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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Here’s the twelve pound sledgehammer. The Orange Man is going down. I’ll guarantee you Meadows will be the star witness.
  2. That wasn’t criminal prosecution.
  3. James Comer says? I believe that’s called heresay, and is inadmissible as evidence. Show me some transactions.
  4. They gonna have to call John Henry before too long.
  5. I couldn’t read it without giving them my email. That’s a sign of an illegitimate propaganda site, not a real news organization.
  6. Search Epoch Times. It’s a right wing authoritarian propaganda tool, not a legitimate news organization.
  7. That’s an awful lot of accusations to make WITHOUT EVIDENCE.
  8. Communist? I’ve never heard him or any other Democrat advocate the state own the means of production (land, labor, capital). Don’t throw that word around lightly. It has specific meaning.
  9. I’ll guarantee you Mark Meadows and Rudy are singing like a pair of canaries. The truth will out, and you don’t have to believe it for it to be true.
  10. I’m talking about Gal Luft. And it’s Chrome Dome Comer’s committee, not Little Jimmy Jordan.
  11. Did you not know that Little Jimmy Jordan’s star whistleblower was arrested and charged with being an unregistered Chinese foreign agent and an illegal arms dealer?
  12. Nothing’s true so far because nothing’s been tried so far. Wait for the evidence.
  13. Let’s see, is this another unregistered foreign agent who didn’t blow a whistle until way after the play was dead?
  14. A five pound hammer fell on the felon last month. A twelve pound hammer’s gonna hit him next week, then Georgia’s gonna take a ball peen to his dumb a**. When I said it’s hammer time, this is what I’m talking about.
  15. UT alum


    What pork projects, specifically? You don’t see the State eroding local control of our communities and schools? Central planning straight out of the Politburo. It doesn’t matter what Silsbee or any other community thinks it needs. It has to be for Patrick, Phelan, and Abbott to decide.
  16. Know any people who don’t drive? Or can’t drive? That’s the only photo ID I have. What about you?
  17. That’s the point, man. There was no cheating before. The system works better than any other in the world. Making up cheating is just another way to divide us and breed suspicion among us rather than confidence. The picture’s not the point. It’s about honor, trust, and patriotic belief in the democratic system.
  18. That conflates two issues so badly it’s really quite hilarious. Using someone else’s COSTCO card is like using someone else’s Netflix login. COSTCO is trying to tighten its membership usage. A business decision. The false cardholder is not committing a crime. A voter, however, is committing a crime if they say they are who the card says and are not. That type of criminality was statistically nonexistent BEFORE the voter photo ID craze that is nothing but a red herring to distract from the real effort - making it harder to vote.
  19. The House Oversight Committee has zero credibility with me. It’s nothing but a political WITCH HUNT!
  20. Tapes, witness testimony corroborating what was shown during the taping… I’m telling you, the hammer’s coming down hard. The Emperor has no clothes!
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