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60 Minutes Wonders Why Chicago Police Doing Less


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8 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Let me see- hmmm- you advocate "community" policing but favor one single police department for the golden triangle?  How interesting.

Sure. Put some cops on foot in neighborhoods and get to know ur assigned area. Don't need a local police chief to do that

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17 minutes ago, Remmus said:

That favoritism can lead to belief of being more protected/justified than the people you serve.  What ever happened to community policing?

It isn't favoritism. It is self defense. I suppose by your comments that you believe that the police have no protection when upholding laws put in place by not them but the legislature. Everything should be "equal". I guess you believe that when an officer stops you it should be like two guys arguing in a bar and each has equal rights. 

Nothing has happened to community policing. What does that have to do with anything in this thread or the use of force? 

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7 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Sure. Put some cops on foot in neighborhoods and get to know ur assigned area. Don't need a local police chief to do that

Is this your solution for Chicago?- you know, the town where not 10 or 20 blacks are shot by cops but where many hundreds are shot/killed by other blacks but it doesn't concern you or BLM.

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6 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Sure. Put some cops on foot in neighborhoods and get to know ur assigned area. Don't need a local police chief to do that

I am all for putting officers on foot. What you do need is about a 20% increase in the size of police departments. I don't know any officers including chiefs that will turn down more manpower. Please petition your city council for that increase. 

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11 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Is this your solution for Chicago?- you know, the town where not 10 or 20 blacks are shot by cops but where many hundreds are shot/killed by other blacks but it doesn't concern you or BLM.

Ur talking about the South side of Chicago n not all of Chicago.  NYC used beat cops AND a commitment to law and order.  

The killing in Chicago is exacerbated by the free for all nature of the streets.  It's every ninja for themselves and the law abiding are trapped (if they want to stay).  It's really the Wild West.  The leadership there is horrible and the cops alone can't solve.  

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9 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Ur talking about the South side of Chicago n not all of Chicago.  NYC used beat cops AND a commitment to law and order.  

The killing in Chicago is exacerbated by the free for all nature of the streets.  It's every ninja for themselves and the law abiding are trapped (if they want to stay).  It's really the Wild West.  The leadership there is horrible and the cops alone can't solve.  

And why isn't BLM protesting those huge number of black deaths vs what they are actually protesting?

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19 minutes ago, stevenash said:

Is this your solution for Chicago?- you know, the town where not 10 or 20 blacks are shot by cops but where many hundreds are shot/killed by other blacks but it doesn't concern you or BLM.

What are you talking about? Everyone knows that the killings in Chicago are caused by "guns" and the white man. If we would simply outlaw guns and police brutality everyone would all get along. It has nothing to do with a black drug dealer killing a black car thief. IT IS THE GUNS!.

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54 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

What are you talking about? Everyone knows that the killings in Chicago are caused by "guns" and the white man. If we would simply outlaw guns and police brutality everyone would all get along. It has nothing to do with a black drug dealer killing a black car thief. IT IS THE GUNS!.

You're putting your toe in that pool.  The one that has swastikas adorning it.   

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4 hours ago, Remmus said:

I can't even take this seriously.  All of them had it coming?  I don't condone making martyrs out of criminals. And that statement applies to the Police Officers too.

I didn't say all of them had it coming.  In fact, I didn't say ANYBODY had it coming.  My (obvious) point was that the overwhelming majority of police officers in your "twenty shootings" acted within their rights, and within the parameters of self defense laws, and I guarantee you that is accurate.  In fact, in most of the cases that have been major talking points on social media and for BLM, the victim did in fact "have it coming", but that hasn't really mattered.  And in every case where the police were wrong, and even in several where they were not, they have had charges filed on them in the aftermath.  It's a shame that officers are out there getting hurt and even killed because they're hesitating to protect themselves due to today's social climate, and out of fear that doing so may make them a target of overzealous politicians who are looking to either make a name for themselves or garner votes. 

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56 minutes ago, stevenash said:

And why isn't BLM protesting those huge number of black deaths vs what they are actually protesting?

This is an OUTSTANDING point my friend and you couldn't be more right.  The answer lies in some hypocrisy but this does not invalidate the entire movement.

