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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 57 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Always thought it was a good idea, and no one should be exempt from paying taxes.  Everyone pays the same percentage so when someone (democrats) start talking about raising taxes, everyone will be paying attention because it will affect ALL taxpayers.

    No more slackers on the bottom cheering for taxing the evil rich guys.

    I agree on a flat tax 

    But your comment on “slackers on the bottom” is funny, as you are/were  probably in the bottom tax brackets yourself.. while crapping on the people who made/make even less money than you. Poors fighting the poors 

  2. 2 minutes ago, baddog said:

    So align with no party…. You have no right to complain either way. Just sit there on your high horse and watch the communists take over. Of course that won’t affect someone like you. 

    1 minute you’re telling us about the uniparty..


    Next minute you’re telling us we have to pick a side.. 


    Come on mannnnnn 

  3. 2 hours ago, Bobcat1 said:

     Instead of you condemning this, you turn it on the other side saying "well, if they did it, then it's ok". 

    It's ridiclous how both sides on this board use the same excuse. 

    It’s the textbook trumptard response


    ”but HWAT about Obama/Hillary’s emails/hunters laptop/Biden” etc 


    it’s a cult 

  4. 12 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    This isn’t that’s hard, it’s just like Trump, I couldn’t stand the guy and only voted for him because he was last man standing.  He pushed some great policies which were good for the country and made me a fan of his policies, not a fan of the man.  Hopefully, the same thing happens with McCarthy, time will tell.

    Pretty simple.

    Yeah we know you love big spending, debt expansion, and free money interest rate policies.. old news.

    Just another big ole hypocrite on this website.. dare I say, RINO. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    So if someone passes policy you agree 100% with, you still base your opinion on the person, not the policy?

    Are you trying to defend McCarthy here?

    Last week everyone hated him. Now I’m seeing a bunch of cope from people hoping to make themselves feel better about the latest GOP failure. 

    I’ll be ok whether it’s team D or team R in office. Life goes on. It’s the uniparty, like you said. 

  6. 5 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    The same guy that thinks Tulsi Gabbard would make a great President and thinks aliens built the pyramids, lol.

    The morons are those that voted for biden and there is no denying it, the proof is right here with us.

    Never seen so many morons be so supremely confident that they are smart and right, while everyone else a bunch of morons, like the Trumptard crowd on this forum. Everyone else is a RINO or lib.

    It’s ok 2024 is the year Hillary gets locked up, the swamp is drained, the budget is balanced, etc etc.. right guys?? 

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