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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 13 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Never said debt is bad. Read it again. I said debt and credit is dumb. If you have the ability to save a pay cash that’s the way to go imo.  Sometimes on large purchases like home you may not be in a situation where you can’t pay cash so you get a low interest 15 year fixed rate loan if you were smart enough to keep clean credit an pay it off as soon as you can. Keep your debt minimal to zero. I don’t claim to be a financial advisor but this has worked for me an my family. 

    Low IQ Reader

    It’s worked for you, but you’re leaving money on the table

    Im smart and know what I’m doing, so I’m not leaving money on the table like you..  to each their own

  2. 27 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Meh, the rant is without a doubt a bad look, but for folks that really pay attention, the more nefarious actions that alarm me are the folks embedded in the "real" deep state by sitting Presidents that are not elected and can be weaponized when needed.  That has come to light on many occasions recently.

    Folks can be put off by Trump and he can be voted out, as so many on here have said was going to happen, the folks I speak of cannot.

    I simply don't see Trump as the dictatorial threat that you do.

    Did you guys already forgot about “Lock her up” and “drain the swamp”? Selective memory strikes again 

    Trump was supposed to be the chosen one

    he had 4 years and did NOTHING about the “deep state”, but take every opportunity to siphon money off into his and his families pockets.

    it’s ok though it’ll be different in 2024, just give him another chance 🤡 

  3. 3 hours ago, baddog said:

    Trump knows exactly how the dims are stacking the deck against the American people with their liberal/woke/communist ideology. I applaud anyone who fights that tooth and nail. People have died fighting communism for all of us and we reward that (in their memory) by electing them into our government……. Shameful!

    Lol you are such a sucker dude

    PS - don’t forget to donate your next social security check to the trump 2024 legal defense fund 


  4. 2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Are you saying the democrats don't try and actually ruin anyone that opposes them?  Remember Kavanaugh, Thomas, I could go on and on.  I'm not talking about simply calling them bad names and making mean tweets (which I won't defend) but I'm talking about LITERALLY trying to destroy lives with KNOWINGLY false information.

    Also, don't forget the Russia Collusion crap was also KNOWINGLY made up lies that Hillary Clinton herself was very aware of, actually hired folks to create it.

    Your dislike of Trump is skewing you ability to see this is nothing new.

    oh look, the billionth “whataboutism” reply on this forum 

    and the person you’re replying to isn’t even a democrat! LOL


  5. 5 minutes ago, TxFan said:

    Went back and read the response, did I say no business was affected by covid?

    I'd be a fool to say there weren't any affected 

    Keep working those 2 jobs Twitter dude, I'll keep building mine... if you'd stay off here and Twitter you may be more successful! 

    Hes just grasping at straws at this point. None of his replies make sense. Another TrumpTard in his natural element 

  6. 1 hour ago, Unwoke said:

    So your saying it is smart to have debt? Debt and credit is dumb. Cash is the way to go. Maybe you need to take a Dave Ramsey course. Lol

    By the way, I paid cash for my land, a got a better deal. I didn’t have to worry about being in debt before we built our house. It’s always best to be owed than to owe.

    I know the difference between the deficit and debt . I know when someone adds a record amount of debt to that deficit. 

    Maybe you need to stick to taking the right amount of meds to control your Trump Syndrome.


    .. come on man.  if your cost of debt is lower than your cap rate, or lower than what you can get a return on elsewhere, then it’s accretive to tack on leverage and absolutely the smart thing to do if you’re in a strong financial position

    You’re doubling down on making yourself look (even more) stupid. Stop while you can  


  7. 13 minutes ago, Unwoke said:

    Reputable Lender 😂🤣

    Trump’s Net Worth is about 3.2 Billion Dollars according to Forbes last time I checked. 

    … umm, you think people buy commercial real estate in cash?

    Youve shown time and time again you’re absolutely clueless. Like the debt and deficit topic where you repeatedly used the terms interchangeably. 

    Stick to your day job twitter man 🤘🏼

  8. 27 minutes ago, thetragichippy said:

    He's that arrogant and self-absorbed for sure, but it surprises me you would go to Dictator. I personally feel he is upset he lost, knows there was some voter fraud, and just hates to lose. 