I'm sure many have said that African Americans need to clean up their own house before pointing fingers.  A LOT of truth in that.  This isn't to say nothing is being said, but its mostly happening in homes IMO.  There needs to be a similar movement to deal with the ninjas and reject the glorification.  Keep in mind, the whole ghetto thug persona is a billion dollar industry.  Music, clothing, movies all take this character and earn from it at the cost of the law abiding. And yes, too many are consuming it as well.  I'm sure all know how much influence the thug persona has on all young kids.  Fortunately some kids can dress up in the gear and not risk losing their lives.

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7 minutes ago, Remmus said:

You're putting your toe in that pool.  The one that has swastikas adorning it.   

Are you insinuating I am a Nazi, Skinhead, or any other form of racist because I will call black on black crime what it is. Instead of driving a wedge between whites and blacks, why don't the black community try pulling out the wedge that divide themselves. BLM does not want to talk about the enormously larger black on black crime rate. They would prefer to chant for dead cops. It is not racist to call something what it is. Chicago is death pool because black on black crime it out of control. It has nothing to do with white cops killing black criminals or gun sales. Be real.

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4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

This is an OUTSTANDING point my friend and you couldn't be more right.  The answer lies in some hypocrisy but this does not invalidate the entire movement.

I'm sure many have said that African Americans need to clean up their own house before pointing fingers.  A LOT of truth in that.  This isn't to say nothing is being said, but its mostly happening in homes IMO.  There needs to be a similar movement to deal with the ninjas and reject the glorification.  Keep in mind, the whole ghetto thug persona is a billion dollar industry.  Music, clothing, movies all take this character and earn from it at the cost of the law abiding. And yes, too many are consuming it as well.  I'm sure all know how much influence the thug persona has on all young kids.  Fortunately some kids can dress up in the gear and not risk losing their lives.

BLM is not a movement. It is a hate group just like the KKK and other  supremacy groups. Don't fool yourself. BLM is a bunch of racists.

"What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now". -BLM

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28 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

Are you insinuating I am a Nazi, Skinhead, or any other form of racist because I will call black on black crime what it is. Instead of driving a wedge between whites and blacks, why don't the black community try pulling out the wedge that divide themselves. BLM does not want to talk about the enormously larger black on black crime rate. They would prefer to chant for dead cops. It is not racist to call something what it is. Chicago is death pool because black on black crime it out of control. It has nothing to do with white cops killing black criminals or gun sales. Be real.

No sir, I'm not.  Just saying some of that talk can be found at Stormfront.  

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27 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

BLM is not a movement. It is a hate group just like the KKK and other  supremacy groups. Don't fool yourself. BLM is a bunch of racists.

"What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now". -BLM

You know I disagree.  I stated my belief about idiots showing up at well intended rallies.  I won't even deny the presence of Black Nationalist in the group or at least ones that share similar thinking.  BLM was started to shed light on what they thought were a rash of cops attacking African Americans.  I previously said something needed to be said so we could all learn the truth.  Also, they might prevent the next unarmed kid from being shot.  What I mean is, A LOT kids are learning how to engage with police because of the movement.  Unfortunately too many grow up fearing the police and not getting much instruction at home.  They have all sorts of crazy fears in their heads when a cop with a gun drawn shows up.  The probability of doing some stupid is very high.

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30 minutes ago, 77 said:

Thats why they need a mom and pop at home to teach respect but pops dont seem to stay maybe BLM could address that problem but they wont!

That problem has been addressed at length since the 90's. Although there's still issues, things have greatly improved IMO. The crack generation were raised by single mom n grandparents but today I can tell about the numbers of men that grew up w/o dad that are breaking the cycle w/ their own families.  

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48 minutes ago, 77 said:

good about time but anybody who openly says its a problem are labeled uncle tom or racist. 

