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  1. This is music to my ears. I have hoped you fools in Hardin would begin to turn on Barrier so he would pack his stuff and take that incredible son of his somewhere where he has a real chance to shine. Fools is what you guys have always been and it is what you will always be. Someone already mentioned it, but Anthony Morgan could've been a Hornet, but alas, his father wasn't good enough for you guys. This story will end the same. You guys can sit at Hardin grocery and talk about how the kid was "almost a Hornet" while you recycle Haynes for the 10,000th time. Geez
  2. It’s time for the cream to start rising to the top of the coffee. We can be overly humble and talk about how every team needs to be respected, blah blah blah. If we’re being straight up though, a team with aspirations to get back to Arlington should dispatch this TC team with relative ease. Crosby has played better the first six games of the season this year than we did last year. Lot of talk about the 2pt try in the BH game but no mention that that’s probably a game we lose regardless had it been played a few weeks earlier. We’re manufacturing a bunch of points without huge offensive statistics, that’s a key performance indicator of a dangerous team. Crosby doesn’t have a bunch of usable depth yet this year but I think we played about eight sophomores in the second half at some point last Friday. From an int, to some great tackles, to a few pancake blocks, to both rushing and passing tds, I would say they all produced in their given reps. At some point we’re going to have to be able to give Kirkwood and Womack legitimate breaks. Crosby playing well enough against TC so that the youngsters can come in and show that, would benefit the Cougars a lot moving forward. Defensively we probably need to figure out what to do when Casey gets a bunch of attention and we can’t get pressure with 3 or 4? Feels like we give up too many passing yards when we can’t get to the QB consistently. This game will be a good test for the run defense though. It’s the point in the season where Crosby needs to start ending dreams.
  3. Yep. I agree. I don’t have a kid on the field but I do know several of the parents. I understand wanting to talk smack but these are high school kids. No point in calling them out like that. You always respect your opponent.
  4. I said 10 years, as in ‘11-‘20 which is where he’s 2-4, officially 1-5. I think you have to classify both ‘13 and ‘20 as blowouts. His first two wins against Crosby his first two years as PNG’s coach were against Flannigan who was not a good coach at Crosby and was fired a year later. Flannigan missed the playoffs his first year and then went six straight but was still fired at the end of the ‘11 season. What he did just didn’t work here. That’s why we’ve looked different under the last two coaches. You can say the same for BH letting Gage go now. What I’m saying is BF doesn’t get RJ’s, that’s why I point to him as a singularity at PNG. Crosby coaches get the Walter-type kids. Riggs was good but he was not a better receiver than Rose, he just got the benefit of playing with RJ who made you keep 8 in the box to stop him from running. Again, he was a very good high school player. You talk about Walter’s game against y’all like it was better than Williams’ 300+ and 5td performance or Howard throwing for over 300 and 4tds the same game. You forgot that though because of the 10tds RJ put up. I didn’t go all the way back through the stats but Crosby has probably has close to nine 1,000 yards rushers since the Twins graduated. Our coaches get a lot of explosive players so the Twins weren’t an anomaly at Crosby. RJ was for BF and to his credit he took advantage. They were his three best years, we never made it out of the second round with the Twins though. Point I’m trying to make was theorized by Crosby in ‘11 and verified by both Crosby and BH with their recent play under their new coaches comparable to where it was. Undoubtedly BF is a great person and sometime that’s enough.
  5. Let's keep the talk to KP and Crosby in this thread please.
  6. tvc184

    Wake Up

    I made that point a couple of days ago in another forum. In the 2008 presidential election, the Republican stance was that the Democrats would eventually come up with death panels to determine who lives and who dies. Of course that was scoffed at as a scare tactic. I said this mandatory vaccination talk from the federal government is exactly what the Democrats denied 13 years ago. If a person was denied life-saving treatment because of a personal choice not the take a vaccination, that is one more step toward those death panels that we heard would never exist.
  7. This is all a part of the grand scheme. Call me crazy, a conspiracy theorist, whatever one can come up with. All of this is connected with the government paying people handsomely to stay home due to Covid. Look at the resistance worldwide. The world order is happening. Wait till China pulls the plug on rare earth materials, which they own that market, no one will be able to get a cell phone. Talk about panic.
  8. I went to the police station for the first time in about 11 weeks since fighting off Covid (still a way to go physically) and spoke to a detective about the case. WOW!! Talk about an incident. With all the speculation I saw on various forums, I don’t think anybody could believe or guess this story. I have probably worked on 150 homicides and I would’ve never guessed this one I was wondering exactly what happened like everybody else. Was this guy in line to get chicken and just pulled his gun and started shooting or what? Inquiring minds want to know……. But for all the speculation on was this guy justified or did he endanger customers, why did he get involved and blah blah blah, all I can say is, WOW!!
