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To Far or Over Sensitive


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I wish i could say Im suprised by the RANK HYPOCRISY ,displayed in this thread, BUT IM NOT!!!! As ive said before, the hypocrites on this site dont give a dam about kids, or coaches etc....they only care about coaches, & kids and players that they love, that Look like them, and that they agree with. Im especially talking about all the concern shown for "KIDS FEELINGS" on the thread that raised the question of who was the best Qb at WOS!!! The coach at GCM,9th grade i might add, WENT ON THE MOST PUBLIC FORUM THERE IS, FACEBOOK!!!!! And told not one player, but the whole 9th grade team at Baytown Lee , that not only had they lost, not only were they sorry, BUT THEY WERE " THE WORST TEAM IN TOWN" and guess what the, THE COACH IS A HERO!!!!!

Indian 93 said: " pathetic what this PC world is coming to, people need to get thicker skin. Just because youre offended doesnt make you right!!!! I hope the coach stands his ground, NO APOLOGIES!!!!! This sentiment was almost universally agreed with on this thread. There is some mild exception, but for the most part, THE COACH WASNT WRONG!!!!
Mr. Kicker, you especially liked what he said!!!!!!
But here is what you had to say to me when i said i thought Wos has a QB, that is better than the one currently starting. "Grown men get on this site and belittle kids that are trying as hard as they can, only to see garbage on a web site about them. TRUST ME , THE KIDS READ THIS STUFF!!!!
Another quote from you Mr. kicker
I know what it is, everyone who plays highschool football in Baytown, even the 9th graders , are 25yrs , or older, and they dont have feelings, cant read, and dont have computers.
OF MOM, are kids in Baytown "OUR KIDS" too???? Or they only doing what the coaches tell then to, are they busting their butts ????!!????
Whats really wrong is the double standards. This man insulted a whole group of kids, called them sorry , for all to see.there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying who you think is a better player, or team,there is nothing personal, or insulting about that. If it is something wrong with saying who you think ia a better player, THEN TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE THREADS ON THIS WEBSITE TITLED : BEST QB IN SOUTHEAST TX, BEST ATHLETE, BEST WIDE RECEIVER????????????!
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I wish i could say Im suprised by the RANK HYPOCRISY ,displayed in this thread, BUT IM NOT!!!! As ive said before, the hypocrites on this site dont give a dam about kids, or coaches etc....they only care about coaches, & kids and players that they love, that Look like them, and that they agree with. Im especially talking about all the concern shown for "KIDS FEELINGS" on the thread that raised the question of who was the best Qb at WOS!!! The coach at GCM,9th grade i might add, WENT ON THE MOST PUBLIC FORUM THERE IS, FACEBOOK!!!!! And told not one player, but the whole 9th grade team at Baytown Lee , that not only had they lost, not only were they sorry, BUT THEY WERE " THE WORST TEAM IN TOWN" and guess what the, THE COACH IS A HERO!!!!!

Indian 93 said: " pathetic what this PC world is coming to, people need to get thicker skin. Just because youre offended doesnt make you right!!!! I hope the coach stands his ground, NO APOLOGIES!!!!! This sentiment was almost universally agreed with on this thread. There is some mild exception, but for the most part, THE COACH WASNT WRONG!!!!
Mr. Kicker, you especially liked what he said!!!!!!
But here is what you had to say to me when i said i thought Wos has a QB, that is better than the one currently starting. "Grown men get on this site and belittle kids that are trying as hard as they can, only to see garbage on a web site about them. TRUST ME , THE KIDS READ THIS STUFF!!!!
Another quote from you Mr. kicker
I know what it is, everyone who plays highschool football in Baytown, even the 9th graders , are 25yrs , or older, and they dont have feelings, cant read, and dont have computers.
OF MOM, are kids in Baytown "OUR KIDS" too???? Or they only doing what the coaches tell then to, are they busting their butts ????!!????
Whats really wrong is the double standards. This man insulted a whole group of kids, called them sorry , for all to see.there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying who you think is a better player, or team,there is nothing personal, or insulting about that. If it is something wrong with saying who you think ia a better player, THEN TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE THREADS ON THIS WEBSITE TITLED : BEST QB IN SOUTHEAST TX, BEST ATHLETE, BEST WIDE RECEIVER????????????!


