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Everything posted by InMAGAWeTrust

  1. Golly gee shucks it’s almost as if — 1) the population has increased 2) voter turnout has increased 3) people realllllly don’t like trump
  2. And which states were those? Can you list them for me? Curious to see if there’s a trend (ie, solidly blue or red states, or purple states) thanks
  3. Progress! You’re already more than halfway there, I believe in you
  4. I’ve been waiting months, if not years, for someone to provide proof that statistically significant voter fraud exists, and I’m still waiting. Trump himself launched a commission into voter fraud after the 2016 election, and they couldn’t find anything meaningful.. These people will never, ever give up. [Hidden Content] The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday. In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a “pre-ordained outcome” and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was “glaringly empty.”
  5. Thank you. ill let you guys continue with the circle formation then.
  6. Imagine still thinking, in 2021, that either political team actually cares about you
  7. Guess we’ll see. I personally am against the mandate but will end up complying eventually, as my mortgage isn’t cheap.
  8. Golly gee shucks that sounds oddly familiar
  9. Here you go champ, just for you hy·per·bo·le /hīˈpərbəlē/ Learn to pronounce noun exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
  10. Alright this is absolutely hilarious (my opinion), considering the network’s talking heads appear to be vaccinated while spewing anti-vax rhetoric 24/7. It’s a good thing the Fox News audience is largely.. well, I’ll let you guys come to your own conclusion The White House praised one of its top media critics, Fox News, for announcing an even stricter vaccine-or-test mandate than the administration's new federal policy for employers. Fox Corporation announced on Tuesdaythat it will "soon" roll out daily COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated employees and those who haven't revealed their status to the company, CNN reported. The company, which has asked its employees to submit their vaccination status, also revealed that 90% of its employees confirmed they'd been immunized against the coronavirus. .... This is in addition to Fox's policy that only vaccinated employees can remove their masks in some work settings. All employees must be masked in small, confined indoor settings. [Hidden Content]
  11. Oh - another thing to clarify. I am not trolling. I absolutely believe there should be an age requirement and limit for running for president. I’ll reiterate - I personally believe ages 45 - 55 is the sweet spot. That’s my personal belief and opinion. You are free to your own as well. If you think having a 80 year old president in 2024 is amazing, then so be it. I didn’t anticipate receiving this much flack for an opinion that would’ve effectively banned Biden from being president.. but here we are. What a time to be alive.
  12. I saw your reply. You were absolutely defensive and triggered. But anyways, I’ll let it slide. Dude I’m not about to waste anymore time trying to prove that people’s brains get slower as they get older lol. Just look at the age brackets for dementia, Alzheimer’s or the other various diseases. Or another source - Biden (you can make the claim that perhaps he’s always been stupid, which I won’t attempt to refute) I was making the applies to pineapples comparison since a large number of the users here are ex- firefighters or policemen, and therefore more relatable and potentially easier to understand
  13. Another example that is probably more relatable, albeit this is more so physical decline vs. mental - do you want the 80 year old firefighter climbing a ladder to rescue you, or the 40 year old? I’m taking the 40 year old, sorry gramps - do you want the 80 year old cop on foot patrol or the 40 year old cop? Again.. I’m taking the 40 year old
  14. .. but there is a legitimate cognitive decline as people get older. Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that though. Ty for your participation
  15. Why are you getting so defensive if there’s no truth to the tweet? 70+ year olds should obviously NOT be running the country. You’d agree that’s the case for Biden at least, right?
  16. So I think you jumped to that conclusion.. because you’re not a smart person and that’s how your brain works. I understand the emphasis on new rules and whatnot, but.. it’s the truth
  17. That’s fair enough, I won’t argue that I do think our country would be in better shape if the 70 or 80 year olds weren’t allowed to run for president (Or any political office)in the first place. I personally feel that age 45 - 55 is the sweet spot
  18. Really? What are you considering “younger”? Anyone below 80? Lol .. now how on earth did you manage to jump to that conclusion?
  19. Alright boomers, let’s hear how this is gen x’s, millennials, and gen z’s fault. Call/text your buddies for backup as needed Looking forward to the mental gymnastics
  20. I have a Texas garden flag up right next to our front door, in an ultra liberal neighborhood. I feel like that flag alone will deter 98% of potential burglars lol, the other 2% have balls of steel or a couple screws loose
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