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  1. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to tvc184 in Burning Old Glory   
    The flag burner has the First Amendment right to protest. 
    The other people have the First Amendment right to counter protest. 
    The police are stuck in the middle to try and keep people from being injured.
    It seems like everything worked out well with the flag burner losing the day by being outnumbered by the pro USA crowd by about 700-1. No one was injured and both sides exercised their rights. 
    Great to be in the USA. 
  2. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from Chester86 in Garland Texas   
    So...how many women are  forcibly mutilated by the westboro crowd....you do NOT get it if  you give those folks who try to compare Christianity with islime the time of day.......there is no comparison....the Westboro group reads the Bible and claim to follow it....the muslims read the koran and claim to follow it.....YET, the westoboro group has done NOTHING in following their beliefs that can even be remotely compared to what  is done by muslimes following theirs.......you or the people you are referring to are trying to compare apples to oranges and it's an epic fail......
  3. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 in Garland Texas   
    Muslim apologists cannot see the truth.
  4. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to smitty in Garland Texas   
    Huh, was it a cartoon that caused the muslims to destroy the Twin Towers on 9-11?   Face the fact:  The just hate us.  So, trying to blame others for their evil is evil in itself!
  5. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Garland Texas   
    some people are just push overs with no spine intact and expect others to follow suit.
    try standing firm for something rather than be a push over.
    I don't care muslim, jew, hindu, etc etc etc.  If you go against the Word of God then yes I will stand firm. 
    If you carry out crimes. I will stand firm against you.  If you commit evilness then I will stand firm against you.
    Weak minded individuals with no spine is a problem.
  6. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to BS Wildcats in Garland Texas   
    There has been war in the Middle East forever. But to hell with letting them carry out their ish on our soil.
  7. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to BS Wildcats in Garland Texas   
    The politicians aren't the war mongerers, it is the Muslims intent on wiping Christianity off the face of the earth. I can't see how or why you are defending them so adamantly.

    So please. Stop saying it is the fault of the west. Evidently, you must be from somewhere in the Middle East or are a convert to Islam, or you are a misinformed sympathizer to their cause.
  8. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from dayton in Garland Texas   
    There is not one follower of Jesus Christ who can Scripturally justify the killing of another human being for any reason......When someone rejects the teachings of Christ, we move on to someone else...God will mete out their punishment in eternity.....compare that to islime......where you CAN find justification for killing others in the koran.....when someone rejects the teachings of the rapist pedophile false prophet mohmmed, they run the risk of being killed.....the evil is very easy to see......YOU seem to be the one having trouble understanding.....
  9. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Garland Texas   
    the abortion bombers and the apostates at Westboro can't show that their actions are Scriptural....because their actions are denounced in Scripture.....muslimes can go to chapter and verse in their Satanic Verses and show where they are told to do the atrocities they are committing......
  10. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in Garland Texas   
    the abortion bombers and the apostates at Westboro can't show that their actions are Scriptural....because their actions are denounced in Scripture.....muslimes can go to chapter and verse in their Satanic Verses and show where they are told to do the atrocities they are committing......
  11. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Garland Texas   
    You tried to Jihad in Texas?.......You must be a special kind of stupid!
  12. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Garland Texas   
    Two idiots offended by the first amendment were quickly introduced to the second amendment.....WELCOME TO TEXAS!
  13. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Garland Texas   
    Some people wont see it for what it is until its to late mostly the left wing media!
  14. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from 77 in Garland Texas   
    the abortion bombers and the apostates at Westboro can't show that their actions are Scriptural....because their actions are denounced in Scripture.....muslimes can go to chapter and verse in their Satanic Verses and show where they are told to do the atrocities they are committing......
  15. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Garland Texas   
    Muslims also hate each other.

    I was glad to see that one Texas cop with a service pistol took out two terrorists with rifles. Gotta learn the hard way about Texans and their guns. Two less scumbags in the world. What a glorious day indeed!

    I don't care who likes this. It is the way I feel and there is nothing anyone can say to change this feeling.
  16. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in West Hardin 11 Hull-Daisetta 4/Final   
    I would normally agree with your statement...if this was something that happened maybe once or twice. If this was a one time occurrence I'd let it go for sure.

    But every single time they throw out predictions about how successful one of the boys teams at HD is going to be...it turns out be not only wrong, but way wrong. And then when they get beat all they say is how unbelievably good the other team is. Inferring that that's the only possible way to beat the mighty Hull Daisetta Bobcats.

