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    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Miss Him Yet?   
    You just keep getting worse.
    No, 95% of that stuff was false. Trump was accused of being a racist easily over 100,000 times by the media in the first month of his tenure (very, very, VERY conservative estimate). And as you well know, it was a lie (a lie you brush off or just refuse to acknowledge). Just that fact alone should tell you about the media. It's is amazing and very disappointing that your hatred for the man blinds you from obvious facts.
    Just another tidbit on your wild claims brought on by TDS. White supremacists, the few left that you can find, universally supported Bush...according to the media, especially craphole racists like the Southern Poverty Law Center. Refute that fact! We currently have more members of BLM and Antifa than the KKK running wild in the United States. Which politician do they support? Will you chastise Biden/Dems for "accepting" (coveting) support of BLM. Please explain your rationale for blindness on one side. I have a feeling you are suffering from the racism of low expectations...except "racism" in this case are the Dems. I can accept that, but you have gone so overboard that it is embarrassing for you. Blind hatred would be laughable if it didn't affect such good people.
    It's amazing that you bring up Christianity to chastise Trump/supporters, but will refuse to acknowledge Biden and Dems "support" (or lack of) of Christianity. This is obvious. Why do you do this? See paragraph above.
    It is absolutely baffling that practically everything you show as support for your hatred of Trump is exemplified and personified twice as much by the Democrats. Having knowledge of this fact, you still attempt to chastise Trump and supporters, but turn a blind eye to worse behavior by Dems. See two paragraphs above. It's obvious. Your double standards are glaring.
    Now, let's address the power of the media. If I could convince the media to label you a pedophile, and the media capitulates by running this narrative 24/7, how long do you think you could last on this board? Truth doesn't matter. Your objections, past history, moral turpitude will be on trial. Social media will ban all dissenting viewpoints/evidence. Do you think you could survive? How fired up will your supporters, who know the truth, be to defend you? The answer is very, very obvious.
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    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Miss Him Yet?   
    It's really a shame that some refuse to see the big picture and evaluate who really deserves the blame. It really is a shame, and a huge, huge disappointment...because of the obvious.
  3. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Miss Him Yet?   
    Let's see: 95% to 99% non-stop negative coverage. Omission of coverage on positive things...even spun to make them negative. False accusations and flat out lies bombarding the airwaves 24/7. Nobody can survive that type of character assassination...not even the Pope. Trump deserves some credit for some negative coverage, but if he would have had fair and honest press coverage then he would have won in a land slide. But let's put all of the blame on one man's actions instead of the obvious "collusion" perpetrated by the media. "Obvious" is not nearly a strong enough word.
    I can predict it now. The next GOP presidential candidate will be label by the media as: racist, homophobic, a threat to LBGT (whatever the other letters are), a threat to all "minorities" (including women), misogynistic, a firm supporter of White supremacy, a bully, zenophobic, etc. This will be true despite the race or gender of the candidate. Anyone want to take this bet? This is the Democrat playbook, executed to the hilt against Trump. And it worked. We actually have intelligent people right here on this very board that fell for the character assassination. The Dems will continue this strategy. So again, would anyone like to bet on whether these accusations will be levied? (This bet coming from someone that doesn't gamble.)
  4. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Chester86 in Miss Him Yet?   
    Let's see: 95% to 99% non-stop negative coverage. Omission of coverage on positive things...even spun to make them negative. False accusations and flat out lies bombarding the airwaves 24/7. Nobody can survive that type of character assassination...not even the Pope. Trump deserves some credit for some negative coverage, but if he would have had fair and honest press coverage then he would have won in a land slide. But let's put all of the blame on one man's actions instead of the obvious "collusion" perpetrated by the media. "Obvious" is not nearly a strong enough word.
    I can predict it now. The next GOP presidential candidate will be label by the media as: racist, homophobic, a threat to LBGT (whatever the other letters are), a threat to all "minorities" (including women), misogynistic, a firm supporter of White supremacy, a bully, zenophobic, etc. This will be true despite the race or gender of the candidate. Anyone want to take this bet? This is the Democrat playbook, executed to the hilt against Trump. And it worked. We actually have intelligent people right here on this very board that fell for the character assassination. The Dems will continue this strategy. So again, would anyone like to bet on whether these accusations will be levied? (This bet coming from someone that doesn't gamble.)
  5. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Two More Weeks! Two More Weeks! (*Lock Her Up*)   
    Another worthless post meant only to deride. Do you take pleasure in derailing your own topic? Do you think we should put any stock in the analysis of someone thoroughly debilitated by TDS?
  6. Haha
    Englebert reacted to mat in Vaccination Food For Thought   
    I know this is controversial 
    but I am 100% in support 
    of mandatory vacations
    for everyone and booster vacations
    every four months.
    Sorry if this offends anyone. 
  7. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from 5GallonBucket in Vaccination Food For Thought   
    Me too.
