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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. See? I my be a liberal, but I try and use common sense when evaluating positions.
  2. Not enough of info, but I don’t care for the editorial implication that bad credit indicates deadbeat behavior. Medical bills, unexpected job loss, disabling illness, many causes of bankruptcy besides poor money management. It doesn’t say how much the fee is, if it applies to all good credit mortgages or only those over a certain amount. The way the article states it, bad idea. Subsidizing sub-prime mortgages reeks of 2007.
  3. Bernie did a lousy job of getting a point across. His argument, led somewhat by Wallace’s questioning, confused income with wealth. He wants a progressive rather than regressive income tax. I haven’t heard of anyone earning a billion a year. But his argument seemed more focused on the wealth gap, not the income gap. Estate tax manages the wealth gap. I got no problem with maxing inheritances at a billion.
  4. I don’t believe the DOJ is involved. The Supremes police themselves, and they don’t want to give that up regardless of ideology. THAT was the point of their letter, not Thomas’ ethics or lack thereof.
  5. [Hidden Content] Read the actual statement. They unanimously agreed that they don’t want any outsiders providing any oversight. No mention of Thomas. They closed ranks to protect the club. Your freaking source started out with an appeal for money to help them spread their right wing take on news events. That’s not journalism.
  6. What are you even talking about? BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager. An investment fund. That’s what they do. Buy and sell stocks and bonds. They don’t tell companies how to operate. They invest in them according to their anticipated performance.
  7. I like folded like a cheap suit. Rupert obviously builds court settlements into cost-benefit analysis of how he presents news. I really believe he canned him because of the disparaging emails about him, Lachlan, and other senior management. Pride overrode profit.
  8. Why didn’t he quit? He said he hated Trump, albeit in a way he didn’t dream would ever be made public, but continued to the end his fawning devotion to the man. Why would you stoop to such professional dishonesty if you didn’t need to? Yl
  9. Heresay in general, though Anita Hill was under oath. Indicates a pattern. Kinda like “ grab ‘em by the...
  10. No doubt. He sexually harassed plenty of them. I’ll bet he lets Crow call him “boy”.
  11. Wait a minute…if CBS reported it, it’s fake by definition, right? Or is FAKE NEWS only fake when it doesn’t fit your narrative? Emission rules proposed are designed to change auto production to 2/3 of cars and 1/4 of heavy trucks be electric by 2032. No one will be forced. There’ll still be an option for internal combustion autos. That also gives 9 years to build our infrastructure for electric autos. Refineries won’t be shut down. Other uses for petroleum will be discovered, if they haven’t been already. Chicken little rules in this forum.
  12. He should report it at the very least. Clarence Thomas lacks ethics. I don’t think that of any other Justice, conservative or liberal.
  13. It won’t burn to the ground. This aggression will not stand, man.
  14. What does your answer have to do with your statement “ This country will never be united”? And, when I referenced hate, I wasn’t accusing a particular political party or ideology. Hate pervades our society. Kindness appears to be in hibernation, regardless the political stripe.
  15. It is still the United States. There has been no secession I’m aware of. Division of opinion is not a political division. The problem with extremism is that everything is zero sum. You either get your way (win) or you don’t (lose). This country was built on, and will survive by compromise. This spate of hate we’re going through won’t last. That kind of bad juju burns itself out eventually.
  16. UT alum


    MAGA has a new meaning: My A** Got Arrested!!! [Hidden Content]
  17. Man, I don’t even know how to answer that. You take one clause from a sentence and apply it in a universal sense. I care greatly about our rights, our Constitution, and our country.
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