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Lions Pride 2021

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Posts posted by Lions Pride 2021

  1. 3 hours ago, NetCat said:

    You want the season to be canceled, I don't. 

    I guess you're a glass half empty kind of guy? 

    I agree, we do not have it under control, but honestly I don't know if we ever will. 

    I think playing and watching football is safer than the kids sitting in school all day. 

    I'd like them to play. I would rather it be in the spring, which is what JUCO and some FCS conferences are doing. 

    They say there will be a vaccine by then. I just don't want the kids to risk their health over a game. We are supposed to stay 6 feet apart. there's no way to do that in football, where there is contact on every play.

    it would have been better to let baseball, softball, track and even soccer go first as there's very little contact and plenty of spacing, and let football and basketball go in the spring.

    and if we're insisting on doing football now, it would have been better to skip the non district games and focus on the the ones that count. the big districts could be put in Zones so by the time October rolls around, may be the virus has slowed down and just maybe we can have playoffs.

    By playing non district, we're risking not only health but also having a chance to have a meaningful conclusion to the season. If it has to be suspended, I doubt they will restart it.

  2. 22 hours ago, NetCat said:

    Don't say that

    Why not? We still don't have COVID under control. At this point, I don't think we're going to get to district games.

    I hope everyone is doing their part and wearing masks and social distancing. we have labor day coming up and if we slack up, were going to have a boom of cases.

  3. 6 hours ago, LC-M said:

    Huffman will be starting later. 

    The whole split season start was stupid to begin with. If it's bad enough for the big schools to be delayed, it bad enough for everyone.

    I hope the UIL revises this decision and pushes everyone back.

  4. 20 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    You are clueless partner. 

    In a refinery, which is the life blood of ALL of SE Texas, who does maintenance, fixes things, keeps things going, builds new units and expansions? Thousands of refinery workers and contractors on-site which, I dare say, is the only reason for Beaumont / Port Arthur/ Orange and all points in between. 

    Do you take communion online?

    Can the doctor take blood, look down your throat, perform x-rays or tests online?

    The first time you heard of fatal car accidents, did you quit driving? I could literally go on all day with these little self-evident examples, but I won’t. 
    You might want to get a grip. Peace out. 

    You don't need all the people you think you do in a a refinery. There's a reason why the Golden has been taken out of Golden Triangle. It's called Automation. The new units only need 3-4 people to operate production. It used to take 10 times the amount of people to operate such facilities. The only time you need massive amount of people is for maintenance and turnarounds. That's a one time deal. The area isn't growing because it refuses to diversify.

    Same with electric substations, power plants and pipeline structures, which are operated remotely. You only send people out there when there's a problem. 

    I know this because I design these facilities. 

    99 percent of traffic stops are fishing expeditions that target minorities, even though white people are more likely to be carrying contraband. So yes, kill out traffic stops and save the officers to clear traffic accidents and escort funeral processionals.

    If you really need an x-ray, you're going to the doctor because you're messed up, but most of the visits we make don't involve that. it's my head hurts, or I got a little cough so just give me some pills so I can feel better.

    Communion? There's always grape juice. 

    You missed my point. if we would have stayed in, then we wouldn't be in this situation now. I'd like to see the games but I'm not so sure that now is the best time to play a contact sport when there's not any good guidance on how to play and minimize transmission. There's 1200 HS teams and there's no way to quarantine each team like there is in the pros. And our kids are playing for their enjoyment, not money. So there's no economic incentive for the participants, only the risk of catching a disease that could result in long term health risks and even death.

    You may be okay with the risks, but a lot of people aren't. That doesn't make them less tough than you. It just means they prioritize their health over other entertainment.


  5. 8 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    Do you think that all human interaction should go away? What about restaurants...shut them down? Church? Refineries? Doctors offices? Pharmacies? Traffic stops? Daycare? All businesses that require an on-site human element? Everything?


    I'm doing my part to cut down on this dumb "biblical donkey" virus by minimizing my trips to the bare minimum. 

    I haven't been to a restaurant since March.

    I'm good on not sitting in an enclosed space with strangers for long periods of times until we get a vaccine. Church is online now, so is the Doctor. if we got rid of traffic stops forever, that would be wonderful. Pharmacy have drive throughs a so I haven't been to a counter in years.

    Refineries today, the Boardman can monitor it from his house with a good VPN, internet access and with radios, the operators can social distance and check on equipment as alarms arise.