    I must say the only decision he did during his Presidency that I disagreed with was the bump stock ban. I now why he did it, but didn't agree with it......and it was overturned I believe.   

    In before the trumpers turn on bullets13, as they did cardinalbacker 

  9. 2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    If he wins the nomination, ANY Democrat beats him worse than they did last time.  

    The fact that he's leading in polls this early is not a reason to celebrate... It's a terrible omen.  We already know that the he will drive Dems to vote against him like no other candidate in our history, and if by some chance a different Republican wins the nomination, a huge number of Trump's crybaby election deniers will refuse to vote for the Republican nominee... Either way, Trump's presence in the race assures a Dem President will be elected in 2024. 

    Nobody that voted against Trump has "learned their lesson."  They still hate him and WILL vote against him again.  The only question is who will get their vote-because Trump certainly won't.  

    I don’t think the Trumptards have yet realized that people didn’t voted for Biden, they voted against Trump. Literally the only reason Biden won. Democrats can run anyone, other than Hillary, against trump and win, even a pet rock

    Same reason why Trump won in 2016. People just really hated Hillary. Of course there is the hillbilly here and there that think Trump is a legitimate, successful businessman, which is why these people continue getting conned in donating their own money to a billionaire 

  10. 39 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I guess the question is, once they eliminate property taxes, how do you expect them to get their $3k-5K from you every year? Because those bills aren't going to pay themselves.  

    Your property taxes don't make it to the state-they're collected and spent in your local community by your city, county, ISD (the largest one), Water districts, etc.... If you want meaningful change, elect local officials that will curtail spending.  That's gonna mean sacrificing things like turf and video scoreboards, etc.  Everybody wants lower taxes, but they also want all of the "things," too.  

    That's what I find the funniest.  Poor people saying "we need a consumption tax." In fact, the only people who would benefit are large landowners like Parkdale Mall, timber companies, etc... their bill goes away.  Yours will just be swapped for a different kind of tax. 

    Besides all of that, the consumption tax won't be collected locally.  Your dollars will be collected and sent to Austin, and hopefully they'll give some back to you to spend in ways that they see fit.  Good luck with that.  

    Well thanks to robinhood, my prop taxes are mostly shipped everywhere else except my local ISD (yay)

    Sales tax, consumption tax, etc are inherently  regressive in that lower income people probably pay more compared to their total income while it’s relative chump change to higher income

    Currently I come out ahead in the prop tax vs. state income tax debate but people who are retired now are getting the shaft (I understand there are certain exemptions). Now I’m not saying I currently support income tax over prop tax as that would be an even bigger check compared to my prop taxes, but when I retire I absolutely would support that as my income (and property taxes, theoretically) would be significantly lower. But big slippery slope on income tax.. don’t trust these people to find even more ways to milk us for everything we have. 

    I don’t have a perfect solution but I’m open to ideas and I don’t think GOP (the ruling team) has really provided any. This issue only gets worse as California tech bros and Elon Musk worshippers keep flooding into our state and driving up housing for locals. Without homestead exemption I’d be really screwed

  11. 14 hours ago, TxFan said:

    Not sure why tall think folks are ashamed of anything on here.. Jesus, it's a sports site with a political side to adventure out on.. not that big of a deal

    Folks take this too serious 

    If we’re being completely real here..

    Some take this so seriously and personally, because it’s all they have left to cling to in their lives. Thus why they get sucked into the Trumptard cult. They are a textbook target (sucker). Uneducated, mad at the world, lonely, etc. they’ve finally found a place where they fit and have a common person(s) to blame for all their failings in life 


    Me, personally, pulled up my bootstraps and continue to succeed year after year regardless of who is in office. Some, particularly on this forum,  rather be a snowflake and cry online all day 24/7/365 

  12. 32 minutes ago, baddog said:

    That’s total BS. Biden didn’t even know he had them….. Really????

     Trump lied about what? Nothing! You are so easily conquered. 

    Check out the vigor and determination this guy displays when defending his lord and savior DJT lol. to each their own 🌈 

  13. 1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    The true "blind loyalty".

    The left doesn't like Candace, but everything she says is true...and that's probably why they don't like her.

    Another grifter profiteering off the Trumptards stupidity and naivety. Of course you would fall for it, SUCKER

    Her husband runs Parler. I’ll let you connect the dots  

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