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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. My net worth has increased substantially since November. Even in inflation adjusted terms. But that’s the difference between me and you. I strive to prosper no matter who is president, while you cry like a baby and make excuses
  2. US military is just another gigantic wealth transfer and jobs program for the masses. These dumbass wars are literally impossible to win. Didn’t we learn from Vietnam? Sucks for the friendlies left behind, but we have to stop being world police at some point. waste of trillions of dollars, time, and lives
  3. Imagine thinking the #1 watched news channel somehow isn’t main stream.. You are either (I) an idiot or (II) a troll. 📠
  4. The old white man said racism doesn’t exist bro. He worked with a black guy before, and a black guy held open a door for him. Case closed
  5. Two more weeks guys! Don’t give up if you are a true patriot! Don’t forget to donate your social security check to maga2024.com to own the libs
  6. It’s ok brother, don’t get mad. leave the finance talk to the experts, myself and Steve Nash (RIP). Y’all other dudes out here just looking dumb
  7. Lmao look at all these suckers defending Fox News, the #1 watched news channel and literal definition of main stream media Trumptards - “wth we love main stream media now!”
  8. You literally leech off the government Lol. Get a job bum
  9. right so about that time for trumptards to start caring about the debt and deficits again
  10. Uh oh time for the trumptards to start caring about debt and deficits again. No one saw that one coming from a mile away
  11. Vax participation rates would skyrocket immediately 🤣 interesting post, ty. I was leaning Pfizer but will continue researching
  12. I try to stick to more financial related outlets these days, mainly Reuters, WSJ. Not perfect or unbiased, but leagues better than fox, cnn and msnbc (the big 3) anything I see on fox, cnn or msnbc.. i just assume they’re lying as always, and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle
  13. Welcoming input in this subforum, hopefully to not get derailed into a political debate, as I’m genuinely curious. Which vaccine did you take, any side effects, how many jabs, time between jabs, any regrets, etc.. Open to hearing anectodal evidence from direct family members as well (just no Facebook stories plz). Honest discussion since I sorta have no choice anymore , if I want to continue paying my mortgage, at least. (Yes I get my flu vaccine most years)
  14. If you’re tired of hearing about it, then just turn off the TV and cell phone
  15. Is that what your peanut brain logic defaults to? If you don’t like x, then you must like y? Bless your heart @bullets13 this reminds me of an old comment of yours. Being too conservative for the liberal crazies, and too liberal for the conservative kooks, so both groups end up calling you names lol.. (I know I can be a bit nicer in my messaging, but these guys are dumb)
  16. Breitbart, Daily wire, etc.. is, in my opinion, main stream media, and therefore fake news. Right along with cnn, fox, msnbc , etc etc.. I always get a laugh at people who think their preferred news outlet, which has literally millions of viewers or readers, somehow isn’t main stream. They all have agendas. 4D chess moves and the left/right wingers can’t keep up (brains too small)
  17. Id trade hot wheels for desantis in a heartbeat. I think that’s something, probably the only thing, most Texas moderates and left/right wingers would agree on
  18. My bad for entertaining political discussions 🤡
  19. Let’s see if desantis is DUMB ENOUGH to tie his name to a trump ticket. should be an easy 2024 landslide win for him, if he doesn’t
  20. Just accompanying their children on vacation, right guys
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