    I've been involved in projects where they remote start a power plant and by the time they make the hour long drive to the site it's up and running.

    Football is a a contact sport. you have to touch other people to be successful. so you're breathing on people and they're breathing on you. 

    And unlike the pros, who can afford to quarantine their players and test daily, our schools and communities can't. I'm pretty sure if Livingston had an outbreak and we were on your schedule this Friday, you wouldn't want to play that game. 

    In small 5A and down, there are a lot of two way players. Best practices says if you're exposed to COVID is to quarantine for two weeks and then get a clear test before venturing out in the world.

    I would like to have a season. I just haven't see any good guidance that shows this is going to be safe. I would feel better if this was moved to the spring when we are supposed to have vaccines. 

  6. 18 hours ago, ladybug33 said:

    I don’t think UIL is in the business of punishing coaches and students for getting sick. Why make up rules in the middle of the game? IMO schools would probably file law suits quick fast and in a hurry.


    A few people testing positive in an office is enough to shut down a lot of places. As we've seen this summer, a few cases have shut down whole summer workouts. It's been the afflicted school that has cancelled workouts.  And they would probably cancel their games out of an abundance of safety for the other schoolw.

    Besides, do you want to play someone with the virus? If so, you're braver than me.

    I just don't see how this sport can be played at this level without transmission.

  7. 5 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    Here is what I fear happening that would have a deeper impact on SETX games as currently scheduled.

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    issues emergency order: -Public/private schools can't do in-person learning until after Sept 7 -Sports + activities can't happen until in-person learning starts -Schools must develop & submit a plan to local health authority and make it public"

    If Harris or Dallas County does this.  Football in September is toast.

    Lina Hidalgo is probably issuing this order in a few days. She's hinted at it several times today.

    the UIL and TEA need to be proactive and make the obvious call. 

  8. 2 hours ago, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING said:

    Probably will hurt Westbrook and Beaumont United the most I our area.


    HISD moved football to the spring.

    Let's just get it over with and move it all

  9. 10 hours ago, SmashMouth said:

    Online school is a pathetic joke..

    I agree. It was an exercise in frustration on both ends. But the virus is worse now than when they shut it down in the spring.

    Schools around Houston are all doing three weeks online to start. They're just easing us into the inevitable of year long online classes. Which is both BS and somewhat understandable. 

    Why not just split the grades up so they go to school twice a week so everyone can see the teacher in person? 

    Greg Abbott promised more information this week from TEA. hopefully it'll be some definitive answers.

  10. 30 minutes ago, WO-S 89 said:

    Their is no way that situation can happen.  

    That's easy. A coach and a few kds test positive. That team has to forfeit the next two games at least because the other schools don't want to play them. 

    But in an ironic way, you might be right. They may not play at all.

    A couple of MLS teams have been booted from their season opening tournament. NBA stars in the bubble have tested positive. MLB players can't get good testing so they can practice.

    College football will soon be moving to the spring like Jr college did on Monday. NFL players are balking at training camp and playing two preseason games. some would like the season start to be pushed back a few weeks.

    The pros are having a hard time keeping people on the field and they got the money and doctors to make it happen. HS? Getting the kids back in the classroom  at this point is going to be a miracle. 

    I don't think there's enough time between now and the start of the season to reach a peak and then come down. We blew it by not social distancing after reopening the way too early. 

    All these officials are scared to say what they know they must do, start school online and suspend extracurricular activities until a later date. 

    Did your school extend the deadline to decide whether to homeschool or not? Mine did. I think they were hoping more people would sign up for home schooling and they didn't get the numbers they need to social distance. it's going to be an interesting August.

  11. I'm sad that Kohl left. He did a great job in turning things around at Livingston and raised expectations. 

    He and the kids made a lot of strides the last three years and it would have been fun to see what they could have done with with his first senior class.

    He's got a tough job ahead of him at LaPorte but he'll be up to it. I wish him all the best.

    I'm excited to have Coach Phillips. it's a tough district, but he inherits the tallest and most athletic team in the district. It should be fun.

  12. 2 hours ago, Hagar said:

    Great that you started with “I think”.   He should, but his wording in the letter shows either he doesn’t, or more likely, that he wants to sugarcoat it.  Personally, as warriors, men, I put indigenous Americans on a platform, and were I Cherokee, I’d be offended by the remarks he made.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you did, and that’s my opinion.

