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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Coming from a guy leeching off social security, that’s funny
  2. I still don’t understand how a NYC-born, trust fund kid, Hollywood elite tv show liberal, absolutely tricked all these Deep South rednecks into voting for him, worshipping him, and even donating their money to him. Makes me laugh every time.
  3. Oh look, another conservative who supports big spending when it aligns with their personal and political views Never, ever have I seen that before!! Golly gee shucks
  4. Like most issues in this country.. MONEY TALKS Curious to hear what the personal freedom “conservatives”, who are anti-marijuana, think of this.. (Just kidding, in b4 “what about the kids?”) Amazon is lobbying for the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2021, a House bill that would end the federal ban on marijuana. The company also supports the recently introduced Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, a similar bill proposed in the Senate. [Hidden Content]
  5. Same song and dance, every single year End of the day, these politicians aren’t going to stop their own pay day
  6. Sounds like a bit of fiscal conservatism to me, tbh
  7. It’s ok to hate both Trump and Biden brother. Add Hillary while we’re at it. You’re already at least halfway there. I believe in you. Dont let the media trick you into “picking sides”.
  8. I can’t wait to blame the future gen AA (they’re gonna need AA by the time it’s their turn), and their median home price of $2 million on $7.92/hr minimum wage back in my day, we had REAL bootstraps!
  9. Those damn gen z’ers and millennials with their trillion dollar deficits! (just kidding it was the baby boomers, as they’ve been in political power for literal decades.. longer than gen z has even been alive)
  10. I think DeSantis wins 2024 in a landslide, if he runs on his own ticket and doesn’t jump on the crazy train with Trump. Team D has been awful, as everyone expected. I live in liberal utopia land and even the people here absolutely hate Biden.. they just so happen to hate Trump more. I personally don’t think Biden or Trump run in 2024.. if they do, god help us all.. I’m not religious but I will start daily praying 🙏
  11. Smart guy alert! I was HAPPY Hillary lost! Thank you try again 🙂🙂
  12. They still cannot comprehend the fact that people didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against trump. They will never, ever “get it”
  13. And Americans fight tooth and nail to keep our healthcare system the way it is, simply amazing lol big pharma has record profits though 🤙🏼🤙🏼
  14. That’s option #2, genius. Please see below for reference, thanks! Trump had 4 years to drain the swamp. What happened? 1) trump didn’t drain the swamp, he tricked you suckers (As always) Or 2) the swamp was smarter than trump or 3) trump is PART OF the swamp (and thus, tricked y’all again)
  15. Apologies smitty, I had forgotten the 3rd and most obvious choice Trump had 4 years to drain the swamp. What happened? 1) trump didn’t drain the swamp, he tricked you suckers (As always) Or 2) the swamp was smarter than trump or 3) trump is PART OF the swamp (and thus, tricked y’all again)
  16. Trump had 4 years to drain the swamp. What happened? 1) trump didn’t drain the swamp, he tricked you suckers (As always) Or 2) the swamp was smarter than trump
  17. Imagine being so stupid, that you let a 80 year old dementia patient out-smart you.. after you had 4 years to “drain the swamp” RIP America
  18. Be careful TVC, only a matter of time before they start calling you a DIM or a LIB 😱😱
  19. I just don’t understand how trumpers can be this.. delusional.
  20. Rally attendance != votes, hate to break it to you brother Try again
  21. So just to confirm - all of the increase in republican votes are real, and all of the increase in Democrat votes are fake?
  22. That’s a pretty big increase. Do you think the huge increase for the republican candidate is also voter fraud? It appears both candidates set records on number of votes. Or is the huge increase for republicans real, and the huge increase for Democrats is fake?
  23. Hagar, you look like a numbers guy If Biden got 81m votes, how many did trump get? And what was the spread? What about 2016 and 2012 for the respective candidates/parties. I want to see if we can identify a trend or outlier here.
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