie to damage him in reelection to ballot harvesting and after date acceptance of ballots changed by state personnel that is not allowed to change voting laws . Only state legislatures can change voting laws, it’s in our Constitution, computer shenanigans. Theft by a thousand cuts. The large counties in swing states is where they focused their thievery. Like hippy has said the election was decided by 50k to 60k votes. 

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13 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

A fun fact if you want to talk about the popular vote - California and New York make up 7,096,710 of the popular vote difference of the overall difference of 7,059,547. 

This is a perfect example of why our founding Fathers came up with the electoral college. They didn't want two states deciding Presidential elections.

Numbers don't lie......

And that's the problem.  When your strategy as a party is to say "who cares about the popular vote?  We just need 270 Electoral College votes to win" you might get an election or two, but then the fact that the majority of voters don't like your candidates will lead to you sucking hind tit in every national election going forward.  Sure, you'll win governorships in places like Montana and Oklahoma, but all it's going to take is texas turning from purple to blue and it's over for many, many years to come in the popular AND electoral college. By your own arguments, all it takes is a few thousand people from Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona deciding they've had enough of Republicanism and you'll never win another presidency. 

Getting elected President is pure likability.  Romney was a good candidate, but Obama was more likable.  Hillary somehow managed to be more unlikable than Trump, so she lost.  Biden is a goof, but he's more likable than Trump.  GW Bush was more likable than either Gore or that walking cadaver John Kerry.  Let's face it, McCain is exceptionally unlikable.  But for some reason, Trumpers think that they can somehow "will" the most unliked politician in recent history into the Presidency AFTER HE'S ALREADY LOST TO A SORRY OPPONENT LIKE BIDEN! 


You can be as mad as you want, but we're not the same country that elected guys like Nixon, Eisenhower, etc... And nominating a guy who's completely incapable of winning the popular vote is just a bad plan, especially when you tried it four years ago.  


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14 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

24/7 doesn’t understand that fact. There were multiple ways the election was stolen. Starting with 3 years of a BS investigation knowing the investigation was a lie to damage him in reelection to ballot harvesting and after date acceptance of ballots changed by state personnel that is not allowed to change voting laws . Only state legislatures can change voting laws, it’s in our Constitution, computer shenanigans. Theft by a thousand cuts. The large counties in swing states is where they focused their thievery. Like hippy has said the election was decided by 50k to 60k votes. 

"Lock her up." 


Trump started it.  Don't cry because it's happening to him, now.  

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13 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

"Lock her up." 


Trump started it.  Don't cry because it's happening to him, now.  

Lies vs Truth

You make Zero Sense. Lol




16 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

And that's the problem.  When your strategy as a party is to say "who cares about the popular vote?  We just need 270 Electoral College votes to win" you might get an election or two, but then the fact that the majority of voters don't like your candidates will lead to you sucking hind tit in every national election going forward.  Sure, you'll win governorships in places like Montana and Oklahoma, but all it's going to take is texas turning from purple to blue and it's over for many, many years to come in the popular AND electoral college. By your own arguments, all it takes is a few thousand people from Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona deciding they've had enough of Republicanism and you'll never win another presidency. 

Getting elected President is pure likability.  Romney was a good candidate, but Obama was more likable.  Hillary somehow managed to be more unlikable than Trump, so she lost.  Biden is a goof, but he's more likable than Trump.  GW Bush was more likable than either Gore or that walking cadaver John Kerry.  Let's face it, McCain is exceptionally unlikable.  But for some reason, Trumpers think that they can somehow "will" the most unliked politician in recent history into the Presidency AFTER HE'S ALREADY LOST TO A SORRY OPPONENT LIKE BIDEN! 


You can be as mad as you want, but we're not the same country that elected guys like Nixon, Eisenhower, etc... And nominating a guy who's completely incapable of winning the popular vote is just a bad plan, especially when you tried it four years ago.  



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1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

When your strategy as a party is to say "who cares about the popular vote?  We just need 270 Electoral College votes to win" you might get an election or two, but then the fact that the majority of voters don't like your candidates will lead to you sucking hind tit in every national election going forward. 

No campaign runs on the popular vote. You won't see many visits to California from a Democrat because they already have the electoral votes.  In my example of popular votes, when you take out the two largest Democratic States, It's practically even on the popular vote. The popular vote does not win elections......which is why Democrats have moved South Carolina in front of New hampshire and Iowa......

