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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. 23 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I’ll be honest, a beta is a grown man that has to have the exact same opinion as the rest of the betas… an alpha will stand here and defend his positions in spite of almost universal opposition. 

    The most beta thing a beta can do is keep re-wording the same opinion of the masses. 

    Hilarious that these betas continue to passionately bend the knee and regurgitate the same, tired talking points they see on MSM, yet have the nerve to call other people betas lol


  2. Amazing how the dumbest group of worshippers ever (redhatters) are supremely confident that they are the smartest 


    Bring back normal conservatism, please, or else Biden wins in a landslide AGAIN 

  3. 3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Lay off the bad punchlines, not your thing.

    Keep trying to impress CB, that's your thing.

    Of course the red hatter is too focused on punchlines, and sounding cool and smart.

    Thats why you’re a sucker and will always be one

  4. 22 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Like I said...morons.


    4 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    You liberals need to get on the same page with your strategy, some say this is a ploy to reassure his nomination so he will no doubt be defeated and others say this is it, we finally got him...he's headed to jail.

    It's just odd to not see the TDS crowd not in mindless lock-step.


    3 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    And I was hanging on the edge of my seat for your thoughtful, reasoned response.

    A sucker (like you) is born every minute.. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    This is the hidden content, please


    They’re not attacking Donald Trump because they’re scared of him. They’re attacking Trump so the morons will rally to his defense and renominate him. 

    And based on what I’m reading here, it’s working beautifully. 

    The very next reply after yours — “nuh uh”


    1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    No, they're attacking him because they're scared of him, only a moron couldn't see that.

    Otherwise, leave him a alone and let him run, after all, he can't possibly win.

    By the way, how many hours a day do you spend sifting through news to find anti-Trump articles, lol.


  6. 25 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Apparently only Republicans are criticized for choosing a bad candidate.

    democrats can elect a senile, racist old crook and that seems to be acceptable, to some anyway, lol.

    There’s already a billion topics here on how much Biden sucks 



  7. 3 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    Hmmmm so it’s conservatives fault for the policies that liberals put in place……CLASSIC

    how bout dims nominate someone that has some sense.

    Coming from a redhatter..

    > how bout dims nominate someone that has some sense.

    Another day.. another train wreck 

  8. 36 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Right.... so with the country on the line, the republicans are going to nominate a guy that can't win the election.  The Dems are to blame for destroying the country, but the Republicans are even more to blame for not putting forth a candidate who could win the election in 2020 and it looks like 2024, either.  

    Well obviously dims and demoncrats held the redhatters at gunpoint to vote for conman Trump.

    Zero accountability or awareness with this fan(atic) club.. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    And the braindeads, such as DonTheCon, play along like everything is just fine.  They are as as clueless as THEIR potus.  Braindeads following braindead.

    Now where did I say everything was fine?

    Stop coping and crying. You suckers have turned into the same snowflakes you used to make fun of 

  10. 10 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    What a sad (and completely predictable) day.... this is what happens when the masses nominate a badly flawed but popular candidate to be the leader of a political party. 

    Karma is a B.  The bill always comes due, even if your supporters really, really think you should get a pass. 

    The fact that he's leading in the polls for the republican nomination again shows that the "Great Unwashed" haven't learned a thing. 

    Well trump only had 4 years with a supermajority.. he needs 4 more to -really - fix this country!

    Eyeroll. His supporters are literally the reason why Team D BTFO team R since 2020 🤦‍♂️ 

  11. 2 hours ago, baddog said:

    Leftys and fence riders don’t care that an ex President is being hauled into “Kangaroo Court” (behind closed doors) with charges that have already been answered (double jeopardy), his rights are being violated (has the right to an impartial jury and change of venue). All these yo-yos who think it’s funny and simply hate the man, are too naive to understand the big picture. I’ll patiently wait some childish response. 

    Man you are such a snowflake, and a sucker.

    Guy said he’d #lockherup, did nothing in 4 years, and now you’re on here talking about the “bigger picture” lol

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