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Posts posted by DonTheCon2024

  1. On 8/12/2023 at 12:48 PM, CardinalBacker said:

    So let me get this straight…. You took offense to something that I didn’t even say, even though you spend all day calling me names? 

    Were you a middle child?

    Friendly reminder that no one.. literally no one cared when “libtard” was trending on here for a decade 

    Not until I used “MagaTard”. Then everyone decided to start caring about precious feelings and be offended 


    real 🤡 💩 

  2. 47 minutes ago, PAMFAM10 said:

    Republicans this democratic that. Do you guys even get paid? Is this the American dream? I’m better than you because I love my party more. Ok.

    Political ruling class laughing to the bank, while the poors are on setxsports.com arguing and ready to kill each other. Buncha BROKIES

  3. 3 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    But you don’t seem to think these biden voters are low information mouth breathers.  You have never criticized them for voting for biden, called them blue hatters, pea brains or anything derogatory.  
    No one here takes you seriously at all, you’re a clown.  I just thought I would take the time to point out your absolute hypocrisy when you acknowledge biden is corrupt but have nothing to say about his voters as opposed to Trump’s.

    No need to explain yourself, everyone knows what’s going on.

    I already said biden supporters are the 2nd dumbest group of voters ever.. after trump supporters

    What else do you want me to do. Join the "peace circle" and make a literal daily topic on it? 

    3 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Let me pull the BidenTheCon kindergarten tattletale 💩.  Mods he called me a name.  Do something.



    Go for it

  4. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    It’s totally about needing an ID to vote.  Democrats must not be reasonable since they balk at the mention of needing ID’s to vote.  Makes it more difficult to cheat, wouldn’t you agree BidenTheCon2020?

    is this supposed to be a “gotcha”?

    Again, I’m not out here defending democrats so stop trying to create imaginary debates and arguments 

  5. 7 hours ago, baddog said:

    It does make it harder to vote IF YOU’RE NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN! Why is that so hard to understand? You lefties are a joke. 

    The issue isn’t about requiring IDs to vote. Most reasonable people agree you should need a valid ID. 

    Its about limiting early voting, shutting down polling locations, not letting 18+ students vote at their college locations, limiting mail-in voting (but politicians do it), etc

    But your brain can’t comprehend that because you listen to main stream media from 7am until you go to sleep 🐑 



  6. 23 minutes ago, UT alum said:

    That conflates two issues so badly it’s really quite hilarious.  Using someone else’s COSTCO card is like using someone else’s Netflix login.  COSTCO is trying to tighten its membership usage. A business decision. The false cardholder is not committing a crime.  A voter, however, is committing a crime if they say they are who the card says and  are not. That type of criminality was statistically nonexistent BEFORE the voter photo ID craze that is nothing but a red herring to distract from  the real effort - making it harder to vote.

    Spot on.

    But you’ll get nothing but bad faith “debates” from team redhatter here.

    I don’t think they even know what statistically nonexistent or insignificant even means lol 

  7. 10 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Who is “these people”?

    Are you trying to imply that Trump supporters are the only people that are so stupid as to commit crimes or attack the police?

    You couldn’t help yourself with the thinly veiled whataboutism huh?

    Yea man we get it.. dims stupid too. We heard this a billion times here already but thanks for contributing champ 

  8. 13 hours ago, mat said:

    The guy probably got what he deserved. He represented a very small percentage of those who attended. I saw a meme recently that went something like this.

    America has the most heavily armed citizens in the world but tried to have insurrection without a single firearm.

    Explain that one.

    No one said these guys were smart..


    Exhibit A -


    A. Am I mental? Am I? Am I just that stupid? I mean, yes. 

    Q. Listen, Danny. I think you just made some bad choices, man. 

    A. Did we all really just -- are we all that stupid that we thought we were going to go do this and save the country and it was all going to be fine after? We really thought that. That's so stupid, huh? 

  9. 4 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    It's crazy.... they have so much "evidence," but just yesterday the motion to impeach the "Big Guy" failed to move forward in the Republican House.  

    I mean, I don't understand.  It's all there on Hunter's laptop.  It's a slam dunk.  Must just be those pesky RINOs again. 

    Psych!  It doesn't exist.  It (like Russian Collusion) never occurred. 

    Don’t forget -


    Fox News got sued for $800 MILLION and folded like a lawn chair in court. Why? Because they knew it was all BS and did it anyway.. all for ratings and to continue SCAMMING the suckers who still watch main stream media.

    Then the fanboys come on here boasting and bragging around Fox News being #1 in main stream media, LOL 

  10. A. (Crying.) 

    Q. And so when you -- ?

    A. Am I mental? Am I? Am I just that stupid? I mean, yes. 

    Q. Listen, Danny. I think you just made some bad choices, man. 

    A. Did we all really just -- are we all that stupid that we thought we were going to go do this and save the country and it was all going to be fine after? We really thought that. That's so stupid, huh? 

    Q. You did think that, right? 

    A. Yeah. Yeah. We really thought that we were doing the right thing, that we were going to -- yeah. 

    Q. And those -- the officers that were there, they were getting in your guys' way. 

    A. (Crying.) Yeah. We just -- yeah. We were just like, come on. Get out of the way, guys. This is (indiscernible) --


    Poor Jan 6th traitor.. sounds just like many of you on this forum 

    This is the hidden content, please


  11. “Tazzzzed ... the blue,” Rodriguez wrote on his group message while the riot was still unfolding, according to prosecutors.

    Fanone suffered a heart attack and a traumatic brain injury from the rioters’ assault.

    Fanone said he was beaten with a flagpole in addition to being tased several times in the neck and heard people in the mob saying they should “kill him with his own gun.” Several people tried to pull his weapon from its holster, according to Fanone, who said he begged the mob to spare him, telling them, “I have kids.”

  12. Man why are these people so STUPID 


    As Rodriguez exited the courtroom Wednesday, he defiantly shouted that “Trump won!” repeating the same lie that ultimately culminated in the Capitol attack.


    Daniel Rodriguez, the man who attacked then-Washington, DC, police officer Michael Fanone with an electroshock weapon in the neck during the US Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was sentenced Wednesday to 12 and a half years in prison.

    Rodriguez, 40, had pleaded guilty to four counts in February, including conspiracy, assault with a dangerous weapon and obstruction of an official proceeding



  13. 19 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    It’s a fair statement. 

    Y’all thought it was cute when trump said Megyn Kelly was probably menstruating. You laughed it off when Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women.  It wasn’t your problem when Trump was paying off porn stars with whom he’d had affairs. The fact that he cheated on his wives repeatedly wasn’t a reflection of his character according to y’all. When he was proven to have sexually assaulted Jean Carroll, y’all just wrote bigger checks to his re-election campaign. 

    But y’all want me to believe you’d have a problem if he forced himself on your old lady? Bull-you’d puff your chest out and say it didn’t matter because he’s good for the economy.  

    Y’all would be just like Ted Cruz… still out campaigning for the man. 

    Fwiw, it only stings if it’s true. 

    It’s all fun and games when it happens to someone else. Mention their wife and they start seething mad. 

    It’s like when everyone here used “libtard” for a literal decade plus. Zero issue.. until I use “MAGAtard” then all a sudden it’s offensive and I get banned 🙄

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