    He's an actual Cherokee. You're not. That's why I defer to his opinion on the subject and disregard yours. 

    You're whole defense is exactly why he wants this imagery removed.

  13. 3 hours ago, Hagar said:

    The letter says, “Ideations of savagery”?   Evidently, the head of the Cherokee Nation knows little of the history of the indigenous people of America.  By today’s standards, even the first European settlers were savages.   Most of the tribes in America fought constantly.   They were some of the most fierce fighting men anywhere in the world.  Prior to Europeans coming to America, Cherokee’s biggest enemy was the Iroquois.  There were, no doubt, constant battles.   The letter insinuates they were choirboys.

    Forgetting the PC aspects, most sports Mascots are something strong and dominating -  Vikings, Giants, Texans, Eagles.  IMO, it’s an honor to be named a Mascot.   That being said, if PNG has to change, please don’t use Bulldogs.  😂

    I think the head of the real Cherokee Nation knows more about indigenous people history than you.

  14. On 7/8/2020 at 5:08 PM, SmashMouth said:

    You are silly... Where does the money come from?

    We're the United States of America, aka as the biggest, baddest country to have ever have existed.  We can and do anything we want to. if we want to invade a country, no one can stop us. If we want to send checks to everyone in this country and businesses, we can do that. 

    Uncle Sam cut checks to the Native Americans (the Supreme Court just ruled that they own half of Oklahoma still and Tulsa,. of course they owned it, where did you think the OU football team got its name from!),  the Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. Unk can certainly run that check to us for building this joint.

    If he had only gave us our 40 acres and a mule 170 years ago and actually stopped the south from implementing Jim Crow, we wouldn't be having this conversation now

  15. 5 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    1.  I’m not claiming to know what Native Americans think... Santa is the one claiming that things are offensive to Native American as well as blacks people. Either he’s the first bi-racial Indian/black ever (because apparently they don’t like each other very much, lol), or he’s speaking out on something for which he has no basis. 
    2. “Leave the past in the past” they cry.... unless they want reparations. 

    The bottom line is this. The flag didn’t bother anybody way back around the time that PN got that letter from the Cherokees. People who were never oppressed decided to be offended by it in these modern times. 

    If I can’t possibly understand what the n-word means to black people, by the same token they can’t possibly understand what that flag means to Southerners. 

    The truth of the matter is that it isn’t just the rebel flag. It’s the American flag, the national anthem, the founding fathers, Christianity.... the left wants to destroy every single bit of it.  It’s not some crazy theory... they’ll scream it in your face. 

    You're getting some stuff mixed up. Repetitions is money due for work and services not paid for. 

    Whether we think the payments were fair, the United States has paid reparations to people it had wronged such as Native Americans (via reservation and the current Indian bureau), Chinese Americans, and Japanese Americans. Black people, nope, no payment. so it's not unreasonable to expect payment especially since this county benefited from 250 years of unpaid labor and another 120 years of Jim crow depressed wages.

    As for the Confederate flag, it's a traitors flag. The officers renounced their sworn commissions in the US Army to commit treason to fight against the United States so a rich few people could continue to own other people. The Confederacy and all the states in rebellion all stated in their constitution that they were committed to slavery and planned to expand it and they were fighting the United States to preserve slavery.

    Is that a heritage you want to honor? The right to own other people?  if you're gonna fly that flag, at least fly the right one. it's a blank white sheet. it's also known as the surrender flag. The KKK eventually adopted it as their wardrobe. Be better than that.

  16. 1 hour ago, SmashMouth said:

    I’ll agree, dressing up in “red face” shows huge respect. 

    Come on, they not doing that for real? If they are, that's trash. But I haven't lived in the area for years and I don't recall that the mascot did that. All I recall is it was just a boy with some purple paint cosplaying.

    I'm against the name, btw. I stated that much. There are plenty of good names out there that are non offensive.

    If wearing purple paint is considered red face, then they should probably drop the name and get up. I'm all for not offending people if it reasonable. If a native American says it's offensive, I'm going to go with what he /she said, not my feelings about the subject.

  17. Florida State has the approval from Seminole nation to be called the Seminoles. They check in every few years to see if it's ok. I also think they get a member of the tribe to actually ride on Renegade for the games. so there's no cultural appropriation.

