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Separation Scientist

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Posts posted by Separation Scientist

    BH 6-0                
    PNG 5-1                
    NED 4-2                
    CROSBY 3-2                
    LEE 2-4                
    RSS 1-3                
    GCM 1-5                
    PAM 0-5
  2. On 3/15/2024 at 6:05 PM, CardinalBacker said:

    Not even close. 

    So before y’all whine about NY judges being biased, remember that other judges are just as biased in his favor so “bias” is a no -issue. 

    Stop crying.

    Except there are no "biased" conservative judges destroying Dem political figures like the Kangaroo Dem judges and DA's are doing to Trump.

    Not even close. Stop crying.

  3. On 3/4/2024 at 2:16 PM, CardinalBacker said:

    That's not true... the VP is who decides the next President.   Pence is a traitor, remember?  If Trump hadn't muffed on that pick for VP, he'd still be the President.  

    No, Soros and the Chineese virus engineers installed Biden. 

    I know you blame everything in the history of the world on Trump, but sometimes you need to look beyond that knee jerk reflex. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, bullets13 said:

     For people who have beliefs leaning both ways, they're choosing between two terrible options.

    For them, under which President have they done better? Four years where the border was secure, inflation was under 2%, law and order kept most streets  safe and smuggled in Fentanol was not murdering 10,000's of young people, 


    these years where inflation soared to almost 10%, gas hit $5, woke mobs destroyed buildings and killed cops, Soros DA's refuse to prosecute murderers, women are men and men are women, and more illegles broke and entered than is in the population of most states?

    For any moderate / undecided, or anyone, America was much better place to live in 3.5 years ago. Its in severe decline now. 

    Put the politics and personalities aside, and just open your eyes! 



  5. 28 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    because I’m around more liberal voters thru out my day I hear their complaints constantly on the state of the country.  But because they have too much pride they will still vote for biden.  Don’t complain about the problems when your still voting the same way.

    The stupid Dems I work with want to vote for green new deal Democrats. but they work with me in the Energy industry. Go figure. And they blame Abbott, of all people for the flood of illeagles in to Houston. This is beyond stupid to the point of full on brainwashing. 

  6. The media is 99% supportive of Lib democrats. The media is 99% anti Republicans. If a Conservative walked on water the media would tell the low information gullible public the Republican "failed at swimming" and it would work. 

    People are SO stupid today. A significant number actually believe Isreal attacked and slaughtered the peace loving Hamas terrorists. Every last one of them will vote for Biden in November.


  7. 1 hour ago, Big girl said:

    He knowingly lied on his application which is a crime. My loan was forgiven by the government.

    "The Government" can't forgive anything or make anthing magically dissapear. The Debt you owe got transferred to taxpayers who never agreed to it. Whatever happens here is not the final say. There is still a final Judge you will have to reckon with. He already issued pre-trial guidence:

    Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously;

    You will have time in His court in the future. Good luck. 



  8. 42 minutes ago, Old Ape said:

    So basically Prieto Chunked Crosby the duece and then turned up in DAYTON less than a year later????? Is this how I'm reading this?

    I can only speculate but it sure seems curious. doesn't it? He could have a vendetta and a score to settle with certain individuals there. Remember this is a guy who wants to stick his thumb in the eye of others at times. He shows little restraint. He might be jumping up and down and spitting on someones turf soon. It would be quite interesting to see how that would be percieved. Or maybe not, maybe it is all just a coincidence and nothing more. Its 50/50 at this point. Certainly its a storyline to keep everyone amused through the offseason!

  9. 42 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Even if someone thinks that the whole allegation was a fraud, you can’t argue with the fact that Trump shouldn’t have gone after her in the media- there are civil penalties for doing that, and fwiw, he finally shut up about her, lol. 

    Now if Trump could only get paid for all the hate, defamation, and death treats spewed against him.  


  10. 14 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Y’all might not know this about me, but I can’t stand Donald Trump. But I can honestly say that my opinion is that this particular case is a miscarriage of Justice by every stretch. 

    No crime was committed, no injured party came forth. To get hung with a 450 million dollar judgment like this is just wrong. 

    He’s done plenty of bad things and is probably guilty of some of the charges he’s facing- this particular one is trash, though. 

    Its a political/financial assination of Trump. This is exactly what they do in places like Venesuela, Russia, Brazil. The USA is officially a Banana Republic. Just what you would expect from a George Soros ran nation. Evil to the core.

  11. 17 minutes ago, 2wedge said:

    Same thing I am hearing, but I won't believe it until I see it. If it is Prieto, not only are they getting an elite coach, they're also getting a couple of big time ball players in his boys. They also may be getting a pretty steady injection of Code Red between now and August. 

    Elite coach. or elite recruiter? 

  12. 5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    That's weird... because Trump said that the stock market is due for a huge crash if Biden gets re-elected.   

    Try thinking your way through this. If Biden is reinstalled by Soros, then that would be eight consecutive years under Dementia Joe. In an eight year time period, Biden will absolutely own the epic crash. 

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