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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 46 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    You seem to be a Professional Knee Bender so I’ll leave that to you. I could care less who Trump backs, McCarthy is not the right person imo. Matter of fact Trump backing McCarthy may have just cost him in the primaries with Desantis. It makes zero sense to me why he would back McCarthy. I understand keeping your enemies close but that’s too high of a position to keep an enemy close imo. Everything I’ve read Desantis is running in 24. 

    Your TDS is flaring up again. 😂

    What do you mean it makes zero sense on why trump would back McCarthy?

    Use your brain for once.. maybe, just maybe.. trump is part of the uniparty you continue to (rightfully) rail against..

    TrumpTards are in shambles today.. well, it’s been everyday but even more so today.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bobcat1 said:

    "It's now time for all of our GREAT Republican House Members to VOTE FOR KEVIN," Trump wrote in a post to his Truth Social platform. 

    After a day marked by chaos on the House floor, Trump urged Republicans not to "TURN A GREAT TRIUMPH INTO A GIANT & EMBARRASSING DEFEAT."

    Lol omg what a trainwreck. 

    Alright SETX Trumptards. Is Gym Jordan the guy, or will you bend the knee and support Kevin as your lord and savior DJT instructed you 

  3. Ahh so this is where the “Gym” Jordan comments come from.. looks to be a perfect fit in DC!


    Jordan, now a conservative family-values Republican from Ohio, was the assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University from 1987 to 1995. During his tenure, the team doctor, Richard Strauss, is accused of having molested up to 1,500 college boys.

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    say that the sexual abuse was so prevalent, Jordan must have known about it. And two of the wrestlers say they specifically told Jordan about the molestation, and Jordan did nothing to help. One says Jordan actually "snickered" when told of the abuse, before saying he'd have nothing to do with it.

    The doctor also reportedly took

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    Jordan calls his accusers liars, and says the entire scandal is the work of a

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    for the speakership. No word from Jordan on how the deep state was able to go back in time 40 years and molest 1,500 boys all in the hopes of harming Jordan's political career in 2018.

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    Adam DiSabato said Jordan called him on July 4, 2018 because he was worried the scandal would hurt his political prospects. He hadn’t seen Jordan since a former teammate’s funeral and was eating breakfast in Las Vegas, where he was helping a UFC wrestler get ready for a fight, when he got a phone call from a Dayton number. He said he excused himself from the table when he realized it was Jordan.


    “He repeatedly called me that week,” Adam DiSabato said, adding that Jordan was “just a symptom of a bigger problem at Ohio State.”

    WASHINGTON, D. C. - Former Ohio State University wrestler Adam DiSabato on Saturday disputed U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan’s claims that he didn’t know a team doctor sexually abused wrestlers in his charge during his years as the team’s assistant coach, and elaborated on testimony he delivered in Columbus this week that Jordan had called

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     in an effort to cover-up the fact that he knew.


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  4. 42 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Leftys worried about getting things done, lol.

    Don't worry, your checks will continue to come, they just might have to shut down a few national parks.

    The liberal mindset wants everyone to think the same way, if not, it's chaos.

    I still find it hilarious how now even cardinal backer is considered a “lefty” on this website. He seems to be a textbook conservative. I recall he’s even voted for trump before. Shows you how off the rails the GOP and supporters have become, and how quick they are to turn on you if you don’t continue to bend the knee to their lord and savior DJT

  5. 19 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    I would love to see the meltdown of the left if Trump was elected Speaker! I know it’s not going to happen but it would be fun to watch.😂

    Check out the projection on this one lol.. the only people I see having a meltdown right are.. TrumpTards.

    I wonder why Trump didn’t drain the swamp like he said he would. Either:

    1) trump is part of the uniparty 

    2) trump doesn’t give a 💩 about his voting base

    3) trump got outsmarted by the swamp, because he’s too stupid 



  6. 1 minute ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Fiscal conservatism is a political and economic philosophy regarding fiscal policy and fiscal responsibility with an ideological basis in capitalism, individualism, limited government, and laissez-faire economics.[1][2] Fiscal conservatives advocate tax cuts, reduced government spending, free markets, deregulation, privatization, free trade, and minimal government debt.[3

    Those are some pretty big parts of fiscal conservatism of which Trump did the opposite. 

    But..but… don’t be negative, Those don’t count!

  7. 45 minutes ago, baddog said:

    And the mental gymnastic Trump haters still throw crap at home that doesn’t stick, but keep throwing anyway. Nothing else to do. 
    The post sign of stupidity is to repeat the same procedures and expect a different result. 

    TrumpTard supporters - “Just ignore the big spending and inflationary pressures, it’s fine. Don’t be negative”

    Pretty much the TLDR of this thread 🤡🤡🤡

  8. 34 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    We’re all just gonna pretend like deficits didn’t jump as soon as Trump took office, I guess. That’s not a good thing, even if you’re giving him a pass on Covid spending. 

    Trump was not a conservative… he was a “cut taxes for me and my friends” guy. Did the economy perk up? Absolutely. Did our debt balloon? Absolutely. That’s not much of a trade off. 

    He also hammered the Fed Reserve, even pre-Covid, to lower interest rates to artificially low levels..  the main lever of controlling inflation.. yikes. Cheaper cost of debt leads to more borrowing, which means higher demand, which means higher asset prices and inflation..

    No big deal right (satire for the TrumpTards), as now it’s not his problem to deal with lol


  9. 17 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Many years ago.  But it is my understanding Trump never partook of the Lolita Express and Epstien's Island.  

    Guess we’ll never know, as Epstein was miraculously suicide’d in a max security prison.. guards fell asleep, cameras stopped working, etc. textbook.

    All under Trump and his DOJ’s / Barr’s watch of course, very convenient 

  10. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    That's what amazes me... these people claim to be conservative when it comes time to cut taxes but get all liberal when it's time to spend money.  It's been going on for years.  I guess these "conservatives" are okay with deficit spending as long as it's on things that THEY want.  

    New term, kinda like RINOs.

    Conservative Until (I) Need Things.... you know. 

    As Baddog (Traitordog who supports Jan 6th) said.. stop being negative! His precious feelings were hurt with hard facts..

  11. 14 hours ago, Hagar said:

    So do I, but what give you the impression 2022 wasn’t good for me?   Tell me, are you lucky that you don’t know one “gasp, low-life, dreaded individuals”, that you’d not wish a Happy New Year?  Again, Lucky you.

    … honestly, this post and your Christmas post come off as unhinged and filled with anger or hatred

    Just my opinion

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