  9. Well I guess their not going to leave PNG fans. We may be able to talk football around Wednesday. I think Crosby just won their super bowl and feel like somebody again.
  10. The comment was made to another Crosby poster (Thisiscrosby)and now your chiming in. Please go look at history. It’s really not that big of a deal. Go to history page and look. Point was not many teams in this area can trash talk others football history without looking at their own first. Once again, this was response to one of y’all’s fans that jumped on here bumping his gums. No biggy, move on
  11. all this historical talk yet BH with that 0-1 this season against Crosby. Same as last Season.
  12. Crosby got hit in the mouth, staggered through the fight and won a controversial split decision. Sometimes it happens like that. I see a lot of talk about the two point conversion but BH also gave up 22 points on three consecutive Crosby drives to close the game. At the end of the day this was a QB battle. Holdren played the game of his life and Myles probably played his best game to date as a starter. Defense had nothing for Holdren all night but was still able to make enough plays to win. I know PAM beat BH but I still consider this a better win.
  13. Great game by both teams, but we’re not going to talk about the 2 point conversion that sent this to OT? The replay looked like he didn’t make it. I hope he did or that call just cost BH not only the game, but potentially district and playoff seeding.
  14. You notice there isn’t any Crosby fans on here running their head. If they were up by 20 we wouldn’t even be able to talk😎
  15. WOW!!! I just left Cal Preps and talk bout some exciting news! I used the infamous "project a matchup" and this is what said LCM 22 Jasper 7 wouldn't that be fantabuously fun!
  16. Just look around. It’s about cancelling what’s been about American. Whether it works or not is not the question. Future consequences don’t enter into their warped mind set. Remember, Yobama said we are X amount of days from changing American. If you love something then why do you want to change it?! I’m sure Yobama is one of the ones pulling Joebama’s strings. When a battery can get a 787 off the ground, then we’ll talk!
  17. At times, yes, in big cases like this. But 99.99% of the time they are false even if not intentionally so. After going to approximately 40,000 crime scenes and speaking with and sometimes interviewing over 100,000 witnesses, I can assure you that there are people that do not want to be seen or known talking to the police. Some will even talk if you can get them alone but they will not voluntarily come in to see you. I was the supervisor on scene of a murder few years ago (a very large crowd had gathered) and I saw a woman off to the side by herself. She made eye contact with me and then with her hand by her side made like a “come here” motion with her index finger. She walked away as if she was leaving the area so I waited and then finally went to where she was hiding. She said I’m not giving you my name and I said I understand. She then said the person you’re looking for is blah blah blah…… That is just a nature of the job. Some people will give you very good information if they think they don’t have to come forward and testify. The woman that talked to me even told me she knew recognized me which is why she was talking to me. She made a comment something like, I know you know the game. She was afraid of the younger officers trying to find a reason to put her in jail to get her name and also terrified of people seeing her talk to the police. So, it does not matter how many tips you get. What matters is that one correct tip. Maybe 15-20 years ago there were some big national search but before the days of instant social media like we have now. I can’t even remember what the guy’s name was or the actual case but he had committed a murder in Florida I think and was on the run. There was information that he might be heading to Mexico and blah blah blah. It was actually even more minute by minute stuff than this case. I had a friend who I trusted called me and said I swear I just saw that guy they’re looking for at a restaurant in Port Arthur. My friend said when I looked at him in the face he turned away and a couple of minutes later he and a girl got up and left. He followed them kind of discreetly outside and saw them leave I think in a white pickup truck and he got a partial license plate but what was interesting was it was from Alabama or Florida or something like that. My reaction was kind of, yeah yeah yeah… But, one of those tips from across the nation is going to be good, we just don’t know which one. So I called the lead investigator, I think for Tampa Bay Police Department but it’s been too long ago. It was a female Sgt and she I had a good time talking with with each other. She asked me if I believe the tip was true. I told her my friend absolutely thought it was true but being that I was about a 15 year (at the time) officer with detective and supervisor experience… uhhhhhh…… do I think he is in PA right now? She got a big laugh out of that also. Yes, on local cases but particularly a national cases like this, you get all kinds of tips. Actually to me this guy Laundrie has a fairly common face when he has about a three or four day beard going. I wouldn’t be surprised if 20,000 people think they saw him and would get on a polygraph to prove it. But with all that, I would bet there are people talking to Chapman that will not call the FBI.
