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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. My personal opinion is that the voter should be the sole determinant of term lengths, the exception being the Chief Executive.
  2. The prosecutor was corrupt. That he was investigating Hunter is irrelevant. Biden could’ve simply said “Leave my son alone and you’ll keep your job”. That’s how a “boss” does it. Still ain’t no proof. Not even any material evidence. Just smoke for the Orange Man.
  3. I have no clue how he handles his personal life. I know he’s had more personal tragedy than most. I have no problem with an investigation. If there’s evidence, let’s see it. Where’d that 5000 number come from, by the way?
  4. Nothing has nothing been proved against Biden, there’s not even been any evidence offered, yet he heads a “crime family”. No proof. No evidence. Yet guilty.. See your hypocrisy?
  5. What’s your definition of free speech?
  6. I been telling ya’ll, Meadows will be the key to Trump’s cell. Now he’s gonna sing like a bird for Fani. This time he’s got his own fannie on the line. I don’t think he’ll send himself up to save Trump.
  7. Little Jimmy Jordan. Wannabe lawyer, sex offender defender (I ain’t talkin’ Trump, neither). He doesn’t care about justice. He’s just a water boy and he knows it. Whatever happened to states’ rights?
  8. ??? Did you bother to glance at the court document? The Trump Crime Syndicate tried to unlawfully change the election results through a variety of coordinated illegal acts.
  9. What the freak do you expect Paxton’s lawyer to say? Here’s more: [Hidden Content] “You want evidence?”, the managers say. “Here’s 4,000 pages in advance of discovery.”
  10. I said nothing about sources. I don’t pay attention to anyone’s polls.
  11. Facts are facts. The trouble with facts are the pundits who twist them. Inflation was largely a result of the disruptions brought about by the pandemic. The rate now is well below other first world countries, as we have recovered more quickly, thanks to President Biden’s leadership. Trump didn’t have Russia or the Ukrainian war to contend with, plus the Saudis are his butt buddies, so the gasoline price comparison is a sham. Mortgage rates are a function of interest rates which the Fed increased to fight inflation. Not a Biden policy. We can argue jobs all you want, but the unemployment rate is at a 30 year low. Spin that fact.
  12. So, NPR is a bunch of communist liberals until they say something you like? It’s either Lamestream or not, can’t have it both ways. I don’t give a rat’s patootie about a poll anyway. Especially 14 months out.
  13. Are you serious? The weasel says twice, “it’s heresay…”, there was no “or else” in the “so called” demand, then the talking dunderhead actually says “Yeah, but I can totally believe it.” And you consider this truth, your source “news”?
  14. You know, this is why blogs aren’t considered news. This is nothing more than half-baked opinion. The transcript as printed did not show a statement saying “Trump should be in jail”. She said that fealty to one man, who happens to be still free, cost J6 defendants. Any judge who presided over so many cases of guilty people saying “Trump made me do it” might reasonably make the same observation. Think for yourself for once.
  15. Why would Trump’s own appointee do all that? It’s small minds what’s swayed by conspiracy theories. I reiterate, THEORIES.
  16. Quote a legitimate news source and I might think about it.
  17. I’d say the Supreme Court justices are constitutional scholars. Do you agree with all of them?
  18. So, what, government employees should have no political affiliation? Shouldn’t vote? Or is it just a question of who supports who? Trump actually called on Bill Barr publicly to indict Joe Biden when he was president. But that wasn’t election interference in your world because it was Trump. Now, without Biden even saying a word, Justice is interfering because it’s Your Man.
  19. Viktor Orban? Really?You don’t want individual freedom. You want a strong man. The irony in you implying I’m a sheep is almost incomprehensible.
  20. It’s not about the money. What he doesn’t have enough of is attention.
  21. You can cherry pick cases all you’d like. I don’t have any idea how many he has tried. You’re right about one thing. I wouldn’t want him on my team we’re I accused of murder. HE’S A FREAKIN’ PROSECUTOR’
  22. Guess you didn’t listen to the rating agency’s reasons. One of the main ones is national division and cracks seen in our belief in our institutions. Things Donald Trump is accused of. Financial markets hate instability, and for the first time in a long time economic indicators play a secondary role. @Cardinalbacker @biggirl
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