Unfortunately you are correct IMO.   It's an easy way to deflect talking about the issue.  We all know there's a segment that are indoctrinated into a welfare mindset and are perfectly content to never change those circumstances.  I'm a huge proponent of putting more effort into getting schools right in the inner city.  Somehow the kids need to be educated out of this cycle (this includes learning trades).  There's some bright examples scattered around.  A famous one is in NYC where this particular magnet school pumps out college ready kids (that go on to graduate and escape poverty) but of course that's not enough.  If your mother is a crackhead or working three jobs to keep a roof cuz daddy ain't sh*t, the kids are highly at risk of getting eaten up by the system.  My understanding is we project prison needs based on the test scores of elementary kids.  We're damn good at building jails but seem to suck at building decent schools (unless you're fortunate enough to be in a decent area).  These schools need expansive programs to help the kids.  It's sucks to help pay to cover other people's problems, but I'm pretty sure Chicago would be much safer today if the country made a concerted effort in the inner city that wasn't only focused on law enforcement.  I also like Texas' use of long-term school facilities.  We need to separate the unruly criminals-in-training from the kids that really want to learn.  Maybe some of those jr. gangsters will benefit from a school full of muscle bound men that keep strict order.  Some may straighten up and go back to regular school and focus on books and not fist fighting teachers.

There's another good example of a school that straightens out troubled kids, it's called Glenn Mills School.  It's not too far from Philadelphia.  It's basically a juvenile detention facility but they're more about instilling discipline and high standards than lock up. Their football teams are the most respectful disciplined group of kids I've seen.  I wouldn't dare get out of line if I were a kid there.  The staff looks battlefield ready.

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4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

Unfortunately you are correct IMO.   It's an easy way to deflect talking about the issue.  We all know there's a segment that are indoctrinated into a welfare mindset and are perfectly content to never change those circumstances.  I'm a huge proponent of putting more effort into getting schools right in the inner city.  Somehow the kids need to be educated out of this cycle (this includes learning trades).  There's some bright examples scattered around.  A famous one is in NYC where this particular magnet school pumps out college ready kids (that go on to graduate and escape poverty) but of course that's not enough.  If your mother is a crackhead or working three jobs to keep a roof cuz daddy ain't sh*t, the kids are highly at risk of getting eaten up by the system.  My understanding is we project prison needs based on the test scores of elementary kids.  We're damn good at building jails but seem to suck at building decent schools (unless you're fortunate enough to be in a decent area).  These schools need expansive programs to help the kids.  It's sucks to help pay to cover other people's problems, but I'm pretty sure Chicago would be much safer today if the country made a concerted effort in the inner city that wasn't only focused on law enforcement.  I also like Texas' use of long-term school facilities.  We need to separate the unruly criminals-in-training from the kids that really want to learn.  Maybe some of those jr. gangsters will benefit from a school full of muscle bound men that keep strict order.  Some may straighten up and go back to regular school and focus on books and not fist fighting teachers.

If the student is black and the muscle bound men are white and strongly discipline the student, you will be one of the first to cry out that the kid is being treated unfairly and we shouldnt trust the muscle bound men.

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10 minutes ago, stevenash said:

If the student is black and the muscle bound men are white and strongly discipline the student, you will be one of the first to cry out that the kid is being treated unfairly and we shouldnt trust the muscle bound men.

I added to my last post.

NO SIR.  That one is completely false.  There's a lot of white men that work there and put the smack down.  I know this school well because one of my high school best friend's father is a top administrator there.  I've seen their staff and they kick ass when needed.  Now, these aren't kids in a regular school, they did something to get sent there, so nobody bitches when a foot gets inserted in an arse.  It's really a tough love place that saves a lot of lives.  So, regarding a long term spot we gotta give staff the tools they need to keep order.  As far as Philly goes, no one would b*tch cuz their kids would be saved from the gangsters that currently run the schools.

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14 hours ago, Remmus said:

I added to my last post.

NO SIR.  That one is completely false.  There's a lot of white men that work there and put the smack down.  I know this school well because one of my high school best friend's father is a top administrator there.  I've seen their staff and they kick ass when needed.  Now, these aren't kids in a regular school, they did something to get sent there, so nobody bitches when a foot gets inserted in an arse.  It's really a tough love place that saves a lot of lives.  So, regarding a long term spot we gotta give staff the tools they need to keep order.  As far as Philly goes, no one would b*tch cuz their kids would be saved from the gangsters that currently run the schools.

Apparently you don't believe the same about the police.

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4 minutes ago, Remmus said:

You already know there's none. Only thing that got hurt where the roads and schools that didn't get the funding.

And you know for a fact that "tank acquisition" came at the expense of roads and schools?  Am hearing that often this is military surplus that comes very very cheaply to law enforcement

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