  18. Of course it is the media so you have to take it with a grain of salt but I saw a story that came out yesterday. It said Chapman and “his team” which included dogs, searched some islands that a tip said where Laundrie was supposed to be. Chapman’s conclusion was, there’s no evidence that Laundrie had even been there. I think I saw where he made a comment that he was getting hundreds or maybe even thousands of tips. That means a lot of people and money was wasted on a “tip” that concluded that it had no factual basis. Maybe I will call in a tip that he is hiding in Kokomo in the Keys. Maybe his team can search for a few days before they find out that Kokomo is a fictional location. I will say this, it is easier for the average guy on the street to get a tip and not the police. It does not make you an investigator, some people just don’t want to talk with the police out of fear. Many times when we are investigating something, a witness does not really come forward. Other people however come forward and say hey, that girl with the red blouse standing by herself on the corner witnessed the whole thing. The police then go talk with that girl and sometime it is productive and sometime it is not but the point is, the person that actually knew what happened did not come forward. Word gets out on the street however and those people give tips to the police. A person like Chatman might get a tip direct because people might talk to him or anyone else because they are in fear of talking to the police and being made a witness. That is actually why crime stoppers was created. So there is a chance that Chatman could actually get a tip that would lead to something. By the same reason, a person could walk up to any of us and whisper something like, hey, the guy the police are looking for is buying a six pack of beer at the store across the street. If one of us was to go in and catch the guy, that does not make us a good tracker. It means somebody gave us a good tip. Chatman is hoping that someone gives him a tip and does not give law-enforcement the same tip.
  19. I don't think anyone overlooking them, they just not going to be title contenders or deep playoff teams. They will finish in the top 3 of their district like always but that's not saying much considering the district race will be solely between 3 teams. Drop HJ or Huffman in the district with Silsbee, Lumberton, WOS, LCM, and BC then the talk is totally different then from years before. Neither team is a sure win over any of the top 4A teams in the area, competitive of course, but not one sure win like past years.
  20. It is not technology. It is because there is no one there that is paid to do it. The local news media now is almost nonexistent compared to what it was. That is from regular news to sports to whatever. You can go to any of the local media Facebook pages and see dozens or even hundreds of comments about an incident. Then someone will ask, what about the details, which way did they run, what do they look like, etc. and why wasn’t that information in there? more than likely the reason is, the story was not from a reporter. It was likely from a news release from a police department and sometime copied word for word or it is rewritten saying the same thing. A reporter probably did not show up at the scene although I do see them on rare occasion. I have brought this up before usually in another forum. As a police officer when I used to show up at some kind of major incident (house fire, shooting, robbery, etc.) 30 years ago, once the scene was secured, one of the next steps was to set up an area for the media. They naturally wanted to get close to the scene where they could take pictures or talk to witnesses. I could show up at a large house fire at 2 AM and within about 30 minutes I might be talking to reporters from the Beaumont Enterprise and Port Arthur News and also from the three local television stations. So I would have at least five reporters asking questions and wanting to know details. I think they used to have at least one junior reporter listening to the police and fire scanners at night. I have had a few reporters called me and tell me that they just heard something on the radio and wanted to know if it was worth showing up at the scene. I would not be surprised if any officer that has less than 15 years of experience, has ever talked to or even seen a reporter at a major scene. They surely would not know what I was talking about if I walked up to one and said, where is the media area going to be. I believe it is the same way as sports. At one time the papers had full staffs of reporters for all kinds of new stories. I would not be surprised if newspapers have lost 80% or more of their reporters. I think the technology is what killed it. The news media no longer depends on hiring several persons to drive to locations to find out what is happening. That includes local sports. They have not completely vanished and there are still reporters but they have certainly been cut way back. In my opinion.
  21. Heard Silsbee put a whoopin on Kountze last night. Won by 25. Was told Tigers looked mid season form.
  22. Hey when ppl talk down on us in Port Arthur bout them Titans I might send them folks to you. 😤😁
  23. Great game. Of course I’m happy my Dogs won, but I’m not here to talk about my team. I would ask the PNG faithful if there could possibly be a way to install handrails on the visitor side going up the aisles to the seating? Lots of older people being helped up the stairs, and for me, I had foot surgery and have one good foot right now (it will get better) and I use a cane for balance. I can put a little pressure on the left foot, just not full weight. A handrail would help tremendously. I wasn’t about to miss the game, but since my injury, I can truly see how difficult it is for handicapped people. Before you tell me to sit in the handicapped seats on the bottom row, you can’t see the game for all the people/kids traffic. Also, the aisle between “I” and “J” sections goes nowhere. The tunnel underneath is encased with railing forcing people to go to opposite ends of the aisle. It could also present a fire hazard for evacuation purposes. If the seating around the railing was removed, people could exit a lot easier. Thanks for listening. Just trying to help.
  24. All this talk has taken away from the excitement of that last drive for orangefield. They had a 3rd and 28 and completed their only pass of the game for 48 yards. All to have their FRESHMAN kicker kick the game winning field goal from about 30 yards out leaving 8 seconds on the clock. On homecoming night. You can’t make this stuff up, and no matter who you were rooting for last night one thing is true: this is why we are all FANatics of High School football
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