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    thetragichippy got a reaction from Unwoke in It’s Hammer Time   
    I think the basis of our disagreement is the understanding of our justice system. Before Trump, guilt had to be proved, not innocence........
    Would you provide the "law" you keep mentioning concerning the proper way to declassify documents. If it is a law, it should also have punishments listed as well.  
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    thetragichippy got a reaction from Reagan in It’s Hammer Time   
    This has yet to be proven. The procedures are not laws, so if not followed how are they crimes? If the constitution gives the President the single power to declassify anything with no instructions, why can't he declassify just by taking them home?  Trump will take this all the way to the Supreme Court.......The Supreme Court rules on constitutionality....... 
  3. Like
    thetragichippy got a reaction from baddog in It’s Hammer Time   
    This has yet to be proven. The procedures are not laws, so if not followed how are they crimes? If the constitution gives the President the single power to declassify anything with no instructions, why can't he declassify just by taking them home?  Trump will take this all the way to the Supreme Court.......The Supreme Court rules on constitutionality....... 
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    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Miami Mayor Francis Suarez files to run for president in 2024   
    He is a Republican in Florida and in fact in the heavily democratic area of Miami yet I believe he won by a landslide.
    I have nothing to base this on and have not read it but I’m guessing that he is trying to get exposure to be the next governor of Florida. Ron DeSantis is about to be term limited and is running for president so Suarez probably has no expectations of winning the presidential primary, but certainly expectations of getting national exposure and moving him up into a good position to take over for the DeSantis.
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    thetragichippy reacted to Separation Scientist in Vivek Ramaswamy lectures CNN host   
    I remember watching a debate during the Republican primaries a cycle or two ago, moderated by CNBC's Rebecca Quick. With a huge grin on her face and a bright gleam in her eye, she made inflammatory comments back and forth and baited the candidates into arguing with each other. Not debate, but to argue. 
    Finally Ted Cruz had enough and called her out. Ted would not take the bait. He told here in front over everyone, "Rebecca, you don't want a debate, you want a made for TV cage fight. Just stop it."     
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    thetragichippy got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Vivek Ramaswamy lectures CNN host   
    I've been following this guy and he makes a lot of sense. I've noticed journalist don't interview their guest anymore, they debate them, and he is, BY FAR the best debater I have seen in a long time. I think his numbers will increase during the debates if he can get on any. 

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    thetragichippy got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Vivek Ramaswamy lectures CNN host   
    I've been following this guy and he makes a lot of sense. I've noticed journalist don't interview their guest anymore, they debate them, and he is, BY FAR the best debater I have seen in a long time. I think his numbers will increase during the debates if he can get on any. 

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    thetragichippy got a reaction from Separation Scientist in Vivek Ramaswamy lectures CNN host   
    I've been following this guy and he makes a lot of sense. I've noticed journalist don't interview their guest anymore, they debate them, and he is, BY FAR the best debater I have seen in a long time. I think his numbers will increase during the debates if he can get on any. 

