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Everything posted by Majestyk

  1. Not really, Carthage will have the home planet advantage again this year.
  2. Whoever is across the field from 'em.
  3. Ok, the rules have changed, everybody out of the pool, all bets are off. Worked for Dupont in Singapore in '93 & '94 and on visit home, 9,950 miles later took in the WOS vs LaMarque playoff game in Houston or Pasadena, can't remember which. Also cool was two months later watching on a Monday morning on live TV as Dallas beat Buffalo in the Superbowl, then I ate breakfast. Next!!
  4. Heard he has an apartment inside the press box and still doesn't watch the games. Round trip eight feet. That's the vibe on the street, just sayin.
  5. Orange to College Station Kyle Field twice 1987-88. First trip home great, second trip home not so much.
  6. Last time I heard any questions about WOS QB was when Jack Dallas was a freshman. I forget what happened after that. Find something else.
  7. It could be Delhegramon Flagginhootin, doesn't matter, WOS is WOS. Someone will step up.
  8. I've already read the rough draft. Will fill yall in later on a need to know basis.
  9. Heard Carthage is trying to get Baylor in week 2, no confirmation though.
  10. That ain't fair. Aledo is just a high school.
  11. Now even I'm getting excited. I wouldn't be in Aledo's shoes for their britches. Go for it Crosby and kick that ace, show us some hardware.
  12. I'm on board. Good luck Cougars. Let's celebrate tonite. Do you want a beer, or will a stale ale do? Safe travels.
  13. This is deplorable. There needs to be some impeaching behind this. Getting to where a man can't even lie anymore.
  14. Good thing you didn't send that by telegraph, you'd be broke.
  15. Although I've never picked on the Pickems on this thread I do always pick the games just out of curiosity to see how I would stack up with you folks. Last week I got 15 which would have been first place, and after tallying my season totals I would also be in first place. I was told that some folks might use my picks for some kind of unfair advantage for monetary, bragging rights or whatever reason. I have been reluctant to go public but that may change later as I want to let people know how good I am also. Keep it up, some of you guys are pretty good although not a professional like me.
  16. Man ain't nobody said Carthage wasn't great, haven't had anything but praise from me and deservedly so. I just said they would beat a healthy WOS but it wouldn't be a donkey stomp but you gotta throw in WOS wouldn't even score, hell they probably wouldn't with 7 starters out including the entire offensive line. They are not 3 deep at every position like some folk, they suit out around 34 kids and they can play and have their pride and even more so humility, you ought to try it. Word on the street is you can only drive a convertible, whats up with that? Again congrats to the 2020 Carthage Bulldogs on a legendary season. That's not sarcasm, that's a natural fact. Honey......hush.
  17. They played who was in front of them. They smoked down a Kennedale team who made it to the 4a Dl semis, must have been a silent fart. The AP ranked ain't played nobody WO-S #1 from start to finish despite being Dll and ahead of the Dl champion. I guess somebody thought they were decent. Little did they know then that in four years the greatest team of all time would leave all of us mere mortals in discombobulated awe.
  18. Maybe so. How about 2020 Carthage vs 2016 WO-S. Carthage offense may not score on this defense which gave up 69 points, 9 touchdowns in 16 games. Starters gave up 5 touchdowns, 4 extra points in 16 games. The starting defense scored more points than they gave up.. We can do this till farts quit stinkin.
  19. Yes. Even I concede this Carthage team would beat a healthy WO-S. This year's version of the 'Dogs bordered on the ridiculous. I don't think it would be a donkey stomp though. I do believe that if Covid invaded the Carthage area and found a stump to fit it's rump a healthy WO-S would have made to the championship game. Yeah I know, IF your aunt Gertrude had a mustache, she'd be your uncle Fred.
  20. Merry Christmas to all. Hey at least we're better off than Rodney Dangerfield. According to him he got no respect. When he was a kid one Christmas he got batteries,,toy not included. The next year he got a dart board,,with automatic return. No respect. Merry Christmas.
  21. Remember I had my seat in the 'Dome, 1975 semi finals, the Indians beat undefeated San Antonio Lee, 28-0. It was surgical. This team was a well oiled machine, precision, well coached. Typical Ethridge stamp. Prayers from Orange.
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