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BIAS ALERT: Media that ripped Bush on Katrina ignores Obama on La. flooding


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36 minutes ago, Big girl said:

FEMA didn't deliver Aid until weeks, after the flood, I believe. FEMA has always responded and has sent Aid to help in the relief efforts.  That is the big difference.

Can you even begin to comprehend the magnitude of the situation in New Orleans, or do you just enjoy bumping your gums? Do you realize that weeks after the hurricane there was still flood waters due to the pumps not working and levees still breached? You really don't know what you are talking about. You are just trying to cover fo Obama's ineptitude.

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The big difference in these two cases are that the folks in Baton rouge put their boots on and went to work and in NO they stood on their roofs and whined for somebody to help me ! Almost every house in BC was flooded after Ike and it wasn't all over the national news because they went to work and didn't sit around waiting for someone to coddle them! JMO

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Let me paint an alternative scenario for you that you, of course will not even consider.  The Public relations machine of the left comes to realize that Mr. Obama not showing up in Louisiana has the potential to become a public relations disaster for both Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton ( aka- the possibility of considerable anti Democrat sentiment- similar to the concern that the Benghazi incident would be harmful to the party just prior to the mid term elections ) Valerie Jarrett and company meet and decide how best to handle the circumstances.  They come up with the "suggestion" to the governor that if he makes a public statement that , in order to preserve and properly allocate resources, they have asked the President to stay away.  The Governor, being a loyal member of the Democratic party makes the statement as "suggested".  If Jarrett had nothing to do with this, consider the inner circle of Mrs. Clinton who does not want, under any circumstance, any "bad press" for her party, particularly this close to election time. The same "suggestion" is made to the Governor who has two motivations to accept the "suggestion".  1.  He is a loyal member of his party and  wants to manage public perception of the event  2.  He also knows that there have been several "suicides" committed by people who had the potential to do political harm to the Clintons,  If neither of these scenarios gets the job done, Mr. Obama "suddenly" decides to go to Louisiana next Tuesday( even though it will require the same "resources" the Governor just stated that he was trying to preserve).  To me it is more than coincidental that Benghazi was attributable to a video, and the Louisiana Governor was trying to preserve and productively deploy "resources".  All I can tell you is that just about everyone knows/acknowledges that Benghazi was NOT caused by a video, and the "resource needs" of Louisiana will be no different on Tuesday than they have been since the flooding damage began.

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13 hours ago, 77 said:

The big difference in these two cases are that the folks in Baton rouge put their boots on and went to work and in NO they stood on their roofs and whined for somebody to help me ! Almost every house in BC was flooded after Ike and it wasn't all over the national news because they went to work and didn't sit around waiting for someone to coddle them! JMO

Did the folks in BC receive fema trailers from the GOVERNMENT!

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13 hours ago, 77 said:

The big difference in these two cases are that the folks in Baton rouge put their boots on and went to work and in NO they stood on their roofs and whined for somebody to help me ! Almost every house in BC was flooded after Ike and it wasn't all over the national news because they went to work and didn't sit around waiting for someone to coddle them! JMO

My god this is just plain sad. I'll advise you to think hard about the facts dealing with Katrina. Wow sad. People where on the roof because everything under that was flood water. It's just dumb to try to compare anything like Ike to Katrina. SMH this something right out of Trumps mouth. How do you go back to work. You do no it was several weeks before they even let people return. Was there bodies floating in waters after Ike. Were they marking houses with numbers to let the mourge know how many bodies were there. After Ike what we had a week without power and everything was back normal. Smh you know how many people lost love ones. Lost everything they had. Do you like to compare death toll, damage cost, and aftermath of the two.

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3 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

My god this is just plain sad. I'll advise you to think hard about the facts dealing with Katrina. Wow sad. People where on the roof because everything under that was flood water. It's just dumb to try to compare anything like Ike to Katrina. SMH this something right out of Trumps mouth. How do you go back to work. You do no it was several weeks before they even let people return. Was there bodies floating in waters after Ike. Were they marking houses with numbers to let the mourge know how many bodies were there. After Ike what we had a week without power and everything was back normal. Smh you know how many people lost love ones. Lost everything they had. Do you like to compare death toll, damage cost, and aftermath of the two.

