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Posts posted by 1989NDN

  1. 23 hours ago, D3zii said:

    Ive seen a few forums and talked to a few people who are saying this North Shore team could possibly be "The" best team in Texas history. 

    Would you agree?? 



    The 1985 Jack Yates Lions

    Five players played in the NFL, four of which had long NFL careers: Johnny Bailey, deceased, Santana Dotson, Quinton Smith, and Melvin Foster.

    From the Houston Chronicle, online edition 8/6/2016, Yates Set Standard With State Football Title in '85" ---  "Yates had 36 seniors, more than half of whom played four years of college football and two-thirds of whom went on to earn college degrees. At least five of them signed with NFL teams."

  2. I did not see PN-G play Huntsville, but I did see PN-G play FBM.  The Mavs have elite speed.  #23 and #5 are a threat to score from anywhere on the field.  The QB #1 is tall, elusive, and when he winds-up, he can throw darts.  #5 from FBM is a high school version of Reggie Bush.  If he gets to the perimeter or second level, he is a TD machine.  I don't know what Huntsville has, but they better put someone extremely fast on #23 and #5 from the time those kids get off the bus.

    Great season, Indians.  Peace.

  3. 1 hour ago, Whoa said:

    Makes you wonder how Burnet would have done with this group

    Not me.  I'm guessing 5-5 or 6-4.  His overall record was 95-64 (.596).  A little better than .500.  I was not a fan of student body right, student body left, 3-step passing game, and punting.  I like scores of 72-69 vs. 3-0.  I get it.  Some like offense, some like defense.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  4. In today's game, the hit by Chris Gohlke on the LaMarque WR would be targeting and he would be ejected from the game.  I'm not taking a jab at Chris Gohlke.  My comment is more about how the game of football has changed in the past 19 years.  In 1999, that type of hit was not frowned upon.  DBs were coached to hammer WRs running seam routes. PN-G was penalized for the hit (15 yards for unnecessary roughness), but there was no doubt that the hit changed the game.  LaMarque WRs were looking for the hammer when running up the seams or running crossing routes. That hit today would be on You Tube and people across the globe would be screaming to shut down the Texas high school playoffs.

    Dustin Long ran for his life much of the night inside the Astrodome, but he extended plays and hit PN-G WRs over the top and behind the deep zones all night long.  As I remember, the first two series were scripted by PN-G.  The Indians dinked and dunked with some quick and short passes.  Once LaMarque rolled up tight coverage, Dustin Long burned them over the top.  He was on fire that night throwing lasers inside the Dome.  The defense played lights out.  The LaMarque RB got his yards, but the Indians shut him down around the goal line.  22-6.

    Good memories.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  5. RJ ran wild and then used his red-hot right arm to knock-out Lindale.  From the second play of scrimmage in the 1st Q when he ran 60 yards for a TD, everyone on the Lindale sideline knew that RJ was the best player on the field.  The 50-yard bomb to #21 during the 2nd Q was a laser that crushed any hopes of a Lindale win.  Nice job by the defensive coaching staff at halftime to make adjustments and shut down the Lindale run game.  Solid game by defenders #25, #90, #47, #55, #42, and #4 (nice INT and return).  The Indian defensive unit played very well in the second half.  Nice job, Coach Templin and D-staff.

    FB Marshall is next.  Tough game.  PN-G will need its best effort of the year to have a shot at the W.  No penalties or turnovers, give RJ some running lanes and time to throw, and make a few stops on defense.  Do all of that and let's see what happens.  Play your game, Indians and we'll add up the score at the end and see where we stand.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  6. Nederland went down fighting, kicking, and scrapping.  The Dogs played an excellent first half.  The game plan was solid and the kids executed.  Give credit to Monte Barrow and the coaching staff.  Nederland was well coached for the game.  Turnovers, the break down on kick-off coverage, a loss of momentum (the INT returned for a TD), and Marshall’s talent took over in the 4th Q.

    The Nederland players and fans should focus on the positives.  Co-District Champs, 10-win season, and lots of returning players on both sides of the ball.

    Specifics about the Marshall game.  #11 battled until his injury, #1 can sling the ball around, solid OL play, and an excellent fake punt in the 2nd Q…great call, nice design, and executed perfectly.  It gave the Dogs some momentum before the half.  Unfortunately, the Mavs grabbed ‘ol Mo in the second half.

    Fun game to watch at NRG before the Indians rolled Lindale.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  7. 45 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    How can we find out for sure... That would be pretty interesting.

    Skip the hearsay (not heresay) and contact Coach Faircloth.  End of stupidity; end of story.  Use email, electronic mail, your cellular device or smoke signals.  No one cares.  Go ask him in-person.  Lighten up...go get your answers.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  8. 13 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    How can we find out for sure... That would be pretty interesting.

    Coach Faircloth works at PN-G High School.  He is not hard to find.  Drive over there and go ask him.  If you are out of town or afraid to speak with him face-to-face, then call PN-G High School at 409.729.7644 (ask for Coach Faircloth or extension 280) or send him electronic mail at [email protected].  Coach Faircloth stood up for his players to a coward in the stands.  So, when you speak with him, be sure you say, "thanks."

