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Everything posted by mat

  1. I was hoping they could show some redemption and shut some people up. Their bats are supporting the claims.
  2. Well that about an hour of interesting gibberish.
  3. Usual Suspects is one that stands out. I haven't watched it in awhile. Recently watched Baby Driver and enjoyed it. The opening chase scene is impressive.
  4. Ever since I can remember, the chain gang defense was a title of honor, pride and an achievement all the defensive players strive to live up to. Now it's a disrespectful title. Times are a changin'.
  5. mat


    Peaceful protests are one thing including ones staged locally. Looting is another. It is shameful and takes way from the purpose and effectiveness. I haven't heard of anyone that doesn't agree the incident was horrible and just wrong. Due process is needed but it takes time to get it right.
  6. So this video is no longer available?
  7. I would not have a problem with something like that rather than the tax payers footing the bill for their low rate shipping service. Of course there's plenty of room for operational improvements too to reduce the shortfalls.
  8. I would think it reasonable to increase rates for industry and businesses that are profiting from the service such as Amazon and others without increasing residential mail.
  9. I was thinking Larry Mayer also. He went on to SFA and held many of their passing and rushing records for many years.
  10. Kickers don't get much love but Bryant should be added to the list.
  11. BO may get a raise or even a promotion after this move. Watson's production however may drop without his #1 receiver.
  12. The Astros deserve every penalty they've received and then some. However, I'm rooting for them to come back this year and prove they are a legitimate winner. If they flop this year, then they deserve that too.
  13. The problem is, how far would you want the net be thrown. Would it include just the players that participated which may be difficult to prove or would it include the entire team who probably had knowledge? Do you punish someone for just not being a whistle blower? I think it would get very messy to single out those most guilty.
  14. I think very little of most politicians. While Trump is supporting many of my issues I think very little of him as a person. As said, lessor of two evils. There is a part of me that would like to see the dems get their way and he get removed from office. How do you think they would feel with Pence in charge setup to get elected for the next four years. Or maybe followup with Don Jr getting elected. Talk about biting them in the butt.
  15. Trump will make history as the first impeached president to get re-elected as president and eventually solidifying his legacy as the most resilient president in US history. All thanks to the democrats.
  16. Dak is not the problem and as mentioned, he is the league leading passer. Is he worth 30 mil? I don't know but it would be challenge to find a better and cheaper QB. A good coach or organization should be able capable of winning a super bowl with a Dak caliber QB.
  17. I thought Shultz had a good resume and Lamar paid to get him but that didn't work out.
  18. I'm going out a limb and predict Nick Saban will be the next Cowboy coach.
  19. If he were to come to Lamar and win, he wouldn't be here more than two or three years before another bigger team would take him.
  20. I wonder if this type of thing is more or less the norm in the league? Did the Astros just get caught? I'll also be interested to see if it affects next season's success. The Patriots got caught cheating but it didn't appear to have much effect on their success.
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