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PS3 Magee leaving Ozen/or is he not??


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Mitchell was one of the big pieces in Ozen puzzle. Calvin and Mitchell would lead the way for Ozen to change the program. I have watched Boyd and Mitchell play from a young age. Mitchell would have pushed Boyd. You have some good player on the freshman team but the online is weak. JV line has some size but are weak. No O-line no go. Ozen can have talent but, if you can not block it we'll be hard to be the best.
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Mitchell was one of the big pieces in Ozen puzzle. Calvin and Mitchell would lead the way for Ozen to change the program. I have watched Boyd and Mitchell play from a young age. Mitchell would have pushed Boyd. You have some good player on the freshman team but the online is weak. JV line has some size but are weak. No O-line no go. Ozen can have talent but, if you can not block it we'll be hard to be the best.

I agree Mitchell was a beast when able to play but poor work habits were becoming contagious to others. I hear he is working hard now and hopefully he can reach his full potential! I am a fan of his and Ozen softness comes from that spread offense, no one has to fire off the line of scrimmage. They just need the right coach to get them in geer! Ozen will be fine!
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I called the new school, needless to say they were a little surprised. After a couple of times being transferred and uncomfortable responses of uh no we don't know anything about him or any hire and we can have our AD get back to you sometime I couldn't help but laugh a little. His son was taken out of Ozen last week.
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I called the new school, needless to say they were a little surprised. After a couple of times being transferred and uncomfortable responses of uh no we don't know anything about him or any hire and we can have our AD get back to you sometime I couldn't help but laugh a little. His son was taken out of Ozen last week.


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Jridge if that kid Mitchell has poor work habits a good strong coach should have step in. Ozen lost a player, somebody going to take him under there wing. I saw the kid at the mall looks like he is getting taller. Hope he get his self together. I am not a fan I try to keep it real and not be bias. Heart can take you only so far, talent and hard work will push you over the top. That talent(Mitchell) is gone,that heart gone, somebody other than Ozen will instill work ethic. Wish Mitchell well.
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Lol, Buddy Garrity you guys are funny! Don't know much but funny as hell! I tellya', I can smell hating a mile away but since you guys are so close, it reeks! Not my fault a painter has the paint and can't use a paint brush, Magee just did not have what it takes but the talent is there and if BISD stops getting mad at Ozen for whipping Central the past few years, then we would have had a coach instead of sabbotaging a school to make their almamater look good! Everybody knows BISD is run by ex-Charlton Pollard and Central alumni! They say, "Haters Gonna Hate & Ballers Gonna Ball" ya'lls bubble bursting while ours on the rise! What goes on in the dark will always come to light! I here Central QB coache got suspended from coaching for two years for his threatning behavior towards referees, now who's gonna coach his prize recruit Mitchell Now?

Yeah now you guys have to wonder how in the world out of the two schools Ozen ALWAYS get the worst coach. Magee won 3 games at his last high school and got the job at Ozen, somebody on here make that make sense. Savaet has got to make better hire or Ozen's football program will never be back to where it once was. IMO they need to hire a white coach with a good track record that will bring discipline to the program. 

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Thanks Finest. We train for Stupidity & Favortism.
So should he be moved to Slot? I'm not the Coach so I'll keep my comments to myself. He was taught to just play ball & do what's asked of him. You saw the film; IJS
He averaged 4 -6 touches a game. SMH

Na i definitely think he a Lil C could split carries I can tell Rodney has some toughness about him from watching his film, however this could lead to feuding between the two. I remember when C-Mike and Albert had to split carries(C-Mike eventually became the starter and featured back) they hated one another off the field. So hopefully that won't happen in these two case. 

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Na i definitely think he a Lil C could split carries I can tell Rodney has some toughness about him from watching his film, however this could lead to feuding between the two. I remember when C-Mike and Albert had to split carries(C-Mike eventually became the starter and featured back) they hated one another off the field. So hopefully that won't happen in these two case. 

Finest, i Teach my son to try to leave the program in a better place than he found it. There will be no feuding, you feud when two are of equal Talent. Well, I can tell you first hand no other back @ Ozen is worthy to hold his Jock, but with all the politics & bull that go on, Rodney will just play his Role & continue to be a Team player.   Lil C & Rodney are good friends and Rodney will continue to Mentor him & also learn from him. Make no mistake Lil C is very Talented & his time will come, I just think some Nosey A_ _ Alums & hating Coaches tried to hinder Rodney's progress because he isn't one of their "chosen" ones. What God has in store for Rodney, no man can stop.  Adversity builds character & he got the Shaft this Season, so he is stronger, wiser & Hungrier. I Pray that any Parent that reads this thread & has a kid in the same situation can be encouraged. Haters only put up stumbling blocks or forks in the road. Stay the course & press on.  Leave it in God's hands & continue to Pray. In Rodney's case, he let go & let God & you can see what has unfolded as of now. ;) 

Go Panthers!!!!!

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Finest, i Teach my son to try to leave the program in a better place than he found it. There will be no feuding, you feud when two are of equal Talent. Well, I can tell you first hand no other back @ Ozen is worthy to hold his Jock, but with all the politics & bull that go on, Rodney will just play his Role & continue to be a Team player.   Lil C & Rodney are good friends and Rodney will continue to Mentor him & also learn from him. Make no mistake Lil C is very Talented & his time will come, I just think some Nosey A_ _ Alums & hating Coaches tried to hinder Rodney's progress because he isn't one of their "chosen" ones. What God has in store for Rodney, no man can stop.  Adversity builds character & he got the Shaft this Season, so he is stronger, wiser & Hungrier. I Pray that any Parent that reads this thread & has a kid in the same situation can be encouraged. Haters only put up stumbling blocks or forks in the road. Stay the course & press on.  Leave it in God's hands & continue to Pray. In Rodney's case, he let go & let God & you can see what has unfolded as of now. ;) 

Go Panthers!!!!!


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Yeah now you guys have to wonder how in the world out of the two schools Ozen ALWAYS get the worst coach. Magee won 3 games at his last high school and got the job at Ozen, somebody on here make that make sense. Savaet has got to make better hire or Ozen's football program will never be back to where it once was. IMO they need to hire a white coach with a good track record that will bring discipline to the program.

It's not a black or white coach that needs to be hired but the RIGHT coach who understands X's & O's, personel, management, building discipline, character and personal relationships with their kids and be a people's person! Can't be stubborn or selfish and has to have a plan for every kid in their program. Coaches who have no ties to this area often use BISD as a resume' builder, therefor we need someone with a long term commitment and if Ozen continues to beat Central I the future, he'd better get his resume' together! Lol, ask Nelson!
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Jridge if that kid Mitchell has poor work habits a good strong coach should have step in. Ozen lost a player, somebody going to take him under there wing. I saw the kid at the mall looks like he is getting taller. Hope he get his self together. I am not a fan I try to keep it real and not be bias. Heart can take you only so far, talent and hard work will push you over the top. That talent(Mitchell) is gone,that heart gone, somebody other than Ozen will instill work ethic. Wish Mitchell well.

Great observation, I think he has big time natural talent and he is one of my favorites. A new school and a new start can make a big difference, wishing him nothing but the best!
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Hey guys I am a Panther/Jaguar/Bruin, but most of all I am for what's right and if any of our schools are doing wrong or are doing injustices to our kids by developing anything less than good moral character by instead teaching a win at any and all cost mentality, I have a problem with that! The games will become a memory, the trophies will collect dust, but honesty, discipline and good character could last a life time! Our job is to give them tools to be successful in life and if all we can do is win games, go off to school for a few years and come back the same way we left, then we have failed! POINT BLANK!
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