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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 40 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Oh, I understand everything you are saying.  I know how bonds fall when interest rates rise.  How  SVB invested in US Treasuries.  I get that.  Those people on the board is responsible for navigating through all of this.  This is not the first time this has happened.  But, since they have no experience, other than spewing wokeness, they didn't have a clue how to deal with it.  Every issue you laid out, well not really, but I got your point, all banks are subject to same market and governmental forces as SVB and Signature.  But, since all they cared about was wokeness, there's no surprise that they were the first two to fail.  

    I haven't completely looked into the Signature bank board.  But, I do know that the sodomite ex Congressman Barney Frank, from "my boy lollipop" fame, is on the board.  He, like the ones on the SVB board, had no experience in banking.  But, he was on the House banking committee at one.  So, any sane person would conclude this was a payoff by Signature bank!

    PS -- I have got nothing from Twitter...

    buying long-dated treasuries at the literal worst time ever.. doesn’t make them woke. It makes them greedy idiots, the opposite of woke. No one forced them to do it but they wanted to squeeze every ounce of profitability possible. Again, opposite of woke.


    Let’s stop trying to make something political when it’s not 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    I'm never opposed to having anything I say corrected.  But it must be with facts and not opinions! 

    Google any of the following terms -

    “bond concepts 101”

    ”rising interest rate environment”

    ”bonds in rising interest rate environment”

    ”SVB treasuries”

    ”HTM vs MTM”

    ”bank run”


    Use any source you want. You legitimately might learn something today. 

    Or you could jump on Twitter and mindlessly scroll like any other day 



  3. 22 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Signature Bank boss hosted a company seminar on gender-neutral pronouns 'ze' and 'hir' five months before becoming the third largest bank failure in US history!  Go Woke -- Go Broke!

    This is the hidden content, please

    Do you ever have any original thought - without spending your entire days scouring the internet for articles that confirms your pre-existing beliefs, then copy pasting it here?

    Some days I’m not even sure if you’re a real person or not.. 

  4. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Meh.... Both sides share responsibility for this one.  Trump definitely set it in motion, but but Biden hasn't done anything to curb it, other than spending even more money.  

    Right. You’re not wrong, but also no one (with a brain) was actually counting on Biden / democrats to stop spending money. Whereas the other team is often touted as being the smart fiscal conservatives 

  5. 22 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Like Bobcat was saying... firms took out PPP loans, then had no actual losses from Covid.  The loans were forgiven and those firms just had a huge "bump" in revenue for the year.  Some gave bonuses, made investments... just spent more cash and the "loans" were forgiven.  

    Don’t forget their savior and lord straight up abolished any oversight of the PPP program as well. Government bad.. etc etc, except when handing out literal free money. In which case, please gib me too


    One more thing to not forget. Trump bucks didn’t impact inflation, but Biden bucks did. 

  6. 18 hours ago, thetragichippy said:

    Dude, didn't you just get a vacation for personal attacks? Do you need more time to learn how to chat without insults?

    I thought it was for “MagaTARD” but fair enough, noted. 

    The notion that a U.S. bank seeking max quarterly profits, somehow got distracted by ESG and diversity nonsense, has zero basis and is laughable at best. 

    The same people that cheered on Jan 6th, are the same people cheering on “get woke, go broke” even though it doesn’t apply.. dudes just really hate this country. Maybe they need to LEAVE 


  7. 3 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Listen to Kennedy's section.  She said:  "Chief Risk Officer was more interested in telling their personal narrative about sexuality (sodomitic behavior I'm sure), immigration status and creating safe spaces for workers at the company.  Actually a safe place is a well run bank where my money isn't going to dissolve if people start to panic!"  And, I'm sure, these are only a few of many of the "wokeness" being infused instead of letting free market principles dictate paths forward!


    1 hour ago, baddog said:

    Man, you gotta stop hitting them with facts. The only comeback is name calling. The fence riders must always “FEEL” superior. You might as well have slapped him in the face with a dead fish. Lmao

    Free market principals? Man what they did was completely free market. No one held a gun to their head and made them buy “woke” U.S. treasuries without hedging interest rate risk.

    You guys watch a Fox News clip (lol) and think you’re experts. They’re selling confirmation bias and you eat it up. 

  8. 22 hours ago, Reagan said:

    For Sale – Woke Bank Clunker, Must Move ASAP: FDIC Rushes Silicon Valley Bank to the Financial Scrapyard to Auction it Off for Parts Today!   Again, Go Woke -- Go Broke!!

    This is the hidden content, please

    Now what does “go woke” even have to do with this?

    You just read the headlines but have literally no idea what you’re talking about, as usual. The bank failed at hedging or mitigating interest rate risk which led to a run on the banks as the bonds were MTM at a loss. 

    Typical low IQ red hatter 🤡

  9. 26 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Are you saying the Democrat Party has been reasonable in the way they’ve been destroying this country? Believe me they’re some  a lot of pathetic Republicans to go with them but as a whole its treasonous and unconstitutional what the Democrats have been pushing.