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    thetragichippy reacted to SmashMouth in Chris Christie joins the race for the Republican nomination   
    I think the periphery are only stepping up in case Trump goes to jail, or cannot run for some other reason, etc.
  10. Thanks
    thetragichippy got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in It’s Hammer Time   
    Dude, first it's 2016.....Popular vote has no bearing......but if you want to discuss it, He lost the total popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016......but he lost Cali by 4.2 million and New York by 1.8 million. That is why we have the Electoral college, so 1 or 2 states don't decide the President for all 50 states.......What you should pay attention to is Hillary only won 17 states.........
    Something else odd...in 2020 he gained 2 million votes in Cali versus 2016.....but again, popular vote means nothing....and I'm glad
  11. Thanks
    thetragichippy got a reaction from Unwoke in It’s Hammer Time   
    Dude, first it's 2016.....Popular vote has no bearing......but if you want to discuss it, He lost the total popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016......but he lost Cali by 4.2 million and New York by 1.8 million. That is why we have the Electoral college, so 1 or 2 states don't decide the President for all 50 states.......What you should pay attention to is Hillary only won 17 states.........
    Something else odd...in 2020 he gained 2 million votes in Cali versus 2016.....but again, popular vote means nothing....and I'm glad
  12. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Texas Passes Bill Eliminating Mandatory Vehicle Inspections!   
    Yeah, it’s a political hot potato so I think the legislature will try hard but any tax eliminated will have to go elsewhere.
    The “elsewhere” will obviously be the problem. Who else is going to take the hit? 
  13. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to LumRaiderFan in Officials Searching for Missing Teen - Boating Accident   
    Which is odd to me, the regulations say they must be easily accessible but I've done the same thing, had to dig them out of storage and no problem.  I guess there are some that may enforce it more to the rule.
  14. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Bigdog in Officials Searching for Missing Teen - Boating Accident   
    Yeah, the law about just having them doesn't make sense.  You won't have time to get them if something happens.  At least have the throw device out just in case.
  15. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Supreme Court rules against county for keeping a woman’s assets after a property seizure.   
    I forgot to mention, in the ruling written by Chief Justice Roberts, he said, “The taxpayer must render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, but no more”.
    That might be one of the great quotes from a Supreme Court decision for all time.  
  16. Sad
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Officials Searching for Missing Teen - Boating Accident   
    Probably the saddest day of my career was when we pulled up two drowned Vietnamese children (maybe 3 and 5 years old) on Pleasure Island where one was in distress and the older one went to help. When found several hours later, they were holding on to each other.
  17. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in WNBA coach out of touch?   
    Bill Burr has part of one of his comedy routines about the disparity in pay. It is typical Bill Burr profanity laced but it is (like most comedy) completely accurate.
    Part of his routine was, women failed women’s sports because women don’t watch it but blame men for not watching it. Meanwhile women are watching the Kardashians and the Housewife shows who are making money hand over fist and it’s raining money. Women would rather watch other women tearing each other down than watching women coming together as a team to try and achieve a common goal, with his conclusion…… “The Money Listens”
    Bill Burr Woman Failed the WNBA on YouTube if someone wants to watch it.
    Funny if profanity doesn’t offend you but again, all comedy is based on reality. 
  18. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to Eagle11 in WNBA coach out of touch?   
    Actually should have left her there. 
  19. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in WNBA coach out of touch?   
    Brittney Griner’s official return to the floor baffles her head coach because it was not a sellout.
    I didn’t bring this up about Griner. My point is that the WNBA loses millions of dollars a year as it is not popular.  It only as a subsidiary of the NBA. If it was a regular business or even a professional sports league that lost millions each year, it would have long since folded. It is about the equivalent of a high school JV football team. At least JV has a purpose. 
    Griner who is obviously a star in the WNBA regardless of her political stance…. but, her coach apparently believed that because she was arrested and in Russia, fans would pack the arena to see her “return”.
    Part of the coach’s after game comment was, “How was it not a sellout?”. (In the link posted below)
    That is the out of touch part. I am thinking….. go woke, go broke.
     The WNBA isn’t losing money because of any agenda. It is losing millions of dollars because it just is not exciting to 99.5% of the public. It is probably subsidized by the NBA just to say there is a women’s league. With that knowledge, the coach thought there should have been an outpouring of support for Griner however.
    Uhhhhh…….. no.


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    thetragichippy got a reaction from Unwoke in Special counsel John Durham's report on Trump-Russia probe released   
    Just like there was no treason or Russia collusion in the Mueller investigation. What the Durham report proved is Obama and Biden were briefed that Hillary was planning the Russian collusion narrative.....and did nothing to stop it. 
    There is a video of Obama stating he was never briefed in any CIA or FBI investigations.....Then goes on to talk about a hard line separating powers.....so, he lied. Lying is not criminal.... but he was certainly involved in trying to sway an election......you know, the thing Democrats accused Republicans of.....
    If you care to watch the video of Obama making those statements, it is up on Waters World.  
  21. Like
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Child with assault slingshot, shoots teenager in the head   
    … while his 8 year old sister was being kidnapped. According to the police, the suspect when arrested had visible wounds.
    From the article:
    Michigan State Police said in a news release that the 8-year-old girl was in her backyard when the alleged assailant came out of the woods, grabbed her and covered her mouth. Authorities said the girl’s brother, 13, hit the alleged attacker in the head and chest using a slingshot.
    Police later arrested the 17-year-old based on another family member’s description….

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    thetragichippy reacted to SmashMouth in Law Trivia and Discussions   
    The best practice is "Mum's the word..." Easier said than done for some though.
  23. Haha
    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in Law Trivia and Discussions   
    Things that make you go hmmmm….
     Buy a gun and a month later maybe you don’t like it and sell it in a private sale.
     The biggest problem that people have is we can’t stop talking.
     And the classic, I will tell you but don’t tell anyone.   
    My old Cajun boss (Ollie The Mover), who had a bunch a Yogi Berra type sayings that are classic. Something has to jog  my memory to recall any of them but this is one of those times.
    About keeping a secret he would say: “Don’t tell but if you tell, tell the one you tell not to tell”. 
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    thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 in In surprise move days after Allen mall shooting, Texas House panel OKs bill raising age to buy semi-automatic rifles   
    It is all useless against an attacker with time to plan. According to the article, the median age of school shooters is 16. That means that they couldn’t legally buy a gun even from an individual, yet they did. Hmmmm…. it’s like when they were about to commit Capital Murder, the laws seemed like no deterrent.
    You answer was clearly the correct assessment.  If no rifle, a shotgun. Then a handgun. Then a Molotov cocktail thrown into a couple of rooms.
  25. Sad
    thetragichippy got a reaction from DCT in Justice Clarence Thomas accepted several luxury trips paid for by GOP megadonor, ProPublica report finds   
    Posting is optional if you don't like the rules.  We also allow general calls outs "libtards" and even "magtards".....you went directly to him......just chill with those type remarks and you will be fine......
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