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Everything posted by 5GallonBucket

  1. He must ve not read the side effects…..oh wait Dr. Fauci was his dr. He put total trust in him so he didn’t feel the need to read side effects. it all makes sense now
  2. [Hidden Content] sad when people jump for joy on the right to murder babies. I wonder if these same people leaped for joy when Hamas decapitated babies.
  3. I passed on some small bucks and small doe the coyote s and hogs have wrecked havoc for me this year. the pond (watering hole) dried up so the drought changed their patterns. Have nt seen many shooters (meaty) this year.
  4. Very true. But what I ve mentioned has been in the works for awhile i know the border has been a mess here lately but we should’ve been rejecting entry to certain people a long time ago. These college students are clueless and universities have no standards
  5. If they re ok with murdering innocent babies then cheating in elections is just a drop in a bucket.
  6. When we let anyone and everyone in this country and those same people get elected. It was bound to happen. Took advantage of our freedoms and are now working to diminish them
  7. Sure did, did you? You used the word Morals not me.
  8. Your so stuck on Trump that it’s sad and pathetic. this is so much more than about Trump. your own description fits most of a certain party that you support.
  9. This is where it starts. Sadly those people are few. And the majority of the country have chosen bondage.
  10. AAW posted it as well on 1st page.
  11. Oh ok. All the years I was there varsity had a back up qb and jv had 2 qbs and freshman had 2 qbs. of course some qbs would jump other qbs based on talent and knowledge. well he s about to get his feet wet even if it is United. Hope he has at least a decent game.
  12. He was only played to appease shouldnt have been out there. as far the qb this year I know nothing about. What happen to the other qbs….injury? Will he be the qb for remainder of year
  13. Parents are pulling kids out of Bmt and moving them to other neighboring districts (even as i type) this is no surprise
  14. It’s about whose enrolled not whose in attendance
  15. Heard from reliable in the know source as of yesterday WB is below the 6a numbers by a thin margin. could see 2 5a Bmt schools.
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