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    shovel got a reaction from Alpha Wolf in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    I hope they are all full of bull and the storm dissapates. This time of year, storms continually slingshot off the African coast. I just hope none make landfall, especially in the Gulf.
  2. Like
    shovel reacted to Bigcam2903 in Outrage in STL   
    PNGFan, this wasn't for you, it's for some who can't see the Forest for the Trees. We're All in this thing called Life Together whether we like it or not. Together We Stand.
    Many read these posts & take away the wrong perception. In the wake of all that has transpired, Families lives have been forever changed & turned upside down. This unfortunate turn of events has the Country on edge; at least those that choose to pick sides. Race relations in America are as bad now as it was for my Grandparents & Parents, it has found more clever ways to disguise itself through the years. You can't help Ferguson until you help yourself. SETX is the most Racist area I have ever experienced. I moved away for College as a young 18 yr old Black kid with all the stereotypical hang ups of other Races influenced by peer pressure because I wasn't raised like that. My Mother taught me to be respectful & treat others the way I wanted to be treated, but outside influences had an effect on me sometimes; young & impressionable. By the time I left for College the Real test was near. I spent my first 2 yrs in Temple JC, the transferred to Tarleton State Univ in Stephenville. Talk about culture shock. There was a Rodeo Team, Farm, & A Wrangler jeans headquarters so to speak. There were roughly 7,000 students, less than 100 were Black. I was a 6'5" 250 lb young man on campus, I stood out. I was subjected to Racism daily. When I reacted negatively, I got what I was looking for, more ignorance. When I decided to embrace the opportunity given to me because many Died so I could be there, my Life changed. I had the same power as the Freedom Riders. I chose to show people who grew up not seeing many Black people that I was just like them, just a little darker skin tone. As I engaged in more conversation & visited more places on Campus out of the Norm for Black Students, my time in Stephenville became much better. It didn't come without opposition. Some were down right crude, but like I said I'm 6'5" and walk with Supreme confidence, needless to say we came to an agreement thankfully. I've said All of that to say this. We must conquer Racism by getting out of our comfort zone. Quit worrying about what friends & family says. Racism is a form of a Coward. Many can't stand on their own, but will quickly Turn on their own. Live,Laugh,Love
    God Bless Ferguson & America as a whole
  3. Like
    shovel got a reaction from queenb77630 in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    I hope they are all full of bull and the storm dissapates. This time of year, storms continually slingshot off the African coast. I just hope none make landfall, especially in the Gulf.
  4. Like
    shovel got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    I hope they are all full of bull and the storm dissapates. This time of year, storms continually slingshot off the African coast. I just hope none make landfall, especially in the Gulf.
  5. Like
    shovel got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    Buddy, of all your predictions, I hope this one is the most accurate!
  6. Like
    shovel got a reaction from PNG1977 in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    Buddy, of all your predictions, I hope this one is the most accurate!
  7. Like
    shovel reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in Week 1: Tropical Threat?   
    Man no storm gonna hit here this year. No worries. :)
  8. Like
    shovel reacted to AggiesAreWe in Is This The Kid?   
    Didn't you post a thread stating you were done with this forum?
    Should I take that thread down as it being nothing but hot air or should I help you along in being "done" with this forum? ;) ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  9. Like
    shovel reacted to Uncle Si in Rick Perry in some trouble   
    It's really going to be interesting to see how this plays out.  My gut feeling is that Slick will not only come out unscathed but will end up being portrayed and seen as the victim while giving him a platform to push the "I stand for what is right" diatribe thus propelling his popularity with voters.  I am not a Perry fan but I do believe that this indictment was politically driven and done so by the same hounds that exposed Palin and Christie and under the circumstances may end up backfiring! 
  10. Like
    shovel got a reaction from marshman in WO-S Thompson goes 5-star   
    That's why Alabama recruited him. Roll Tide!
  11. Like
    shovel got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Here's your boy Phat!!!!   
    Excellent spin Mack!
  12. Like
    shovel got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in bye bye suckeyes??   
    I hate to see any player hurt, but if Ohio State goes down the drain, it wont bother me a bit. While I cant knock Urban Myer, I'm not a fan. Personally, I'd like to see Michigan State beat them with Miller, but its not going to play out that way.
  13. Like
    shovel reacted to 1989NDN in PNG opinion after 1st scrimmage   
    He is fine.  A few back spasms...getting treatment...everything should be fine.  The best thing to come out of the PN-G, LC-M and H-F scrimmage was the fact that Ky Walker can slide in and play QB if or when needed.  After he warmed up and had a few roll outs under his belt, he was throwing darts.  A few WR drops, but that is expected in the first scrimamge.  Love the fact the Indians can go big with WRs, tall and big, or they can go small and quick at WR, or a combo of both.  Having WRs on both ends at 6'3" or 6'4" or mixing in a quick WR like Sparks give us options all over the field.  RB Halfin has added some muscle.  LB Hughes is a player...he finds the ball and sticks his face mask in the middle of things.  If our OL gels, it could be a fun season for the Indians.  How about the size LC-M brought to the field?  What are the feeding kids at LC-M?  They have some large kids on the OL, DL, and at TE.  H-F had a few kids with size, too, on the DL.
