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Texas Cop Fired!!


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 we cannot see the actual shooting so it is impossible to render a valid opinion on if it was legal.  Arlington is apparently under Texas civil service law like some of the surrounding area police agencies and therefore the first year the office it can be fired without cause.  That means the chief can simply not like his haircut and terminate him legally. 

 in this case the chief probably threw him under the bus and in fact at one point I read where he mentioned Ferguson. The officer was made a sacrificial lamb more than likely. Had this been a veteran officer he almost certainly would not have been fired or if so at a much later time when an in-depth investigation happened.

 that is why all officers sweat out their first year. They can be terminated for any reason and I have seen it done before.  The officer being terminated in this case has almost nothing to do with the events and everything to do with the chief wanted to get out and cover his own hide.  Maybe a termination and an indictment might be the correct course of action but so soon lets you know that at this point it's just politics. 

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I have two sons, 12 and 13 years old.  They dont understand and keep asking questions about all the shootings going on.  I tell them if you want to act like a fool expect to get shot or beat like a fool. 

I dont care what color you are. 

Even a drug dealer who is murdered by another drug dealer deserves the same consideration in solving his murder. Acting a fool doesn't mean you should get shot for it.

I'm really beginning to understand why the term,  "All Lives Matter."

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Even a drug dealer who is murdered by another drug dealer deserves the same consideration in solving his murder. Acting a fool doesn't mean you should get shot for it.

I'm really beginning to understand why the term,  "All Lives Matter."

i posted a thread about that last sentence. 

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So, acting a fool is cause to shoot?


I have no idea what happened other than the information that has been posted.  The video shows a grown man acting like a child throwing a fit and damaging cars. He is not acting like even a reasonable child, and certainly not like an adult. No matter if the cop didn't follow rules, if he is yelling stop and the guy is charging him, I would shoot if I was in that officers shoes. I'm too old to get in a fight and possibly have my gun taken away. Also, with my Ambulance experience, depending on what drug he "could" be on, he does not feel any pain, which makes him stronger. That would be a significant threat.

Now, If he was not charging and was just standing there running his mouth, he should not of been shot. I would still like more information.

and BTW, had he not broke into the place, none of this would have happened.

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Even a drug dealer who is murdered by another drug dealer deserves the same consideration in solving his murder. Acting a fool doesn't mean you should get shot for it.

I'm really beginning to understand why the term,  "All Lives Matter."

You are taking something I said and making up a story. I NEVER said if you are acting a fool you should be shot. I think that is evidence that should be used. If that was his "normal" state of mind, he was one messed up individual. I have a good feeling that was NOT his normal state and therefore his judgement was altered......... 

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 A lot depends on how you define acting like a fool.

 In any case we have another straw man argument. I have never seen any person in any of these forms on any thread saying that I thing like a fool in itself was a good reason to get shot. 

 An officer drawing a handgun while trying to stop a felony in progress is not only normal procedure, it is the safe, correct and a routine thing to do.  We are not talking about a misdemeanor shoplifting suspect.  I do not know how anyone can have a valid opinion as to the shooting at this point because for right now we have no clue what happened  other than media reports and speculation. 

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 A lot depends on how you define acting like a fool.

 In any case we have another straw man argument. I have never seen any person in any of these forms on any thread saying that I thing like a fool in itself was a good reason to get shot. 

 An officer drawing a handgun while trying to stop a felony in progress is not only normal procedure, it is the safe, correct and a routine thing to do.  We are not talking about a misdemeanor shoplifting suspect.  I do not know how anyone can have a valid opinion as to the shooting at this point because for right now we have no clue what happened  other than media reports and speculation. 

He was jumping up and down and appeared to be tearing things off of cars. That would fit my definition of acting a fool:)

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You are taking something I said and making up a story. I NEVER said if you are acting a fool you should be shot. I think that is evidence that should be used. If that was his "normal" state of mind, he was one messed up individual. I have a good feeling that was NOT his normal state and therefore his judgement was altered......... 

So being a cop or person with a gun you should give this man a chance to come at you and take your weapon and possibly your life? I highly doubt you would have let that happen.

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 A lot depends on how you define acting like a fool.

 In any case we have another straw man argument. I have never seen any person in any of these forms on any thread saying that I thing like a fool in itself was a good reason to get shot. 

 An officer drawing a handgun while trying to stop a felony in progress is not only normal procedure, it is the safe, correct and a routine thing to do.  We are not talking about a misdemeanor shoplifting suspect.  I do not know how anyone can have a valid opinion as to the shooting at this point because for right now we have no clue what happened  other than media reports and speculation. 

Too many do not need to have a clue to form an opinion...cop shot someone...cop is wrong...period.

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acting a fool could be someone shooting a gun in the air for no reason or jumping on cars while high off drugs. 

true, but if you are committing a felony and the cop throws down on you, and tells you to stop......if you advance (being foolish) he has every right to shoot IMO. TVC can expound I'm sure.

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true, but if you are committing a felony and the cop throws down on you, and tells you to stop......if you advance (being foolish) he has every right to shoot IMO. TVC can expound I'm sure.

The standard is if a reasonable officer would feel the need to use deadly force. Most times in the past, a felon advancing on an officer with a drawn handgun is most of the time seen as justified in my experience. There is no need to have the person be a threat of death, a point which is almost always glossed over or ignored by the press.

There is no statute that requires a person to fear death in order to justify deadly force. There has to be a fear of serious bodily injury which can be a broken bone. If an in shape athlete is advancing toward you while committing a felony and appears to be crazed on drugs, would anyone be in fear or injury? 

That is the question of law that will be before the grand jury. 

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Arlington officer's attorney: Decision to fire Miller “insulting”


We are about to hear the other side


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I just heard a statement by the chief and it was some of the biggest bunch of caca that I have read. "Cascading consequences"? Pure gibberish for the media. 

I think they need to fire the chief. 

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Yep, the chief is a politician. It looks like he made deputy chief about 9-10 years into his career (since he served as deputy chief, assistant chief and interim chief and was named chief at only 16 years). That is a politician that has likely put very little time in on the streets and a lot of time in the chief's back pocket and backstabbing any competition. He will and probably has thrown anyone out there to save his butt and make him look like the hero. 

I could be wrong but seeing such a rapid rise in such a large department, I doubt it. 

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The singer in my band lost her Son in a work related accident about 7 weeks ago. It really made me think about how lucky I am that I have my son. As a father, I can't imagine loosing my Son. I'm not sure I could continue.....

With that said, this article about this young man touched me. From the article:

“Relieved wouldn’t be the word,” Adrian Taylor told The Washington Post in a telephone interview. “We are all human and make mistakes and there isn’t a winner in this. You know what I mean? We are both losers.”

“We were hoping of finding out some more information because that [person in the video] was not my son.”

This Father makes a lot of sense, and as of yet, does not appear to trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. It is worth the read if you want to get a perspective of the Fathers side. 

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