The only person that has mentioned the coach being a hero is you.


I read the thread and saw no one that said what he did was a good thing. In fact I believe a majority of people said that he was wrong or unprofessional in his post. 


The consensus of the thread to me appears to be that he was wrong but it isn't a big deal. There is a difference between a traffic citation and a murder. They are both crimes but one is very minor and the other is almost the ultimate crime. It appears to be so in this case that the coach was wrong but what do you want as a result? Do you want him fired because someone was offended or should he simply get a verbal or written reprimand and be told to quit posting such dribble? I am thinking the majority of people that have posted think that at the most, the coach should be told to quit posting such comments publicly and be given a reprimand. 


I am not sure where hypocrisy even comes into the argument.................. 

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The inference one would most likely draw from this thread is that the coach, either did NOTHING WRONG, based on some of the responses, or he was wrong, but NO BIG DEAL!!!! I never said EVERYONE was ok with what he did.If youre not a person who has been hypocritical , then im not talking to you.I GUARANTEE YOU THE HYPOCRITES KNOW WHO THEY ARE. They tried to justify this mans actions, but was AGHAST that anyone would even suggest that one player might be better than another.

I fully expected the sophmoric responses , THE TRUTH HURTS HUH????? Here is one thing we can all count on, regarless of what you believe, religiously, politically, etc.... the day will come when we will find out if we were right or not. Its called JUDGEMENT DAY !!!!!!!
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My feeling is he's a freshman coach for a reason, his mind can't reach beyond the simple and shallow thinking in his Facebook post. He's not very good at his job if this is what he's " coaching " his kids. My opinion is let things work themselves out naturally, he didn't break the law, but I'm sure his boss is none too pleased, let the AD deal with it. Maybe that should be the question, what would you do as the AD, His boss. Would you want a man of this character coaching in your program, that's the question versus anything about PC or who he offended.
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I'll take the opportunity to respond to 21 hondo's mindless dribble on a thread where it is more appropriate as I am sure this is not the last we have heard from him.  Now, back to the topic at hand.  Did what the coach do by posting on facebook stupid?  Yes!  Should Coach Boyd call him on the carpet for the facebook post?  Probably!   Does it warrant a district wide investigation and a Channel 2 TV report?  No.  Should the whiteboard picture be punished?  No way!

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I'll take the opportunity to respond to 21 hondo's mindless dribble on a thread where it is more appropriate as I am sure this is not the last we have heard from him. Now, back to the topic at hand. Did what the coach do by posting on facebook stupid? Yes! Should Coach Boyd call him on the carpet for the facebook post? Probably! Does it warrant a district wide investigation and a Channel 2 TV report? No. Should the whiteboard picture be punished? No way!

You summed it up pretty well
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Notice how when intellectual amatures, who know what has been said is true, and they are incapable of making a cogent, logical , or reasonable argument. THEN ITS NEVER THE RIGHT TTHREAD, OR THE RIGHT TIME????? It will NEVER be the right time or thread when you dont have a legitimate response to whats being said. SO KEEP NAME CALLING, CHANGING / AVOIDING THE SUBJECT!!!!! Thats what i expect . There actually are some honest, fair , & egalitarian people on this site. TRUST ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SEE YOUR HYPOCRISY! !!! `HASTA LA VISTA, BABY :)
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Notice how when intellectual amatures, who know what has been said is true, and they are incapable of making a cogent, logical , or reasonable argument. THEN ITS NEVER THE RIGHT TTHREAD, OR THE RIGHT TIME????? It will NEVER be the right time or thread when you dont have a legitimate response to whats being said. SO KEEP NAME CALLING, CHANGING / AVOIDING THE SUBJECT!!!!! Thats what i expect . There actually are some honest, fair , & egalitarian people on this site. TRUST ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SEE YOUR HYPOCRISY! !!! `HASTA LA VISTA, BABY :)

Okay, you talked me into it. 


I have been on message boards a long time, but your attempt at divisiveness on this message board is one of the most poison tipped I have ever seen.  It shows that you have no love for the West Orange-Stark Mustangs but you really seek to sacrifice my beloved team for your own selfish ends.