    When the rediculous comments and predictions stop from HD posters...I'll leave them alone.

    Speaking of...anyone heard how the "fastest relay team in the region" is doing? Or did?
  17. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to oldschool2 in West Hardin 11 Hull-Daisetta 4/Final   
    I have a crush on making HD fans eat their words...but it's no secret.

    It would all stop if you HD posters would stop talking HD up to something they're not. Being supportive is one thing...but some of you guys are delusional beyond belief. I'll admit it's gotten better...but still a long way to go.

    Your buddy comes on here talking about how crazy good HD is at the beginning of every sport...then disappears by the end of the season. Just about the time HD's one true flaw is revealed...mediocrity.

    I'm just here to remind you guys about those comments and how dumb they were. I know you remember all those things that were said when HD and Big Sandy both were going in undefeated.. You know.. District playoff hopes, college prospects, etc.. And you will never live down the 4 horsemen comment. Not while I have a user name on here. It's just too easy haha.
  18. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to stevenash in The economy   
    Heard an interesting quote this morning and it seemed to be pretty accurate:
    On one hand we have the world of innovators and entrepreneurs. They create the ideas and products that are boosting corporate profits to all-time highs and improving productivity. This America is a race horse.

    On the other hand we have the world of government, where transfer payments are at record levels, regulation is increasing, and the benefits of new technology are being held back. This America is a dead horse.

    Taken together, they create the plow horse economy.
  19. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to raideroldtimer in Chris Babin named new AD/HC at Lumberton   
    Let's hope our school board gives him a better chance than Larry had. Any other job where you show a 30% increase in production in your second year usually gets you a pat on the back, not Lumberton. As an alumni, I'm getting very disheartened at the way we run football coaches through this school, never allowing for a real program to get established. Since soccer and the girls sports are all minor sports they apparently don't see that with stability there has been a lot of success.
  20. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    Let me expound on the trespassing angle. Whether you are black, white, green, purple, a Catholic, Jew, Muslim, man, woman, gay, or bird watcher(did I leave anyone out? I wouldn't want to OFFEND anyone)....if I don't want you on my property, I can call the police and have you removed. But if I own a business on the same property, I have to let you in? Seems we are concerned with everyone else's rights except the owner. What happened to his rights?
  21. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to baddog in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   

    Are we to deny these people their right to go barefoot or shirtless?

    I see no problem with businesses drawing lines as to with whom they do business. Maybe it helps their business, maybe it hurts. Still should be left up to them. They OWN the business. Kinda like trespassing. People have been legally killed for trespassing. Where was that line drawn?
  22. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 got a reaction from smitty in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    If they stop and think.....even evolution, were it true, would have wiped out anyone who had the gene for homosexuality......bottom line.....it is NOT a natural state, as God confirmed in Romans 1......
  23. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to raideroldtimer in Larry Haynes Out at Lumberton   
    The problem I see here, as a long time resident of Lumberton, is there is too much parent involvement in the school board decision process. Joe Bob thinks his son is the greatest player since Peyton Manning and gets peeved that the coach recognizes that his son is lazy and doesn't want to play at his potential so he benches him. Joe Bob then starts raising cane with one his buddies on the school board and boom all the other members cave and the coach is gone, no matter what his past accomplishments. No one see what is clearly in front of their faces, other Lumberton teams being coached by assistants who tend to stay from one HC change to another are extremely successful i.e. both soccer teams, girls basketball, the band, the Raiderettes and the cheerleaders. All of these groups have had one thing in common, stability. Coach Creduer lost his job having to put up with one of the worst Junior classes football wise and Haynes inherited those guys, they had a lot of heart but little talent. Now his 2nd season was a big improvement from the first and if someone with a similar philosophy comes in maybe this year will look even better since the pieces of the puzzle are there. Doesn't really matter though because this new coach is going to piss some parent off and out the door he will go also. Oh, and dropping to 4-A won't help, it'll just bring a different group around to whip the Raiders. As far as Haynes goes, I wouldn't be surprised if he goes ahead and hang up his whistle.
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    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 77 in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
  25. Like
    RETIREDFAN1 reacted to 5GallonBucket in Indiana's Religious Freedom Law   
    If you have faith in what the BIBLE says....there is no question.  And if you don't then I understand your doubt in Christians and God's teachings.  Too many times you want to say hypocrite,but Christians aren't perfect, but God's teachings are.  So forget all what the posters say and pick up the BIBLE and read it.
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