  14. Like
    shovel reacted to bullets13 in Is This The Kid?   
    Lets get an honest portrayal of the victim. I personally have no idea what happened when Brown was confronted by the policeman. But the media and protesters have made this all about the "innocent victim" with "no criminal record" who's "about to go to college." When you look at it like that, it's hard to believe that he would get into an altercation with a cop, and makes it much more believable that the cop might have shot him down without provocation. BUT when you see a video of him assaulting a store clerk while stealing something, and then find out it happened minutes before he got into the altercation, it changes things a bit. A) It shows us that he's not the perfect kid who would never do anything wrong, and B ) it gives a very reasonable explanation as to why he might get into an altercation with a cop, as he might very well think he's about to be arrested. What's bad is that there are those who choose to ignore these facts, because they're absolutely positive that a white officer with 6 years on the force with no problems got up that morning and decided to shoot him a black guy. To me this video at least should be enough for people to step back and wait and see what evidence comes out before making judgement, especially since the main witness was involved in the same robbery. The cop may very well be in the wrong, but I'm believing more and more that Brown did initiate a confrontation with the cop. Now whether or not the amount of force used was appropriate is in doubt, but I'd sure like to hear more evidence before I give a verdict. This video is a perfect example of why we should wait... Because 24 hours ago he was a perfect kid who'd never done anything wrong in his life, and now it's been shown that he committed a felony just minutes before he was shot.
  15. Like
    shovel got a reaction from PN-G bamatex in PNG opinion after 1st scrimmage   
    It was only a scrimmage, but I thought the Indians looked good at this point. The defense was better than expected and the offense was clicking. There were a few hiccups, but nothing to get worried about. Great crowd and a great night for football. Looking forward to the games now!

    On a side note, HF and LCM looked pretty good too. The LCM QB has an arm! If he ever can sync up with some recievers, they will be dangerous. LCM badly needs a punter though...
  16. Like
    shovel got a reaction from smitty in Rick Perry in some trouble   
    What!!! The Texas Governor said he was going to do something and then he did it! This is a dangerous precedent! Lock him up before he does it again!

    Seriously, this just looks like partisan politics to me. I'm not a big fan of Perry, but this looks like political posturing.
  17. Like
    shovel got a reaction from TxHoops in Notre Dame.   
    From a fake girlfriend to fake grades... What next?
  18. Like
    shovel reacted to tvc184 in African-American parents explain "The Talk"   
    So do I.
  19. Like
    shovel reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in 50 must see high school football games   
    I wish both teams could lose that game.
  20. Like
    shovel got a reaction from biaplayer in pn-g &wo-s match up   
    Gotta disagree with this just a little skipper. If Sterling-Cole had started at QB that game last season, WOS would have been the victor. I'm really looking forward to this game. While PNG might have a high powered offense, I'm just as anxious to see if they have the defense to stop WOS. WOS overall, is young, but talented. I just wish WOS would have had tickets available for season ticket sales. I hate trying to grab them the week of the game!
  21. Like
    shovel got a reaction from prepballfan in *HAMBURGER DEPOT/SETXsports HS SPORTS SHOW*/TONIGHT 6pm   
    Aggies, I will drop by but will be late. I'll treat the broadcast crew to burgers if y'all can run a tab or wait till I get there. If not, I'll feed y'all on another date.
  22. Like
    shovel got a reaction from skipper in pn-g &wo-s match up   
    Gotta disagree with this just a little skipper. If Sterling-Cole had started at QB that game last season, WOS would have been the victor. I'm really looking forward to this game. While PNG might have a high powered offense, I'm just as anxious to see if they have the defense to stop WOS. WOS overall, is young, but talented. I just wish WOS would have had tickets available for season ticket sales. I hate trying to grab them the week of the game!
  23. Like
    shovel got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Is Anyone Else Concerned About How Militarized The Police Are Today?   
    Jefferson County Texas has all the lastest and greatest toys. Boats, helicopters, armored vehicles, etc; yet only have 4 deputys on patrol at night. While I feel our policemen need to have the equipment they need. I think things have turned a little upside down right now. I would be interested in tvc's point of view on this topic...
  24. Like
    shovel reacted to tvc184 in Political Forum   
    I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however. 
    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:
    How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being
    Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors
    16 threads without a reply
    Teabaggers hate main stream media...........
    Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy
    Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.
    In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.
    If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.  
      Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  25. Like
    shovel got a reaction from Bobcat1 in Ferguson Looting...   
    Because they can and nobody is willing to stop them.
    By the way, the new forum title is too fitting. It's a shame that this is what this section of the forum has turned into. Thankfully, football season is almost here!
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