    I'm also for mandating a strict, healthy food regime for everyone. Have you noticed all of those fat slobs in the doctors office. I have to wait for hours to see the doctor because of these idiots. Let's force them to eat healthy. Ban meat. Ban dairy. Ban everything unhealthy in the name of protecting me, my family, my loved ones, and of course, our fearless political leaders. We need an "Operation Warp Speed" diet commission to produce a pill that those idiots must take so they will be healthy and will not fill up the hospitals. I hate looking at those disgusting people. They need to be forced into submission.
    I'm also in favor of mandatory exercise for these disgusting slobs. If you cannot show a body/fat ratio test that falls within a government mandated acceptable range, you cannot enter a restaurant. You cannot enter any public workplace. You cannot board a plane. I don't want to be forced to pay extra fuel costs trickled down into the cost of my plane ticket due to these fatties.
    Let's also mandate masks, year round, in all public and private places. I can't stand when these people cough or sneeze within 50 feet of me while not wearing a mask. Some of these disgusting people have the nerve to enter a grocery store during flu season...while I'm there. Don't these idiots realize they are spreading their disgusting germs in my presence. Mandatory masks will solve this problem. Of course we will need a federal commission to study how many masks these filthies must wear. I'm guessing 2 for first offense, 5 for second offense. The third offense should result in stapling the masks to their face.
    We must also control procreation. We, and every fellow enlightened one can agree, surely don't want these disgusting people spitting out more vile copies of themselves. Our leaders must mandate who can reproduce, and with who. This will greatly improve my future, as well as everyone I care about. I voted these political leaders into office. Their job is to protect me from those who make bad health choices in life.
    Luckily I, and our leaders are "sophisticated" and do not need to follow these rules. But those disgusting people must conform. So yes, I'm on board. Let's mandate the unwashed masses until they conform or die. The Earth will be a much better place once we get rid of the people that won't obey. Once we get rid of the unintelligent degenerates, then we can have a more scientific debate on what is healthy for the rest of us. 
  8. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Chester86 in Vaccination Food For Thought   
    Me too.
    I'm also for mandating a strict, healthy food regime for everyone. Have you noticed all of those fat slobs in the doctors office. I have to wait for hours to see the doctor because of these idiots. Let's force them to eat healthy. Ban meat. Ban dairy. Ban everything unhealthy in the name of protecting me, my family, my loved ones, and of course, our fearless political leaders. We need an "Operation Warp Speed" diet commission to produce a pill that those idiots must take so they will be healthy and will not fill up the hospitals. I hate looking at those disgusting people. They need to be forced into submission.
    I'm also in favor of mandatory exercise for these disgusting slobs. If you cannot show a body/fat ratio test that falls within a government mandated acceptable range, you cannot enter a restaurant. You cannot enter any public workplace. You cannot board a plane. I don't want to be forced to pay extra fuel costs trickled down into the cost of my plane ticket due to these fatties.
    Let's also mandate masks, year round, in all public and private places. I can't stand when these people cough or sneeze within 50 feet of me while not wearing a mask. Some of these disgusting people have the nerve to enter a grocery store during flu season...while I'm there. Don't these idiots realize they are spreading their disgusting germs in my presence. Mandatory masks will solve this problem. Of course we will need a federal commission to study how many masks these filthies must wear. I'm guessing 2 for first offense, 5 for second offense. The third offense should result in stapling the masks to their face.
    We must also control procreation. We, and every fellow enlightened one can agree, surely don't want these disgusting people spitting out more vile copies of themselves. Our leaders must mandate who can reproduce, and with who. This will greatly improve my future, as well as everyone I care about. I voted these political leaders into office. Their job is to protect me from those who make bad health choices in life.
    Luckily I, and our leaders are "sophisticated" and do not need to follow these rules. But those disgusting people must conform. So yes, I'm on board. Let's mandate the unwashed masses until they conform or die. The Earth will be a much better place once we get rid of the people that won't obey. Once we get rid of the unintelligent degenerates, then we can have a more scientific debate on what is healthy for the rest of us. 
  9. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in 2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?   
    I agree with pretty much all of this. But what is really stranger than the people that worship Trump, is the people that despise Trump. According to the election results, the people that hate Trump far outnumber the people who love him. So why do the worshippers get all the negative publicity, but the haters get a pass? (Rhetorical question...we know why.)
  10. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in 2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?   
    Wow, are you actually trying to use an off-handed remark meant for amusement as some sort of evidence to justify your contempt for Trump. I guess that is the result of blind hatred...and a lot of hatred exists. Far more hatred than love.
  11. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in 2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?   
    Is "blind loyalty" akin to "blind hatred"? Which is worse? Which side has a majority of the afflicted?
    It's sometimes fun (and simplistic) to put people in a box with a label when one doesn't understand their reasoning processes. But blind loyaty and blind hatred both lead to deranged analysis, and both can lead to very bad outcomes...a la Biden. Who won the election with a record number of votes?
  12. Like
    Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan in 2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?   
    Hitler? Blind loyalty?  Good grief!
    I would vote for Trump hands down again if I had the chance, not out of undying loyalty (I don't even like the guy) but because I like the way the country was going when he was in office as opposed to what we have now.
    Is what happened at the capitol worse that what's happening in Afghanistan and at the border?
    I'll answer...no.
  13. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in 2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?   