  9. Looking forward to the PN-G and Nederland games at NRG.  Against Marshall, Nederland will do what they have been doing for the past 25 years:

    1. Worry about the things the Dogs control; block out all of the other noise.

    2. Play solid defense.  Keep everything in front of you; don’t give up a big play or cheap TD.

    3. On offense, establish the line of scrimmage and run north/south.

    4. When opportunities are there, throw the ball downfield and make a big play.

    5. Limit mistakes/penalties.

    When Nederland plays its style, they are in every game until the end and they usually have a shot to win.  Over the past two decades, Nederland has won a lot of games when everyone said, “You’ve got no shot.”  See the LaMarque game at NRG when the Dogs played outstanding defense and Micah Mosely ran wild.  See Nederland beating Pearland Dawson in OT six or seven years ago.  And, I’ve seen too many Ned wins vs. PN-G when I thought the Indians had the better talent.

    Looking forward to Nederland playing well and using its style of football to have a shot at the end.  Don’t listen to the outside noise.  Worry about what you control and play good defense.  That worked for Larry Neumann and Delbert Spell for a long time.

    See you at NRG.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  10. Nederland returns to form playing solid defense, protecting the football, establishing the north/south run game, and picking apart a tired Willowridge defense with the passing game.  Nederland fans make it difficult to win at Mallory Field inside Bulldog Stadium.  I think Nederland wins this game regardless of where it is played.

    NED 35

    WIL 20

  11. Houston Northside is the old Jefferson Davis HS, which lost 80 games in a row during the eighties and nineties.  HISD renamed Jeff Davis to Northside in 2016 or 2017 and made it a magnet school for Hotel and Restaurant Management.  PN-G should win by a wide margin.  The Panthers will have a few athletes, but they will not have depth.  They have the same kids playing offense, defense, and special teams.  The Indians should have the advantage with size, depth, #2, and throwing the ball all over the yard.  PN-G should control the line of scrimmage and wear out Northside.  I would be surprised if the Indians did not jump out quick and have a mixture of reserves playing in the 3rd Q or 4th Q.  Northside is more competitive in World Cup futbol and baseball.  Fun fact:  Former alumni of Jeff Davis nka Northside: Kenny Rogers (country music singer), Slater Martin (NBA), and Carl Crawford (MLB).

    PN-G 42

    Northside 14

  12. 17 minutes ago, Alpha Wolf said:

    JV Timberwolves finished the year 8-2 overall and 5-2 in district play with a 18-13 win tonight over Deer Park.

    Encouraging JV season for the T'Wolves.  How did the freshmen T'Wolves do in 2018?  Hopefully, the good results from the JV team translates into more wins for the varsity squad in 2019.  Season #1 is nearly in the books.  The talent is there.  Seasons #2, #3, and moving forward should be good.  Rome was not built in a day.  Establish the foundation of the program and the pipeline of talent will accomplish great things.

  13. Texas is turning from red to purple before your very eyes.  It will be a blue state in the next 10 years.  Demographics have changed and they are not going back to an Anglo majority.  You see it in every major city in Texas, e.g., Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso.  The Hispanic population is booming in Midland-Odessa.  Will that area of Texas be the next one to turn from bright red to a shade of purple?  We will see.  If it does, then Texas will begin its change from purple to blue.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

  14. As for the rule violation, own it, and move on.  If the coaching staff did not know the rules, go buy a rule book.  Own the mistake, get ready for BH and Nederland.  Don't let the issue become a distraction that tears apart the season.  Own the mistake and move forward.

    Go Indians.  Peace.


  15. 23 minutes ago, Realville said:

    PNG - The New England Patriots of the District! Lol! How could ya! Come on Faircloth!! Nederland it wasn’t  but a year or so ago y’all were using a an illegal player so I don’t want to hear it.

    From Vidor Fan ... Vidor is the Cleveland Browns of high school football.  If its brown, flush it down.  Vidor had three notable seasons of football success.  When Montana Q played QB a few years ago, in 1978, and once before man landed on the moon.

  16. No doubt and no denying that NS has a lot of talent, but they also have a winning tradition.  Even the kids that aren't D1 talents, but maybe a step or two below the D1 level, they play lights out for the Mustang program.  Credit to the NS coaching staff and community for creating a winning culture over the past 20+ years.  All of the elite programs have a winning culture where the D1 kids play great and the not-so D1 kids play above and beyond their abilities to keep the winning culture alive and well.  NS puts all of that talent to good use.  That said, I would have thought that WB would give the Mustangs a game.  WB has some talent, too.  I'm surprised by the lopsided score.

  17. RJ passes the eyeball test as the best QB at PN-G.  His stats prove what the eyes see.  DL had a 16-game season.  RJ and AM did not.  If you throw in championship hardware, then Richy Ethridge enters the conversation and he might be the second best QB behind RJ regardless of stats.  RE could run or throw, and what he did best was win.  RE was a coach on the field.  He could get PN-G out of bad plays and into good plays at the line of scrimmage. Players believed in him and those kids won a lot of games and hardware against the biggest classifications at the time.  Overall, I'd take RJ.  Put him on those teams in 1975-1976 and PN-G never loses to anyone.

    Go Indians.  Peace.

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