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4 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

 In my example of popular votes, when you take out the two largest Democratic States, It's practically even on the popular vote. 

And if you take out the two largest republican states, the Biden wins by even more… you’re trying to use logic and reason to justify an opinion that is just patently wrong. 

If you can’t win the popular vote, you have no mandate to from the voters to do anything. Why not find a Reagan or ANYBODY whose personality and actions don’t alienate 56% of the electorate? You seem to think it’s Trump or nobody… and sadly, I think you’re right because there is a very vocal minority of voters who will vote for no one but Trump… and those people are fools. Then you you have the morons who say “well, I’m going to vote for the Republican candidate, even if he is named Adolph Trump.” They’re slightly smarter, and at least show some loyalty to party, even if it calls for them to forsake all of their character and values. These people (and I think they describe most of you) still cowards… these would be the people who didn’t want Hitler to come to power, but just went along with things when it started to get bad in the late 1930s. These are the real culprits behind the Holocaust, because if they’d stood up against evil when it became apparent that Hitler was in fact, evil, could have stood in his way. But they said “hey, he puts Germany first.”  

I used to wonder how a group could fall under the rule of a despot. After watching Trump’s followers over the last eight years, I understand it a whole lot better. 


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12 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

And if you take out the two largest republican states, the Biden wins by even more… you’re trying to use logic and reason to justify an opinion that is just patently wrong. 

If you can’t win the popular vote, you have no mandate to from the voters to do anything. Why not find a Reagan or ANYBODY whose personality and actions don’t alienate 56% of the electorate? You seem to think it’s Trump or nobody… and sadly, I think you’re right because there is a very vocal minority of voters who will vote for no one but Trump… and those people are fools. Then you you have the morons who say “well, I’m going to vote for the Republican candidate, even if he is named Adolph Trump.” They’re slightly smarter, and at least show some loyalty to party, even if it calls for them to forsake all of their character and values. These people (and I think they describe most of you) still cowards… these would be the people who didn’t want Hitler to come to power, but just went along with things when it started to get bad in the late 1930s. These are the real culprits behind the Holocaust, because if they’d stood up against evil when it became apparent that Hitler was in fact, evil, could have stood in his way. But they said “hey, he puts Germany first.”  

I used to wonder how a group could fall under the rule of a despot. After watching Trump’s followers over the last eight years, I understand it a whole lot better. 





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10 minutes ago, Unwoke said:




Can you do one that says “picture of Unwoke every time I tell him to put his money where his mouth is?”


The fact that this board is almost entirely hardcore trumpsters and people who lack the character to stand up against what they know is wrong, it’s remarkable that every single one of you know he’s going to lose again in 2024. If you believed that he was going to win, you’d put up your $$$$.  Your silence just confirms that you know deep down in your hearts that  CB is right…. Trump is about to get done to him what he did to Jean Carroll. 

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Trumpster Logic: 

“I’m opposed to abortion, but I can overlook the occassional rape… as long as it’s not my wife Trump’s attacking.”

”I’m all for law and order… unless it’s trump that’s breaking laws all over the place. That’s just political persecution. They’re out to get him.”

”we need election integrity! And I’m not talking about fake electors, threats to election officials, and violence if necessary to avoid losing power… those are all cool by us.  As long as there’s no cheating.”


For people that claim to have backbone, the only thing you’re consistent about is being loyal to trump. The rest of your values and beliefs are flexible, it appears. 

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2 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Trumpster Logic: 

“I’m opposed to abortion, but I can overlook the occassional rape… as long as it’s not my wife Trump’s attacking.”

”I’m all for law and order… unless it’s trump that’s breaking laws all over the place. That’s just political persecution. They’re out to get him.”

”we need election integrity! And I’m not talking about fake electors, threats to election officials, and violence if necessary to avoid losing power… those are all cool by us.  As long as there’s no cheating.”


For people that claim to have backbone, the only thing you’re consistent about is being loyal to trump. The rest of your values and beliefs are flexible, it appears. 

Cardinalbacker crying again.


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4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

Trumpster Logic: 

“I’m opposed to abortion, but I can overlook the occassional rape… as long as it’s not my wife Trump’s attacking.”

”I’m all for law and order… unless it’s trump that’s breaking laws all over the place. That’s just political persecution. They’re out to get him.”

”we need election integrity! And I’m not talking about fake electors, threats to election officials, and violence if necessary to avoid losing power… those are all cool by us.  As long as there’s no cheating.”