Before I go further, an admission.  I never played a down of football at West Orange-Stark.  I was too small and too slow, thus I used the judgment that my entering the field with my much larger and faster friends would merely result in danger to myself.   But they were friends of mine no less and every Friday night for over 40 years I followed Mustang football.  While I know that will now make me a target in your world of hate, but I think that might give me a clearer perspective.  You see, in following the Mustangs, I have always cared about one thing, winning.  If the Mustangs put a W, by one or by fifty, I'm good.  And, unlike you, I have trusted the head coach, first McCarty, then Hooks and now Thompson, to put together a plan to do just that.  I have not had a care of who starts, who doesn't start, who is on varsity and who is not on varsity and so forth.  I do so because, unlike me and unlike Saturday morning quarterbacks like you, they have years of ACTUAL high school coaching experience.


Your chants of hypocrisy had me in thoughts ranging from "Me doth thinks she protests too loudly" to "Doctor, heal thyself" to the plain old fashion "pot calling the kettle black."  You see, I could care less who is the starting quarterback for the Mustangs on Friday night.  If it is Jack Dallas, fine.  If it is Will Johnson, fine.  I choose not to question the judgment of a coach who has been in the game for since before both you and I were born (BTW Coach Thompson, by that last sentence, I was not meaning to call you old, but hey, facts are facts).  But you use my choice to say that I am trying to hurt a kid's feelings and "protect" a coach.  Nothing is further from the truth.  If no one is "attacking" a coach, why should he need my protection, right?  Or are you now admitting that you have been involved in an attack campaign on Coach Thompson and are using Will as a pawn in the vehicle driving that attack?  You see, you are using my choice of deference as a vehicle to divide this team, seemingly along racial lines via your elegant use of "egalitarian."   You are correct, kids read this board, but that is not all.  parents read this board, too.  And you have used this forum in an effort not to galvanize support, but for attack and divisiveness.  You sir, have no support for the Mustangs and any of its players, including Will Johnson, who is from what I see is an outstanding athlete and from what I hear is an equally outstanding young man.  You merely come on here to push your twisted agenda.  You see, there are very fair minded people on this board, many who usually never agree me, who see what this really boils down to, YOU ARE THE HYPOCRITE!!!!


And then you extend your hypocrisy by coming onto a thread about what if anything, should happen to a Baytown area coach for posting a facebook post and a whiteboard picture and compare that to a coach using his discretion as to starting players as a matter of continuing your attack of said coach.  And I won't even take credit for exposing you, as you have done a pretty good job of that, yourself.


As one of the alleged hypocrites that you have tried to gun for, I remain,


Todd Broussard

Graduate, West Orange-Stark High School

Graduating Class of 1986.


I eagerly await your response as I am quite sure there will be one.  And to those who have attempted to stay on topic, I apologize for this brief stray from it.

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Okay, you talked me into it. 


I have been on message boards a long time, but your attempt at divisiveness on this message board is one of the most poison tipped I have ever seen.  It shows that you have no love for the West Orange-Stark Mustangs but you really seek to sacrifice my beloved team for your own selfish ends.


Before I go further, an admission.  I never played a down of football at West Orange-Stark.  I was too small and too slow, thus I used the judgment that my entering the field with my much larger and faster friends would merely result in danger to myself.   But they were friends of mine no less and every Friday night for over 40 years I followed Mustang football.  While I know that will now make me a target in your world of hate, but I think that might give me a clearer perspective.  You see, in following the Mustangs, I have always cared about one thing, winning.  If the Mustangs put a W, by one or by fifty, I'm good.  And, unlike you, I have trusted the head coach, first McCarty, then Hooks and now Thompson, to put together a plan to do just that.  I have not had a care of who starts, who doesn't start, who is on varsity and who is not on varsity and so forth.  I do so because, unlike me and unlike Saturday morning quarterbacks like you, they have years of ACTUAL high school coaching experience.


