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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 1 hour ago, Reagan said:

    More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump!

    From the article:  "A little-noticed bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day.  On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police."  

    Remember -- President Trump offered to send out the NAtional Guard and Bella-Pelosi said NO!   Again -- it was all show and no go with this Jan 6 concern.

    This is the hidden content, please


  2. 3 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    They used to call it compromising.

     I remember Mrs. Kelley’s Humanities class in 6th grade (1967) during the government section of the class. She was telling us that a compromise (new word for us) was the way that most laws were passed unless everybody agreed on an issue.  Both sides gave up something in order to come together and get a bill passed. 

    Now it is caving? 

    Yeah it’s caving to the RINOs. I personally wanted the swamp to be drained, but looks like 2 more years of status quo. Here’s to hoping 2024 is different 

  3. 39 minutes ago, tvc184 said:

    I don’t think religion is relevant.

     I do think the national media is relevant on what they want to make into a major news story.

    For example, George Zimmerman kills Trayvon Martin. No matter a person’s opinion on right or wrong, it was just a local homicide. The media didn’t make it just news, it was international news for over a year. That was purely a media driven story.

    Michael Brown was killed by a police officer after attacking the officer and after he committed a robbery. A couple of people a day are killed by the police somewhere in this country. Why was that case international news for over a year? The media inflamed the public on that case and the DOJ spent millions of dollars on what was a local incident. After a year of investigating, the federal prosecutors came to the same conclusion that the local prosecutors were able to do in two weeks.

    Religion? It isn’t relevant in my opinion but the media seems very selective on what they make into a national or international news story.

    I would think most people would be more interested in a woman being hacked to death than one guy shooting another and claiming self defense.

    Yeah the media sucks, we get it.

    I agree. Almost everyone agrees. I don’t know how many times we have to beat the dead horse here 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    I didn’t quote a source, just my opinion. I can do some digging. I bet it’s at least 50%. My figure is for informed Republican Voters. 

    Regardless I am sure it will probably get done tonight. Sounds like they got some house rules ironed out from what I’ve read.


    Source - trust me bro 

  5. 14 hours ago, TxFan said:

    Long time reader, had to create an account for this one

    Unwoke dude sips that kool aid like no other on here 😂

    after reading the comments I've come to the conclusion he really thinks these folks care bout him! 

    Pretty sure this guy is on someones payroll to defend Trump and the GOP. Like it’s his legitimate day job or something.

    Who on earth has the time and energy to post here literally every single hour.. every single day? 

    Anyways.. more crying, coping and rationalizing from the Trumptards. 

  6. 18 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    She is absolutely terrible, worse than biden.  Like tvc184 said, she was a pawn that served her role for him.  She definitely didn’t serve her role as VP.

    Conservatives are never consistent in their argument..

    I thought you all wanted these people to do nothing? Because from my POV, Kamala has done nothing. Would you rather her push for a bunch of ultra liberal mandates and policies? 

    Hard pass.


  7. 3 hours ago, baddog said:

    I think Tim the tool man Taylor could do much better than Pelosi. What a sot she is. 

    TrumpTards always hating on Pelosi, who has been supremely successful in keeping her party in line for decades.

    Meanwhile, GOP is a 24/7 circus with the latest act being the TrumpTards holding the entire platform hostage.

    More rationalizing. More cope. No wonder TrumpTards got BTFO by sleepy Joe in the general and midterms.

    All part of the 2024 master plan 🙄

  8. If McCarthy is part of the (I) uniparty and/or (ii) democrat party…


    Then what does that say about Trump supporting him and calling for his servants to vote accordingly? Does trump want to maintain  status quo??


    All part of the 4D z-axis very stable genius mega master plan in 2024 I’m sure. It’ll be different this time. I know I said that a billion times before, but I was just kidding then. I’m for real now. #maga2024 #staytuned 

  9. 24 minutes ago, Bobcat1 said:

    I disagree - The hardline Republicans are going to hold the chamber hostage - Just like we're seeing now.

    Not only that, but Democrats are going to use all of this for ads against Republicans in future elections which will almost guarantee a Democrat take of over the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2024.  

    I am not a fan of one party having control of all three.  


    GOP truly has no one to blame but themselves. Go full TrumpTard, then act shocked when everyone else votes anti-Trumptards. People are tired of the nonsense.

    Democrats handed 2022 on a silver platter and GOP STILL f’d it up somehow. Massive incompetence across the board 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    You are so easy to take the bait and trigger yourself when it comes to Trump. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Deep Breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

    I gave my 2 choice choices but the Trump choice was to just trigger you off, an it works every time. 😂😂😂 

    Matter fact why don’t go help little boys in the hoody make dinner for his wife. 😂

    Lol keep coping, sucker

    Definitely mega mad based on how many emojis you used 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Dude you have no inside information on any of the decisions that are being made. It’s all pure speculation. 


    So go take your Trump medicine before you hyperventilate. 

    Unwoke - stop the uniparty!

    Trump - support the uniparty candidate!

    Unwoke - 🤡🤡

    Let me guess.. all part of the 4D mega genius master plan in 2024. Like I said earlier, you are an absolute SUCKER

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