    I don't know who the next Republican presidential nominee will be, but we already know a few things about him/her. The nominee will be racist (even if he is Black), will be misogynistic (even if she's a woman), will be xenophobic, will hate immigrants, will hate gay/transgender people, and will hate anyone that fits into a minority category. These are undeniable certainties. I hope the next nominee gets banned from social media in order to protect those who levy these accusations. We don't want the next candidate to be labeled a bully. That will surely turn off the "moderates" and doom the candidacy. 
  14. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Reagan in How To Steal An Election!   
    How about this: Trump tried to drain the swamp, but was being stifled by both parties. You forget the fourth, and most obvious choice. Somehow even you (LOL) didn't know what the most obvious choice was...obviously.
  15. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in Hamshire-Fannett 41 Splendora 21/FINAL   
    HF 41  Splendora 21   Final
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    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in Hamshire-Fannett 41 Splendora 21/FINAL   
    HF 27  Splendora 14   End of 3rd
  17. Thanks
    Englebert reacted to Hagar in Hamshire-Fannett 41 Splendora 21/FINAL   
    Oh wow.  Them horns are Longhorns.
  18. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Reagan in California Recall Election - 350,000 Votes Disappeared   
    Are you serious? Really? A simple internet search will give you all of the Liberal talking points you feed on, showing their defiance to the commission. I actually applaud every state that refused to hand over personal information. But this also doomed the commission. So be it. Voter fraud exists. To what scale...nobody knows. 
    It's hard for me to fathom that you had no idea that most states refused to cooperate. Even the most ill-informed of the politically blind knew this information. I'm guessing your "peanut brain" verses "big brain" comment is ringing loud and hollow about now. Since a simple internet search is either too hard or beyond the scope of your capabilities (either is plausible), here's the results of the first few links when I wasted 3 seconds of my life to revisit a common topic. I'm guessing you will attack the source now...but then again.

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  19. Like
    Englebert got a reaction from Hagar in California Recall Election - 350,000 Votes Disappeared   
    Are you serious? Really? A simple internet search will give you all of the Liberal talking points you feed on, showing their defiance to the commission. I actually applaud every state that refused to hand over personal information. But this also doomed the commission. So be it. Voter fraud exists. To what scale...nobody knows. 
    It's hard for me to fathom that you had no idea that most states refused to cooperate. Even the most ill-informed of the politically blind knew this information. I'm guessing your "peanut brain" verses "big brain" comment is ringing loud and hollow about now. Since a simple internet search is either too hard or beyond the scope of your capabilities (either is plausible), here's the results of the first few links when I wasted 3 seconds of my life to revisit a common topic. I'm guessing you will attack the source now...but then again.

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    Englebert got a reaction from baddog in Nederland ‘Smash Room’   
    The evidence that smashing, destroying items is therapeutical is an overwhelmingly "no". Rage is one of the least likely determinants of depression leading to suicide. Most suicidal people are not looking for revenge or driven by rage. There is zero evidence that allowing suicidal people to vent their frustrations will alleviate the psychosis. Simplifying the dynamics of causation of suicide to simple "rage" in need of release has no scientific support. Since I don't possess the master level of persuasion, I apologize for resorting to repetition to make my point. 
  21. Haha
    Englebert reacted to Derf Nosneb in What good have biden and the democrats done?   
    Breaking news today out of Kabul,
    The Taliban announced it is opening an Army surplus store in downtown Kabul.
    They are calling it Traitor Joes...
  22. Haha
    Englebert reacted to baddog in This Board Needs....   
    One day, a very gentle Texas lady was driving across a high bridge in Austin.
    As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a young man fixin’ to jump.  ("fixin" in Texas means:  has the means or abilities to take action)
    She stopped her car, rolled down the window and said, "Please don't jump! Think of your dear mother and father."
    He replied, "My mom and dad are both dead; I'm going to jump."
    She said, "Well, think of your sweet wife and precious children."
    He replied, "I'm not married, and I don't have any kids."
    She said, "Well, then you just remember the Alamo."
    He replied, ''What's the Alamo?''
    She replied, ‘’Well, bless your heart!  You just go ahead and jump you little Yankee Democrat Bastard.. You’re holding up traffic.”
  23. Like
    Englebert reacted to bullets13 in Texas: a step in the right direction   
    I think this is spot on.  I also think most people who are pro-life (and pro-choice, for that matter), are not willing to put their money where their mouth is.  Not too many folks out there are donating money to those causes, or tithing 10% (or even close to that) to allow churches afford to help out.  We live in a very selfish society these days, where everyone has strong opinions, but not many people back it up with charitable actions.  I may be on the opposite side of the abortion debate as you, but I would definitely prefer this be the answer to the problem.  
  24. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Ty Cobb in What good have biden and the democrats done?   
    Don't forget making us dependent on foreign countries for our oil supplies.
  25. Thanks
    Englebert got a reaction from Ty Cobb in What good have biden and the democrats done?   
    InMagaTrust logic: call everyone dumb then whine when someone responds in kind.
    Do you think anyone takes you serious when you post? Why do you waste everyone's time with useless and irrelevant posts? You are genuinely childish.
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