    Ok this makes the billionth whataboutism reply

  10. 1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

    1. Can you note how many redhatters post such articles every day?

    2. People are entitled to believe whichever version they want. I am sure that some bluepills believe that MSNBC and CNN are absolute gospel and Fox News is all lies.

    Is there a difference?


    Well, your reply is the millionth whataboutism reply on this forum. Yawn. 

    I was asking WHY. But to answer your question (in good faith) There is no difference, and personally.. I think both groups are SUCKERS. But this forum is 99% conservative leaning and there is no point in me beating the dead horse and pointing out how awful CNN/MSNBC is. Or how bad Joe Biden is. Yeah we get it, I agree. 

    The topic below this one has multiple Fox News clips, to start. Im not about to spend my time creating a comprehensive archive of all the links for you when the proof is right there.



  11. Redhatters come on here literally every single day blasting the main stream media, and deservedly so, but then turn right around and post some tucker Carlson / Fox News articles and links.

    Can a redhatter please explain.. why?? How on earth is the #1 news channel not main stream media? Also, why do you guys keep believing the crap after they’ve already on record admitting they’ve been lying to you. Do you think it’s different this time?

    Someone help me understand the typical redhatter brain. 

    The more you watch this crap, the angrier you get, the more likely you are to re-nominate the traitor ex-president, and the more likely that Sleepy Joe wins 2024 in a landslide. 

  12. 1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

    What is it that Murdoch supposedly admitted to lying about?

     What does any of it have to do with political stances?

    Are people who are for closing the border, less welfare, ending most gun possession laws, not raising taxes, etc., going to feel or vote differently because of Murdoch?


    Do you have your head in the sand? Fox News execs and hosts knowingly lied about the stolen election BS to keep their ratings up (milking the suckers)

    The same people calling everything fake news, fell for the fake news themselves. Hilarious and sad. 


  13. 2 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Again, you need to go read some more of my posts with your spare time.  Trump never received my vote until he was the nominee.  He will not get my vote next time, unless he is the nominee.  We were better off with Trump in office, than we are now.  I really don’t think he can win if he is the nominee.  There are to many out there like you that are infected with TDS.  
    As far as the election lies, I do not believe there was enough fraud committed to overturn the election, I suppose you missed that.  You can bet there is some fraud during any elections.

    Don’t backtrack and try hedging your bets now lol 

  14. 5 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Could this be known as fake news? Imagine that!!!! Some people get their panties in a wad because they have been lied to, yet they still watch cnn and msnbc. Lmao

    ahhh yes, starting the day off with an immediate 


    - fake news

    - what about CNN / MSNBC


    Another day, another sucker.. 

  15. 32 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I’ll give that to you.  Going on two years ago since that post.  It seems you have nothing more to do with your time.  Maybe you can find other post I made stating that I do believe there was fraud, but not enough to overturn the election.  If there was, it would have been proven by now.  But, don’t you find it peculiar that counting was stopped in several states for no apparent reason.  And, in all states, Trump was ahead, but ended up losing.  Also, why did the Dims push so hard for mail-in ballots?  Could it be that it could make it easier to commit fraud, if they wanted to?  They tried impeachment, twice, but that didn’t work.  So they turn to Fauci and the Chinese to unleash COVID to derail Trump.  Hopefully, we can get a Republican in the White House before biden and his merry men of liberals derail the country further.  

    Sounds like you STILL believe  in the stolen election lies then? 

    Anyways - I’ve voted Republican in 2012, and support a Republican for the 2024 nod.


    The problem is.. you magaTARDS think any republican who isn’t pushing trump-level insane rhetoric is a RINO / closet liberal. Which is why you suckers will nominate Trump, and get BTFO in the general, AGAIN. No one to blame but yourselves. 

  16. On 2/28/2023 at 6:57 AM, Bobcat1 said:


    This is the hidden content, please



    @baddog @Reagan @LumRaiderFan @BS Wildcats


    You guys are the biggest SUCKERS  on the planet for still believing on this crap.. and that’s putting it nicely. 

    ► In the wake of the election, Murdoch wrote in an email to the New York Post’s Col Allan, describing election lies that Trump was pushing as “bulls**t and damaging.”

    ► Murdoch said it was “wrong” for Tucker Carlson to host conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell after the election. When asked why he continued to allow the MyPillow CEO to continue appearing on Fox News, Murdoch signaled it was a business decision. “It is not red or blue, it is green,” he said. That’s a shocking admission from Murdoch about what actually guides coverage at Fox News


    ► Murdoch responded to one email from Ryan by telling him that Sean Hannity had “been privately disgusted by Trump for weeks, but was scared to lose viewers.” In other words, Hannity, who always claims to say the same things on camera as when he’s off camera, was not being up front with his loyal audience for fear they’d rebel against him.

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