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Everything posted by badndn

  1. Gotta agree with him. MLB is losing the youth of America real quick.
  2. You guys really think he is the only HOF eligible player or even HOFer that bet on baseball games???? Get of the high horse before ya fall of and bump ur head again.
  3. That's good stuff. Way past time for this guy to get in. If you were lucky enough to see him play you'd understand. His passion for the game was relentless. Think Biggio before his time with a little more attitude. He had a little gambling problem and bet on his team to win. HIS TEAM. the stuffy shirts of baseball that have refused to let the game progress and pretty much killed the MLB are the same turds that are still blocking one of the toughest, hard nosed, players to ever wear a uni from being recognized by his generation of fans. Maybe the last generation of "Fans".
  4. Jerra Jones to sign Ray Rice and have Rice and Hardy dress in drag and go toe to toe in the Octagon at Cowboys Stadium on pay per view. JJ always looking to make a buck! What an A-Hole
  5. I also hear they will be getting another local kid via transfer in 2016-2017 season after a year at LSCPA. Young man that had a very nice Freshman campaign this year in the SLC and woulda been a Cardinal this past year had Coach Price been HC earlier in the year in 2014! Go Big Red 😉
  6. An already promising young QB just got better if you ask me. Thought Houston Whiffed last year by not trading up into the late first round when he slid and then he went out without AP and had a very good rookie campaign. Think what he could do year two with AP and a goto WR.
  7. What the hell happened to Illinois? Went from a powerhouse to an outhouse.
  8. Probably correct on Gilligan, but ULL=mid-major, LU=Low major.
  9. I agree. Bringing in a very solid class next year as well. I expect LU BBall to be back at the top of the conference with SFA and SHSU in a couple years under Coach Price.
  10. Greg Marshall has done great building the Shockers program. Would be a great hire as far as I am concerned, but with that said Texas has the talent to make an elite 8 run and I wouldn't be surprised if Barnes is back.
  11. so DJ thought he was being overcharged for the production value of the customs shop. Anyone else think he will miss out on the irony when he becomes a free agent and the Texans don't care to pay him what he THINKS he's worth? I'd save that cash if I was him. In three or four years he's gonna need it.
  12. That was months ago. Suh will go to highest bidder if he is smart, cause 20% of his salary will end up in the leagues pocket.
  13. vvvvvvv What he said. vvvvvvv And $$$$.
  14. Smart moneys on Shaka! 😁 Sorry that was Cheesy. Two other names. Gregg Marshall WSU and Scott Drew BU.
  15. We Rape The Sheep??? Thats funny!😂
  16. Hey...Dukes been pretty darn salty the past two years. I'd say the raise the SOS considerably.
  17. Yeah 10 is young, but for that unknown kid that impesses some coach in that situation, it just may motivate him to stay on the straight and narrow and keep outta trouble the next 7 years because Coach Cal or Coach K said "I'll be watching you". Kids get in trouble so early these days when they aren't motivated off of the streets. 12 year olds trying to impress someone...anyone that'll listen or watch...rather it be a college coach than the Dope Man. So LeBrons point is well taken, but there are two sides to it and both very valid.
  18. The situation as I read it is he doesn't like that his young son is being recruited. That could only come from him in the media. If the media asked about his young son and he didn't want it to be an issue in the media..."No Comment", when it's asked. Here's the deal, LBJs son doesn't need to be recruited to attend college, but for kids on his team and especially kids on the opposing team, basketball may be the only way they get to go to college. So if Coaches show up in droves to see his son and another kid gets discovered, then it's all worth it.
  19. ??? Could see him in a Texans Jersey though.
  20. Or just say no comment when asked. Not everything needs to be in the media. I do agree LBJ is an outstanding role model. Best basketball ambassador in a long time.
  21. I think it's clear by the declining connection of bat on ball and the ever expanding strike out numbers the last two years that the baseball career is dwindling. What is it with pro's named Josh? Hamilton, Gordon, Brent. A lot of lapse in judgment. And relapse to. Well just like Gordon, hope he gets life straight first and foremost cause theres a lot of it left if he does.
  22. Isnt there pictures of Jerry in some compromising positions with a couple ladies not named Jean.
  23. Funny he seems awfully content sitting there with Coach Cal at his sons game. If it really bothers you, ask the reigning recruiting champ to exit the gym.
  24. You said it...almost a decade. Thats a long long time in RB years. I wouldn't give more than a fourth rd pick for the guy at his age. You might get two good years out of him...maybe. Think Ricky Williams after his hiatus. One good year and a few so-so years, but nothing to brag about.
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