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Lions Pride 2021

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Everything posted by Lions Pride 2021

  1. I am looking forward to accountability. And hearing you cry about witch hunts. If you recall, the GOP investigated Bengahzi and fast and furious. Who got idicted and went to jail? Meanwhile, Mueller had all of anchor baby's buddies singing to get reduced sentencing. For chrissakes, the president was named as an unindicted co-conspiritor. That's why the president been pulling out all his racist tricks this week, because he's scareed. There's an army of poor brown people ready to invade the country. I'm sending the army to the border, even though it's against the law for them to perform law enforcement on US soil. And if people throw rocks, we'll shoot them, even though that against our rules of engagement and the Geneva convention. I'm going to change the Constitution to stop brown babies from becoming citizens, even though I don't have the power to do so. Running an ad so racist that even the GOP leaders say makes the Willie Horton ad look like kumbaya. BTW, there's no such thing as a race card. That a term racist use when they get called out for being racist. But because it's me, y'all keep missing my point. 95-99 percent of the migrants will be sent home as they should because they have no standing. Let's send judges so this can be done as quickly and humane as possible. And let's vote for people who will fix the immigration problr.em that mean not Ted Cruz. And quit being so scared of brown people. And you wonder why I don't respect you.
  2. When has the tax returns been made public? I'm looking forward to accountability being en vogue after Tuesday. Things will be properly investigated. The president will be held accountable for his words and deeds. All good things.
  3. Obama showed his birth certificate. Besides, whether he was born in Hawaii or not, which he was, his mother was an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen. The whole birther movement, which Fart is the ring leader, is just another example of racist use to try to make people who look different as if they don't belong and unAmerican. I actually would like to see Fred Trump's papers. I'd like to see the tax returns.
  4. I think Huffman was gonna win this one, but coach is a little to conservative. He plays not to lose at times and doesn't trust the guys to fight. Just like last year, he was playing to keep the score down, which kinda made it worse. He's gonna have to relax if he wants to go past bi-district.
  5. 28-7. BC. 9 yard run, 1:13 to go. Fist score of the second half.thatll probably be it.
  6. 21-7 bc. With 4 minutes left if Q4. Livingston finally pulled their senior QBs. Had they done this earlier this year they would have won a few games.
  7. You can't name any either. I'm on his mailing list. I've spoken with him several times. He's useless.
  8. How do we know if Fred Trump immigrated legally? Where are his papers? Is it in the same place the president keeps his tax returns? I guess I should just trust him on this since he's so honest, right? When his dad got off the boat, they did the paperwork on site, held you for a few days or weeks depending on how they felt and then either let you loose or sent you home. Seems like that's what the people in the caravan are doing. Y'all are so ready to argue with me that you missed the point , most of these people will be turned around as they should. But we shouldn't be scared of them. They're poor, hungry and scared. We should send a bunch of judges down south so we can turn them around quickly instead of holding them in cells for an indefinite period of time. If you're really upset about immigration, then I hope you voted for Beto. All our Cuban Canadian senator has done has been campaing for president since he got elected. If changing the 14 can get Eddie Munster deported, thats something I could possibly support.
  9. I'd like the bears to win but on the road against fairly decent completion. 21-20 Hargrave.
  10. Livingston vs Bay City Thursday, 6 pm Clear Lake HS
  11. Of course he's not deporting his children. I'm just pointing out your and his hyprocracy regarding immigrants. Learn to laugh a little. I feel sorry for the people who have to live with you. You are insufferable and miserable. I bet your arteries are stiff from all the stress your needlessly subject yourself to.
  12. This isn't happening. And if you look at their home countries, they are fleeing violence. It's sad but I don't think it meets the definition of asylum either. We do need to change the immigration laws.
  13. Ok. I watched them play spring ball 3 times and none of them were close. Shepherd lost a lot. But that's why we play. Well circle back in February
  14. You're the dimtard. No rational person considers this an army. And again, well over90 percent will be turned away because they don't have a valid asylum claim. Are you one of those big thicket estate numbnuts?
  15. Are you obtuse? Germany was wrong. America is so wrong on so many levels I can't even begin. Black face is WRONG!!!!!! People know right from wrong. As for the damn water fountains, my father made the mistake of drinking out of one of then as a child. Never forgot it. If you can recognize that was wrong why are you defending black face?
  16. The Houston stations have had reporters embedded with the caravan. They're mosy women and children. And the men are pretty much under 5 foot. This isn't the next sacking of Rome. As for the border agents, they have guns, vests, dogs, cars, ATV, satellite, etc. They're gonna be fine. If the migrants had any of that, they wouldn't be walking. They leave at 3 am to avoid the heat. The poorest person you know is bill gates compared to them. Might want to broaden your news sources, these are poor people who are making a desperate but blank trip since 90-95 percent will be sent back home.
  17. While I can't read your heart and mind, I can only go by what you say and support. You always seem to fall on the racist side of an argument, like thinking there's nothing wrong with black face. I'm tired of educating you fools on things you should know. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] There are times to be contrarian, such as debating the best way to solve a problem or where to go on vacation, etc. But on ideas that society has clearly deemed wrong, either you're a deep thinker like Kanye or you're racist. You take your pick. Neither are good, cuh. Clearly you know society deems it wrong, otherwise you'd put it on and post up on Facebook. No one is stopping you. Have at and let me know how that goes. Halloween is the season for it. I'll be looking for you on KTRK. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] As for the president, as I've stated numerous times, I show him the same respect he showed Obama, which was none. Again he has 2 years to grow up and change my mind but we all know he's incapable of being mature. He is not the cause of the problem but is the end result of the southern strategy. He the one. Racism existed before he was elected. It'll exist after he's out of office. It'll exist after we've all turned to dust. But the good thing about 2018 is I don't have to accept it, I can call it out. That's something my parents and grandparents and their ancestors couldn't do without fear of being lynched. If you mad about that go pound sand Back to the celebrity in chief. His rhetoric is dispicable. His words have embolded crazed people to commit acts of terror. So no, I don't respect him.
  18. Are y'all really scared of a bunch of poor people. These aren't Invaders, they are asylum seekers. And you know what will happen when they get to the border, we'll detain them, determine if they have a case and send a majority of them back home because they don't have legal standing to sue for asylum. This is much about nothing.
  19. That was inappropriate especially from the person who coined the phrase super predator. I wish she would go away
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