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Michelle obama' s speech she nailed it

Big girl

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2 hours ago, new tobie said:

This is a personal attack, but thats what most pubs do. Just like their csndidate. Practice christianity and hate, just like another group that hides under sheets. Even the blm group doesnt hide under sheets

Do you really think anybody gives any credence to such false stereotypes you are trying to portray? But more importantly, do you feel like you bolstered you perceived intelligence level with your audience when you make these types of statements?

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23 hours ago, stevenash said:

As I said multiple times, I am fully tired of verbalizers that cant accomplish anything.  I know plenty of people who are not great orators but are extremely productive.  Perhaps we, as a country, ought to try someone like that.  Here are some eloquent "verbalizations" from recent history- " My stimulus plan will provide shovel ready jobs"  - " I am drawing a red line in the sand"- If you like your doctor/healthcare plan, you can keep it"  " My Affordable Healthcare Act will reduce the average annual family premium by 25%"-" I will build a 21st Century VA" - "ISIS is the JV"- "Change you can believe in"      Frankly, I have had more than my fill of great verbal abilities.  Don't want a coach who is good at pep talks but doesn't know the difference between a man to man and a zone.

You are a racist. My dad played basketball with you for years.  Who locked him out of the gym? Do you remember?

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14 hours ago, stevenash said:

If one cannot distinguish between the two, importance/relative importance is of little consequence.  Most individuals and corporations cannot continue to run an annual deficit if their debt gets too high.  Unfortunately, the Federal Government simply borrows more money to cover what it owes.  That cant go on forever.  Hence the first downgrade in this countrys debt rating in History during the current administration. 

The rating was lowered, because Ted Cruz shut down the government 

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51 minutes ago, Englebert said:

Do you really think anybody gives any credence to such false stereotypes you are trying to portray? But more importantly, do you feel like you bolstered you perceived intelligence level with your audience when you make these types of statements?

I do. You can't handle the truth.

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6 minutes ago, Big girl said:

Most of them on this site are racists or incredibly stupid. If the shoe fits, wear it. Yep, I am using the race card, because it is true. You know who you are.

Are you actually trying to call most people on this site stupid? This coming after you clearly demonstrated (on several occasions) that you don't even know the difference between deficit and debt.

Us stupid people have no problem clearly seeing who you are.

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3 hours ago, new tobie said:

This is a personal attack, but thats what most pubs do. Just like their csndidate. Practice christianity and hate, just like another group that hides under sheets. Even the blm group doesnt hide under sheets

It's ok to attack groups though. That's not personal.

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20 minutes ago, Big girl said:

The rating was lowered, because Ted Cruz shut down the government 

If this absurd statement has any semblance of truth, why wasn't our credit rating lowered when Bill shut down the government...twice? Don't answer. I don't think I can handle the Mensa-like statement forthcoming.

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31 minutes ago, new tobie said:

The republicans shut down the government when they refused to even vote no on a supreme court justice

Really?  When did this take place?  I will need your superior intellect to let me know how not voting on a supreme court justice nominee shuts the government down.  As I said, please give me the dates.  I think you are the only one with this amazing knowledge.  Warning:  Moderation is the key.  Too much of anything can be very harmful.  One can even drown on kool aid.

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30 minutes ago, new tobie said:

The republicans shut down the government when they refused to even vote no on a supreme court justice

Try going back to the far-left websites for your answers. You don't do as well when you try to speak off the cuff. Much like the current president. Much like the Democrat nominee also.

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1 hour ago, Englebert said:

I'm surprised she was quoting from that show. After all, it portrays a wall, and Liberals hate walls.

Except the one THEY built around THEIR Convention.  And based on this, the Democrats don't want to build a wall to keep illegals out, but they don't mind building one to keep Americans out.   Would someone please justify this so us poor dumb Republicans can understand?

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20 hours ago, stevenash said:

If one cannot distinguish between the two, importance/relative importance is of little consequence.  Most individuals and corporations cannot continue to run an annual deficit if their debt gets too high.  Unfortunately, the Federal Government simply borrows more money to cover what it owes.  That cant go on forever.  Hence the first downgrade in this countrys debt rating in History during the current administration. 

The rating was lowered, because Ted Cruz shut down the government 

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