For people that claim to have backbone, the only thing you’re consistent about is being loyal to trump. The rest of your values and beliefs are flexible, it appears. 

Says the individual who watches porn and cheats on his taxes. Lol

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3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Trumpster Logic: 

“I’m opposed to abortion, but I can overlook the occassional rape… as long as it’s not my wife Trump’s attacking.”

”I’m all for law and order… unless it’s trump that’s breaking laws all over the place. That’s just political persecution. They’re out to get him.”

”we need election integrity! And I’m not talking about fake electors, threats to election officials, and violence if necessary to avoid losing power… those are all cool by us.  As long as there’s no cheating.”


For people that claim to have backbone, the only thing you’re consistent about is being loyal to trump. The rest of your values and beliefs are flexible, it appears. 

So you didn’t know any of this when you voted for him…TWICE??????


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5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Can you do one that says “picture of Unwoke every time I tell him to put his money where his mouth is?”


The fact that this board is almost entirely hardcore trumpsters and people who lack the character to stand up against what they know is wrong, it’s remarkable that every single one of you know he’s going to lose again in 2024. If you believed that he was going to win, you’d put up your $$$$.  Your silence just confirms that you know deep down in your hearts that  CB is right…. Trump is about to get done to him what he did to Jean Carroll. 

This is one of the many reasons people want bet on the 2024 election. They stole it in 2020 and Arizona & Harris County in 2022. Don’t think they want try to do it again. 




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8 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s the difference between me and everybody else… I’ve got too much character to do it again. 

My guess is that Trump loses by 20 million plus votes this time. 

Character!! You lie on this Freaking board EVERYDAY! 
Or should I say half truths and out of context statements which are basically Lies. 

Boy….you really buy into the purity of your candidate when we are all flawed and imperfect. 😂😂🤣😂😂

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5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

Trumpster Logic: 

“I’m opposed to abortion, but I can overlook the occassional rape… as long as it’s not my wife Trump’s attacking.”

”I’m all for law and order… unless it’s trump that’s breaking laws all over the place. That’s just political persecution. They’re out to get him.”

”we need election integrity! And I’m not talking about fake electors, threats to election officials, and violence if necessary to avoid losing power… those are all cool by us.  As long as there’s no cheating.”


For people that claim to have backbone, the only thing you’re consistent about is being loyal to trump. The rest of your values and beliefs are flexible, it appears. 

You sound like a fool with this post but what’s new. 

I don’t believe there are Trumpsters on here. I believe most of them believe he’s just the right man for this time in history to do what needs to be done. He has exposed the left and some of the fake right for who they really are. Time to clean house. Hopefully we can have a fair election. although there is election interference already going on with these bs indictments in the Middle of his campaign and your too blinded by your hate for him to see it. Matter of fact he has a message for You.



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19 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

That’s the difference between me and everybody else… I’ve got too much character to do it again. 

My guess is that Trump loses by 20 million plus votes this time. 

The difference between us is you voted for him after thinking he raped someone, I definitely wouldn’t vote for him if I thought he was guilty, you actually did.

Too much character, lol.

You’re the guy that was an admirer of Bill Clinton, remember?


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30 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

You sound like a fool with this post but what’s new. 

I don’t believe there are Trumpsters on here. I believe most of them believe he’s just the right man for this time in history to do what needs to be done. He has exposed the left and some of the fake right for who they really are. Time to clean house. Hopefully we can have a fair election. although there is election interference already going on with these bs indictments in the Middle of his campaign and your too blinded by your hate for him to see it. Matter of fact he has a message for You.



He’s exactly the man you want as the Republican candidate… if you want a democrat president.  

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29 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

The difference between us is you voted for him after thinking he raped someone, I definitely wouldn’t vote for him if I thought he was guilty, you actually did.

Too much character, lol.

You’re the guy that was an admirer of Bill Clinton, remember?


Since I last voted for him it was established that he raped Jean Carroll, he lied about election fraud, he tried to steal the election by forcing the Georgia AG to “recalculate” vote totals and give Trump the win, he wanted fake electors to steal states won by Biden, he tried to get Pence to unconstitutionally  hand the election election over, he encouraged the 1/6 insurrection, and he mishandled/tried to conceal our most secret documents so that he could use them for his own personal gain. 

And he got his oil checked by Biden/Harris…. Any one of those is a good enough reason that a decent person would decide never again to vote for that piece of crap. 

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