Your chants of hypocrisy had me in thoughts ranging from "Me doth thinks she protests too loudly" to "Doctor, heal thyself" to the plain old fashion "pot calling the kettle black."  You see, I could care less who is the starting quarterback for the Mustangs on Friday night.  If it is Jack Dallas, fine.  If it is Will Johnson, fine.  I choose not to question the judgment of a coach who has been in the game for since before both you and I were born (BTW Coach Thompson, by that last sentence, I was not meaning to call you old, but hey, facts are facts).  But you use my choice to say that I am trying to hurt a kid's feelings and "protect" a coach.  Nothing is further from the truth.  If no one is "attacking" a coach, why should he need my protection, right?  Or are you now admitting that you have been involved in an attack campaign on Coach Thompson and are using Will as a pawn in the vehicle driving that attack?  You see, you are using my choice of deference as a vehicle to divide this team, seemingly along racial lines via your elegant use of "egalitarian."   You are correct, kids read this board, but that is not all.  parents read this board, too.  And you have used this forum in an effort not to galvanize support, but for attack and divisiveness.  You sir, have no support for the Mustangs and any of its players, including Will Johnson, who is from what I see is an outstanding athlete and from what I hear is an equally outstanding young man.  You merely come on here to push your twisted agenda.  You see, there are very fair minded people on this board, many who usually never agree me, who see what this really boils down to, YOU ARE THE HYPOCRITE!!!!


And then you extend your hypocrisy by coming onto a thread about what if anything, should happen to a Baytown area coach for posting a facebook post and a whiteboard picture and compare that to a coach using his discretion as to starting players as a matter of continuing your attack of said coach.  And I won't even take credit for exposing you, as you have done a pretty good job of that, yourself.


As one of the alleged hypocrites that you have tried to gun for, I remain,


Todd Broussard

Graduate, West Orange-Stark High School

Graduating Class of 1986.


I eagerly await your response as I am quite sure there will be one.  And to those who have attempted to stay on topic, I apologize for this brief stray from it.



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First of all MR. GRAD???? You couldnt have possibly been watching WOS footballl for 40 years, SINCE THE
SCHOOL HAS ONLY BEEN IN EXISTENCE FOR 37 YRS !!!! Second thats a FAULTY dictionary that you're using since the word egalitarian has NOTHING to do with race!!! It simply means to treat everyone equally! !!! Third ; No one is above reproach, Im sure coach Thompson would be the first to tell you that he wished he could replay some games & decisions he's made!!!!! I understand being supportive of someone, but being fanatical !!!!
Here is the hypocrisy: some "so-called" wos fans, yourself included are quick to vehemently attack anyone who dares to question anything thompson says or does, but you & many others had no problem critiquing/ crticizing Crouch when he was here????? Before you open your mouth about Crouch not being the head coach, you all were the same way about Thompson when he was an assistant. WHY IS IT OK TO CRITIQUE/CRITCIZE ONE COACH, BUT NOT ANOTHER???? Theyre both fallible human beings. If you want to question the ability or decision making of another coach , THEN YOU DONT GET TO HAVE A HISSY FIT WHEN SOMEONE QUESTIONS THOMPSON!!!!! the same goes for high school players WHEREVER THEY PLAY. on the thread about WOS QB, which i didnt start!!! 95 percent of the posts were defending thompson or the QB, and the consensus was he is a tender, innocent kid, whose feelings might get hurt by someone saying they thought another player was better. Where was that cocern for Jimmy Salter`s feelings ??? He was critiqued/ critcized routinely, i dont recall too many running to his defense. What about TONY BROWN ?? He was crucified on this site, not too many defenders. Once again on this thread, no one is talking about , how "good" the kids from Baytown lee are, or how hard they were trying??? I dont really care what you a, or anyone else thinks about ANY COACH, OR ANY PLAYER !!!!! But you & all of your friends who think like you: YOU DO NOT GET TO CRITIQUE/ CRITICIZE PLAERS OR COACHES THAT YOU DONT PARTICULARLY CARE FOR & HAVE A FIT WHEN ONE THAT YOU LOVE GETS CRITIQUED! !!!!! youre entitled to your opinion, let everyone else have theirs, just because YOU DONT AGREE, IT DOESNT.MAKE THAT PERSON WRONG OR EVIL!!!!!!!!++
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