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Blowout Coaching

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You have a bad team and are playing a powerhouse, that you have no chance of beating. At what point do you scrap your offense, and just start throwing hail mary's down the field, or try every trick play you have ever seen, or at least stop punting and go for it on fourth downs?
Do you continue to go 3 and out and just hope the other coach feels sorry for you and calls off the dogs?
I don't get why some coaches continue to do the same thing over and over, even when their offense is going backwards and the other team is scoring at will. Why not try something else?
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I think all of the things you are suggesting would make the blow out worse because most of them would stop the clock, are unlikely to work, and would make the winning coach mad.  Coaches who are blowing you out will usually play their subs at some point and run the football to eat clock and slow their own offense.  If you start pulling out trick plays and throwing hail mary's when you are clearly beaten the opposing coach might decide to play his starters and throw the ball as well.  Managing a blowout is an almost cooperative effort by both coaches.  The coach of the team that is winning big should stop trying to score (if you are running between the tackles and the other team still cant stop you there isnt a lot you can do, but otherwise) and in return the coach of the team that is losing doesnt try to trick or miracle his way to touchdowns to make his stat line look better.  If I'm getting blown out, I run my regular offense through the third quarter, then pull my starters in the 4th, and run the ball to kill the clock. 

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[quote name="TROJANSWIN" post="1575265" timestamp="1414897410"]You have a bad team and are playing a powerhouse, that you have no chance of beating. At what point do you scrap your offense, and just start throwing hail mary's down the field, or try every trick play you have ever seen, or at least stop punting and go for it on fourth downs?
Do you continue to go 3 and out and just hope the other coach feels sorry for you and calls off the dogs?
I don't get why some coaches continue to do the same thing over and over, even when their offense is going backwards and the other team is scoring at will. Why not try something else?[/[quote name="TROJANSWIN" post="1575265" timestamp="1414897410"]You have a bad team and are playing a powerhouse, that you have no chance of beating. At what point do you scrap your offense, and just start throwing hail mary's down the field, or try every trick play you have ever seen, or at least stop punting and go for it on fourth downs?
Do you continue to go 3 and out and just hope the other coach feels sorry for you and calls off the dogs?
I don't get why some coaches continue to do the same thing over and over, even when their offense is going backwards and the other team is scoring at will. Why not try something else?[/quote] Milk the clock and get it over with if your the losing team. Your in a no win situation.
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Just don't piss the other coach off. Most understand when they are down that there is no way of winning, but you have to keep your guys motivated and in the game. It's just tough to decipher which to do. A real tough decision For any coach, the coaching blowing somebody out and the coach getting g blown out. Nice post trojanswin, I always like your post.
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I think all of the things you are suggesting would make the blow out worse because most of them would stop the clock, are unlikely to work, and would make the winning coach mad. Coaches who are blowing you out will usually play their subs at some point and run the football to eat clock and slow their own offense. If you start pulling out trick plays and throwing hail mary's when you are clearly beaten the opposing coach might decide to play his starters and throw the ball as well. Managing a blowout is an almost cooperative effort by both coaches. The coach of the team that is winning big should stop trying to score (if you are running between the tackles and the other team still cant stop you there isnt a lot you can do, but otherwise) and in return the coach of the team that is losing doesnt try to trick or miracle his way to touchdowns to make his stat line look better. If I'm getting blown out, I run my regular offense through the third quarter, then pull my starters in the 4th, and run the ball to kill the clock.

I agree, you run your offense and try to put together something positive and then pull your starters to give your younger players some experience against a better team's backups. I would definitely not let my kids lay down and quit. Even though getting blown out is a bad situation, it still provides the opportunity to teach something positive for future success.
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You have a bad team and are playing a powerhouse, that you have no chance of beating. At what point do you scrap your offense, and just start throwing hail mary's down the field, or try every trick play you have ever seen, or at least stop punting and go for it on fourth downs?
Do you continue to go 3 and out and just hope the other coach feels sorry for you and calls off the dogs?
I don't get why some coaches continue to do the same thing over and over, even when their offense is going backwards and the other team is scoring at will. Why not try something else?