Nagin, Obama, and most other race agitators called Bush a racist and crucified him because of this.  No blame for the mayor or state govt for not doing anything.  If I'm not mistaken, I think I read that there was federal money allocated to repair levees that were known to be inadequate.  The money was spent elsewhere.  But it was all Bush's fault.  The question is, why is the Chosen One(Obama) not getting vilified over his not going to Baton Rouge, as Bush was for not going to NO.

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40 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

Nagin, Obama, and most other race agitators called Bush a racist and crucified him because of this.  No blame for the mayor or state govt for not doing anything.  If I'm not mistaken, I think I read that there was federal money allocated to repair levees that were known to be inadequate.  The money was spent elsewhere.  But it was all Bush's fault.  The question is, why is the Chosen One(Obama) not getting vilified over his not going to Baton Rouge, as Bush was for not going to NO.

Dude first off be realistic and admit that this is a far far reach to compare this to Katrina is a joke. Stop acting like you can't see the difference. My mother would drop everything and come see me if I got shot. Not so much if I got stung by a bee.

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33 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Dude first off be realistic and admit that this is a far far reach to compare this to Katrina is a joke. Stop acting like you can't see the difference. My mother would drop everything and come see me if I got shot. Not so much if I got stung by a bee.

Dude, not comparing the two disasters.  The problem is with the media blasting Bush, while giving Obama a pass.  So the flooding in BR is like a bee sting compared to NO?

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36 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

Dude first off be realistic and admit that this is a far far reach to compare this to Katrina is a joke. Stop acting like you can't see the difference. My mother would drop everything and come see me if I got shot. Not so much if I got stung by a bee.

You ought to be realistic and understand that hardships are hardships and the number of deaths involved is irrelevant.  How many people have to be harmed before the President should show/voice concern.   If you are trying to say that it was perfectly appropriate to criticize Bush during Katrina but not Obama during this circumstance, you are definitely the one who needs a reality check.

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15 minutes ago, stevenash said:

You ought to be realistic and understand that hardships are hardships and the number of deaths involved is irrelevant.  How many people have to be harmed before the President should show/voice concern.   If you are trying to say that it was perfectly appropriate to criticize Bush during Katrina but not Obama during this circumstance, you are definitely the one who needs a reality check.

Obama has proven time and time again that the number of deaths is irrelevant.  If you are black or Muslim and are killed or discriminated against, he is the first one speaking out to create a race war and further divide our country.  He does all of that for just one person if they are the right color.  

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1 hour ago, PhatMack19 said:

Obama has proven time and time again that the number of deaths is irrelevant.  If you are black or Muslim and are killed or discriminated against, he is the first one speaking out to create a race war and further divide our country.  He does all of that for just one person if they are the right color.  

You're learning.

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Has Hillary been yet, or announced a visit?   I'm asking because I've been otherwise occupied.  I did hear that Trump made an appearance.   Could it possibly be that Trump, as bad as he is, is more compassionate than Hillary?.  H-ll a cobra snake has more compassion than that immoral hussy.

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47 minutes ago, REBgp said:

Has Hillary been yet, or announced a visit?   I'm asking because I've been otherwise occupied.  I did hear that Trump made an appearance.   Could it possibly be that Trump, as bad as he is, is more compassionate than Hillary?.  H-ll a cobra snake has more compassion than that immoral hussy.

The Donald went for a photo op and just brought Play-do according to the media.

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7 hours ago, PAMFAM10 said:

My god this is just plain sad. I'll advise you to think hard about the facts dealing with Katrina. Wow sad. People where on the roof because everything under that was flood water. It's just dumb to try to compare anything like Ike to Katrina. SMH this something right out of Trumps mouth. How do you go back to work. You do no it was several weeks before they even let people return. Was there bodies floating in waters after Ike. Were they marking houses with numbers to let the mourge know how many bodies were there. After Ike what we had a week without power and everything was back normal. Smh you know how many people lost love ones. Lost everything they had. Do you like to compare death toll, damage cost, and aftermath of the two.

Was the FBI swat squad in Bridge City shooting looters at the Federal Reserve?


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