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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Sorry you can't decipher the meaning of my post due to the elevated intelligence level. I thought even you could comprehend such goo-goo gaa-gaa and give a cogent retort, but I was oh so wrong. I apologize for not having the ability to sink to a lower depth for you. Maybe the good folks at Smoaky can accommodate your unbridled need for motherese.
  2. It's like dealing with a kindergartner...that's immature. Is that even possible? I guess so...we've just witnessed it. It's just amazing that you continue with the charade that you have a clue. Who am I to keep you from embarrassing yourself even further. Let's keep going. You smell bad. Babies admire your ability to fill your diaper to capacity on que. Psychologists are baffled in the fact that they have never seen a negative IQ until you. And your mama is fat. (Sometimes it is fun to mock people using their same strategies.) Your turn. I guess you will laughingly interpret my response as anger. When does this stop being funny and start being sad for you. I'm pretty sure we've already passed that point. Luckily I have my Liberal cap on which means I have no compassion for you. So again, your turn.
  3. I've stated over and over on this board that I had adopted a Liberal tactic when dealing with Liberals. It's shameful I know, but it's also somewhat fun exposing the likes of people like you. Oops, that wasn't very Liberal of me. I actually answered a question without running. I guess my hypocrisy can only go so far. What's your excuse? Do you like your natural state of oblivion?
  4. You whine incessantly. You accuse others of doing what you are guilty of. Your arrogance shows no bounds. You use childish insults and sexual innuendos to deflect when you get called out. LIBERAL!
  5. You've shown your lack of intelligence already...why do you keep doubling down?
  6. Your comprehension is atrocious. The comment putting lipstick on a pig means someone is trying to conceal a true identity. You post like a Liberal then claim you are not a Liberal. Your interpretation is, well, I don't even know. I'll have to get an elementary kid to try to interpret it...since it is on their level. Why do you even try? Are you not aware of the embarrassment you have brought upon yourself? I'm guessing you've tried this tactic on Smoaky, and like all of us on this board, they all laughed at your mundane and mind-numbingly childishness. At least you are consistent. Keep showing us your intelligence and we will keep laughing.
  7. Again, sexual innuendos. Now even the elementary kids are laughing at your lack of intelligence. Run, little one, run. You make accusations then deflect when called on to defend you position. You've were called out, but still continue to employ the mindless tactic. I have a feeling this is your natural state. Own it.
  8. You can put lipstick on a pig...
  9. You are the one whining like a little baby. I'm having fun watching you melt. Too bad you can't see yourself...you'd be laughing too.
  10. Yes, reading comprehension is fundamental and apparently foreign to you. You said: I asked you to name who you thought seemed scared of Liberals..i.e you. It's a shame I have to go to these lengths to explain basics to you. Are you acting dumb to deflect from the fact that you can't answer your own accusation, or are you just acting natural?
  11. No you didn't. Your goal was to come on here and dumb it down. That's the only thing people like you can do. Insult then run. We have seen it all too often.
  12. You whine like a little baby when we use your Liberals tactics against you. Who do you think is scared of you? Please enlightened us. This should be good for at least a chuckle. Then again, I'm fairly certain you will either bail or deflect with another personal insult. What'cha got?
  13. I've read your posts. Again, it's obvious to everyone you have nothing intelligent to say. Nice retort. Elementary kids liked it. Middle schoolers deemed it childish. Way to prove my point. Sexual innuendos are all you can muster. How shameful for you. But how would you ever know. Too bad we do.
  14. When was the last time you had an intelligent thought? Ever? This could go on for days, although the breadth of your retorts will never reach 7th grade level. Way to kill another topic.
  15. Look at you plagarizing UTAlum's potty mouth. Way to bring your own special brand of disgusting to the conversation.
  16. Watch out, UTAlum will start trying to attack you for "ad hominem" posts. Or he will accuse you of that sexual innuendo he so flagrantly tosses around. Don't worry, his attacks are on your same level...which inteprets to "not very good", so nothing to worry about. Then again, he fancies you as "on his side" so he will give you a pass. It's fun calling out Liberals on their Liberal ways.
  17. Fire away. I used to partake in "your mama jokes" back in the day. I had the gumption to understand them for what they were. You don't seem to possess this ability. You might want to seek help with your personal demons. (I laughed at that last line. Everyone knows you are using your faux indignation for personal attacks. It's cute how you try.) Please explain how ad hominem attacks are not your go-to move. I parrot your attacks and you get riled up. If you could meet yourself you would spend hours lecturing you on your own bad behavior. I would love to be around to witness that. Comedic gold!
  18. Blah, blah blah. You are guilty of your own charge. I'm "leaving them be". Your faux outrage at my comment is very comical. You're a condescending, manipulative person who is not bright enough to realize it, but thinks he is being "special". You are funny, even though you don't know it.
  19. Again, why would someone get pissed off at that line. You can't argue your point because it is too pathetic. It's obvious that you have nothing intelligent to say, but I encourage you to continue. It's funny watching your type lecture someone on how to act civilly while simultaneously insulting them. Between you, UTAlum, and MagaManTrust, y'all can spew some mighty righteous indignation on the lack of proper etiquette immediately after negatively stereotyping every member on this board. It's funny that y'all are too blind to see your own hypocrisy. It is also hilarious that y'all attempt to debase me for the audacity of adopting your own practices. And y'all can't even see it once called out. Hilarious to all that can see.
  20. What part of my post should piss someone off because their parents are dead? He's using a benign statement for an attack. And like another simpleton you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Congrats on showing your "intelligence". Pretty pathetic isn't it?
  21. Another fail...but thanks for the entertainment. I literally got a chuckle from this one. The comedy continues.
  22. We couldn't expect any less of a response from you. Your attempt at intellectual retorts is just too comical. At least you try. Why is a mystery. What was the topic of this thread? Oh yeah, ad hominem. Kudos for sticking to the topic.
  23. You never fail to dumb down the conversation...and hilariously add unfounded "arrogance" to boot. Too bad you didn't live 100 years ago...when people paid to laugh at freaks. You could have joined the Barnum and Baily circus, getting paid to spew your special kind of "intelligence". The laughter would have been worth the price of admission.
  24. What a pathetic rant. You are guilty of exactly this, but place blame on others. Very typical and oh so sad. You hear that a lot don't you. It's hard to believe we have to endure the wrath of an angry man that has no focus or direction...just spews hate randomly. Imagine if someone like you got into a place of power. Oh how sorry the lives of the peasants would soon get. As pathetic as this rant is, it still rates as entertainment for the board. It's comical to have another "brainiac" of limited intelligence telling all of us peons how inferior we are. Ask MagaManTrust about this...he is definitely an expert. Imagine a kindergartner snapping at his teacher...telling that teacher how dumb he is. That is a pretty accurate picture of your antics. Bless your little heart (another line I bet you hear regularly).
  25. What are you trying to say? Just state it! What bias am I showing? Talk about classic. Rants of an angry man leading to nothing. Let's string together a few stories of evil then call the reader names and attempt to degrade him for perceiving to not care about random acts. Now that is classic. Your parents are ashamed! I know mine would be if I tried this crap. It's pretty obvious you want to say something but don't have the intelligence or guts to say it. Yes, "sad". Very say, but oh so typical.
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