Trick plays like a halfback pass, and after a score try and onside kick right off the bat. Go deep on the next offensive series and control the tempo and clock by running the ball 4 to 5 yards a pop
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"The coach of the team that is winning big should stop trying to score"

Terrible advice if you could ask the great coach Jack Pardee and the 93 Oilers. Two things I've learned from this great game of football: No lead is too safe and No lead is too safe unless your Crosby and on our goaline. Couldn't resist I'm in such a "District Champ for the good guys type mood tonight for some reason, can't quite put my 9 undefeated fingers on it. Maybe I need just one more digit and it'll come to me." Tick tock King Tick tock. Oh I can hear ya now, oh that guy really gets under my skin, win with class, oh I just wanna tell him a thing or two. Here's my advice, in the words of Sgt. Hulka, lighten up Francis!!! It's only a game, Good night all
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I actually watched one of these yesterday.
Losing team only had 17 kids suited up.
28-0 first quarter losing team hasnt scored 80 points this season.
The head referee actually told him to stop blitzing and sacking the qb , at to at least let them run the ball.

Ive always said in these games rotate some second string in with the starters and run regular running plays, they are going to need to know the plays and blocking schemes in 2 weeks , same with the defense mix in second stringers teaching in-game assignments.

Playoff time when you have to sub in a guy to give the starter a breather or due to injury and you have to put in a kid that hasnt hit or been hit at game speed all season usually doesnt bode well.
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A team that gets blown out week after week and year after year is usually a team that plays video games all summer in lieu of working towards getting better. They must like it, they seem to just keep doing it. If it bothers them they should work harder to change it. It's not the winning teams responsibility to stop the scoring, it's the opposing teams responsibility. It's hard to keep your team in shape when the starters only play 2 quarters.

 Most schools have about the same amount of kids and its the Coaches responsibility to develop them and that starts with the middle school teams. There is not that much difference with kids from one school to another except that the coaches have developed them. If they keep getting blow out they need to make changes in their system. They must like getting beat, so they just keep doing the same thing.

 There are a lot of team that just reload every year. They don't just go out and find more players, they have developed them.

 Get with the program or learn to like getting blown out. Some of the teams are so sorry that they keep getting blown out by the second and third teams.

  Some teams are blown out by the end of the first quarter.

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A team in 21-5A that's getting better every year since they joined our district is New Caney. Those coaches on that sideline seemed to stay upbeat and kept the kids motivated even though they knew what was going to happen when they got off of the bus. Now they have a nice new stadium that may attract some people moving also. You never know!
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Too many coaches have cycled to Shotgun throw the ball. The thing that bothers me is some teams don't have the talent to run these offenses . You also start each play from five yards further back. When you throw the ball you stop the clock and extend the game and that allows the other team more touches to score .Their backups are better than some people's starters who have practiced all year and deserve the opportunity to play. If you are at small schools you cant take out all starter because you don't have enough players at that position. That's why I admire Corrigan and Newton they run old school offense that can be boring but the bottom line is they WIN. I wished fans understood this and would complain at their Coach and not the other teams in team. The comeback is that is what we do and we are trying to get better (maybe your offense doesn't fit the talent you have). Great Topic , that's my two cent and we all know what that's worth.
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It depends. If it's the last game of the season or a playoff game and I've got nothing left to lose, leave it all out there on the field. If it's the first game of district play and I've got lesser teams left on the schedule, I'm not laying all my cards down for the next several teams to see on film.

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If the winnng coach sees you are no longer trying to get back in it, they normally lay off. But if you continue, to pass deep, stop the clock, trick plays, etc. they will continue to score on you.

Off season is great, workouts in summer, and other then what's required with team is where it helps. The Coaches do what they can, the parents help but the Player, the Team has to hold each other and themselves Accountable to be successful. Occasionally there is just a God given athlete, that was born and bred with talent, they work hard, but it comes easier, naturally. Most think they have it, but fail to realize how hard you have to work to have IT.

I will say this about Newton, awesome coaches, they have always come out at the half, after being up by a lot, and said Coach, yall keep playing hard, give us what you have, we need to keep getting better. I'll play some underclassman, non starters etc, and won't run it up. But tell your boys to go till the final whistle. Always a class act.
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Run it UP. Don't stop playing the game.


This aint a everybody gets a trophy for participation game. Football, you get hurt. you get your arse handed to you. you win some and you lose some.

You get better by wanting to be better. Getting a good arse whoopin "blow out" will open your eyes. I love to see coaches keep coaching and player's (starters) still in there executing.


Don't take your foot of the throat. The less democratic approach to life, the better. Just my opinion, but what do I know. I only won a state championship when I was in school. LOL

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