    The NCAA made most of the schools get a letter form the tribe, or they had to change the name. Louisiana Monroe became the RedHawks and it hasn't hurt them a bit. Stanford used to be the Indians and now they are the Cardinal (color, not the bird, the mascot is a sycamore tree). They're alright.

    It might be a good idea to check in with the Cherokees again to see if their position has changed. But the term Indian is so generic, I doubt even a new letter is going to please everyone. 

    In PNG's defense, they do seem to have respect for the name and take care of the traditions.

    Naming a team after an ethnicity is not a good idea.  If Seattle got a new basketball team, no one would think it's a good idea to nickname them the Asians, no matter how respectfully you mean it. Probably better to stick to job descriptions or animals.

    The one nickname that gets me is the Kansas City Chiefs. They were named after the mayor of KC who convenced the team owners to move from Dallas. His nickname was The Chief.

    It had nothing to do with Indians to start with but now it's full blown Indian regalia.

    these are crazy times.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Ty Cobb said:

    Why did this young man bring up George Floyd? George Floyd was a criminal!!! Here is a quote from Candace Owens about this criminal that everyone seems to think was a hero.

    No one thinks that he should have died in his arrest, but what I find despicable to be is that everyone is pretending that this man lived a heroic lifestyle when he didn’t. …I refuse to accept the narrative that this person is a martyr or should be lifted up in the black community. …He has a rap sheet that is long, that is dangerous. He is an example of a violent criminal his entire life — up until the very last moment.” 

    Here’s George Floyd’s criminal activities before using counterfeit money. 


    This young man made a decision to transfer from one school to another and part of his reasoning is based on the life and death of a criminal. I don’t get it.



    George Floyd's so called criminal past has nothing to do with how he was handled during his last interaction with law enforcement. No one should have a knee thrust in their neck for nearly 9 minutes while three other officers look on, no matter what he might have been accused of.

    It's alleged he had a counterfeit bill. The worst that should have happened is take the bill for evidence and write the man a ticket.

    Do you have any sympathy for your fellow man? Did your heart not break seeing injustice? 

    A lot of people were stirred to righteous anger. We gotta a lot to fix in this country. Maybe momentum is on our side this time.

    BTW, Ty Cobb is a well known bigot in the baseball world. If there's a man who doesn't belong in Cooperstown for morality, it's him. Maybe you might want to switch your handle up before you get confused for him.

  19. If he wasn't going far away, I wish he was headed to Lamar. At least I'll get to see him twice a year.

    Talented kid. I hope he makes a lot of programs regret passing on him, including the one in Beaumont.

    If he was offered Lamar, I can't blame him for wanting to get away from home. Lake Charles is far enough away from Silsbee to force you to find new friends and grow out of your comfort zone. 

    A talented kid that grows up in your backyard, you at least gotta ask, even if they're dead set on leaving home.

  20. 3 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:


    That dude graduated. Nice kid off the field. 

    Lumberton did what it had to do to put the game out of reach. Remove some of the mistakes, maybe it's a different game.  And I acknowledge mistakes are a big part of the game.

    I just don't believe Lumberton is heads and above anyone in this district.

  21. Memorial has done a great job since it opened up. it also has been a small fish in a big pond, spending most of it's time playing in the now 6A where schools were often twice the size of the Titans. When PA had three school, the enrollments of their opponents were comparable. Lincoln was also blessed to have hall of fame level coaching and a few guys good enough to play basketball at the highest level.

    Coach Coleman did an excellent job to get the Titans to the promised land. That was a great group of kids and coaches and the town should be proud. The program is solid and most towns would be envious of the success they continue to have.

  22. On 7/4/2020 at 10:32 AM, SmashMouth said:

    Were you at that Lumberton v Livingston game?

    2-8 season

    0-5 in District 

    must have had a WHOLE LOT of “unforced errors”. 🤭

    I was there. I stand by what I said.

    Livingston was better than their record. And the Lumberton game was closer than the scoreboard indicated due to the errors by the Lions.

    Stupid holding penalties away from the action cost a lot of kickoff and punt return touchdowns last year. The QB will be better and they are by far the fastest team in district (a bit undersized though)

    If there's a season, they'll improve the win total, including in district. 

    I don't think anyone is going undefeated here, and no one is going to winless either.

    We're going to dealing with point spreads and coin tosses after Nov. 6 to figure out the district champ and playoff teams. 

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